Bavaria is probably the most "German" german region. That's where all the lederhosen stereotypes come from.
Basically it's the Texas of Germany. Old school, religious, and conservative.
Edit: in the very rural parts, they even have their own dialect that to some Germans is almost completely unintelligible. I realized this when I took German language classes in high school in the USA and what they were having me learn was very much NOT the way my Bavarian mother spoke to me. It felt kind of irritating when they told me I was pronouncing things wrong and my grammar was wrong when I fuckin' lived there as a child and spoke it fluently.
I'm going to create a distro where EVERYTHING including your web browser is launched through systemd and it's built from nothing but snaps, just for you guys. I'll call it "Oops! All snaps."
The person I saw desperately hiding behind their car and shot and killed from three feet away by a Hamas fighter did not look to me to be an IDF soldier. They were deliberately targeted, not "caught in a crossfire". Videos don't lie.
Due to my exposure on the Internet, I've begun to take on some phrases and things from other English-speaking countries that I like. "Can't be fucked" is one of my favorites for when I'm too lazy to do something.
When I was 10, all games looked like Minecraft's textures. And you can forget 3D. And the controllers were square-edged bricks that left stinging blisters in your sweaty palms after 12 hours of Super Mario 3. And the flickering CRT leaving your eyes dry as a desert with a pounding headache. Those were the days let me tell you.
But you know what we also had? Instant loading times, no waiting on updates, and no lootboxes.
This isn't just a boomer thing. I know damn well half my schoolmates in the 90s preferred to walk around blind as fuck than be "uncool" and wear glasses. I'd see them sneak them out of their cases to read something on the chalkboard real quick and then tuck them away.
when someone starts reminding me how old some of my favorite things from when I was younger are (
Twitter, Reddit, Unity, Blizzard... who else? (
Comic sans. (
ba dum tss (
the way it is (
I'm probably going to get a lot of explanations in the comments (
But it's all about convenience (
Urban Warfare (
The correct civilians to slaughter (
And video games made me a monsterfucker (
I mean where are the zipties keeping things secured? It's a mess (
I noticed after zooming in (
Even soil needs a little TLC sometimes. (
Sorry for the shitty cropping - this was sent to me like this
Focus (
You shall not pass! (
More people died by the spear than the sword, and if you don't like my opinion, I'll shove it up your ass with sharp stick! (
That's some good shit (
I was around during the stone age of the internet (
I remember getting AOL CDs in my box of apple jacks
literally no clue (
every time ( (
Boomers be like (