All I’m saying is that there’s a logical breakdown at play. Any argument in favor of “the environment” had to be based on the value of individual life. I’m not even saying that we shouldn’t be moderating our population growth, we should. I’m just saying the environmentally friendly angle is a logically strange argument, from first principles.
As does every other life form, given the chance. We are the only one, that we know of, which even has a concept of conservation. We have the power to consciously regulate our behavior.
In the end, my point is that either life is valuable for its own sake, including humans, or it isn’t, including the rest of the ecosystem. Any philosophy which posits that the existence of other life forms is more valid than that of humans is foundationally inconsistent. I’m certainly not saying that human life is more valid than others, but either life is valid or out isn’t. Humans aren’t special one way or the other.
I’ll go first. Mine is that I can’t stand the Deadpool movies. They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree. It’s like being continually reminded that I am in a movie. I swear the success of that movie has directly lead to every blockbuster having to have a joke every 30 seconds
Primer and The Man from Earth are two of my all time favorite films. Production value is nice and all, but an interesting idea explored well wins every time for me.
Suggestion: Please only post one title, if the title already posted in comments than instead of reposting it again just upvote it. But you are welcome to talk about this titles in more detail. Thank you for participating. (This is not a rule!)...
My favorite movie about time travel is Back to the Future, but the movie that I think did time travel best is Primer. If time travel works, it’s probably like that.
I used to regularly snooze my alarm which i had set for 7:00, however recently i have noticed that i directly wake up by my alarm at 7:10 and don’t remember snoozing my alarm!...
91, 118,119, 134/182(332),163, 291, 313, 340, 416, 445. That’s just on the first 5 pages. For bonus, consider every submission which isn’t itself just the flag design (e.g. 4, 6, 32, 96, etc) as, itself, the flag design.
Huh. I was pretty sure Gunshow predated Oglaf, but I just looked it up and Oglaf actually started a month and a half before Gunshow. Still, wild that it was that close.
One of mine is when I finish wrapping my hair up tightly in the towel to dry after washing, I whack the towel where it’s tucked in, kind of like encouragement to stay tucked for the duration, kinda like a coach does when sending the kids onto the playing field.
Same. I figure out the most efficient way of doing something, and do it that way every time forever. Until I learn a more efficient way, which becomes the new way I do it forever.
Other than Lemmy, what are you doing tonight?
Im buzzed and looking for inspiration, whatcha up to?
Gotta stay grounded. (
Sorry guys, we had a good run (
Merry-go-round of terror. (
Soulmate - Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (
Source: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Soulmate...
ProtoTwitter (
What is your unpopular flim opinion
I’ll go first. Mine is that I can’t stand the Deadpool movies. They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree. It’s like being continually reminded that I am in a movie. I swear the success of that movie has directly lead to every blockbuster having to have a joke every 30 seconds
Out of all the cars you've owned, which one holds a special place in your heart as the absolute favourite.
Shamelessly stolen from /r/askreddit.
What is your favorite time travel movie or show?
Suggestion: Please only post one title, if the title already posted in comments than instead of reposting it again just upvote it. But you are welcome to talk about this titles in more detail. Thank you for participating. (This is not a rule!)...
Hey now you're a rock star (
Anyone else no longer remember snoozing their alarm?
I used to regularly snooze my alarm which i had set for 7:00, however recently i have noticed that i directly wake up by my alarm at 7:10 and don’t remember snoozing my alarm!...
I'll do it tomorrow I swear (
I can still hear every sound including the error at the end... (
Wholesome submission (
Nicky-Boo What's the Matter with you? (
And now, for a very important message…
New Subclass dropped [KC Green] (
KC Green/Gunsow Source Links:...
A Real Adult (
Source: Goat To Self
What's your weird physical habit?
One of mine is when I finish wrapping my hair up tightly in the towel to dry after washing, I whack the towel where it’s tucked in, kind of like encouragement to stay tucked for the duration, kinda like a coach does when sending the kids onto the playing field.
That’s it, that’s the whole meme. (
Cyber woman with corn
AI can generate memes now. This could potentially lead to a new robot-communist era. (