I thought about a lot of variants, but I stopped at a gas can, a simple device to make the gas out and a basic tripod to weight a pot over it. If they have it, they can boil water for tea or just clean water, food bought in bulk in a grocery store, to wash themselves.
It greatly depends on what they have for now. Maybe a tent is in more priority if they don’t have one, or even something to lay on.
No problem, really. Even better, reading it now can bring you even better experience and understanding of these themes. I didn’t have it in my school’s curriculum and I read it in my 20s, and I don’t believe I’ve exhausted it at that time in my life. There’s something magic sense in his prose I do feel I won’t find until I have me hairs completely gray. So I find it perfectly okay to reread it and maybe find new thoughts you haven’t got before to enrich thyself. See if you can give it a chance. In some contexts it just huts different.
Fuvk that shit. Being awake with horror and a running heart, in a sweat, having your hands and feet bang the bed like you did indeed fell. It’s so uncomfortable.
Right sidebar —> Settings —> Hide read posts switch.
See if it’s your case.
If I’m to think long about some answers, I put them in a different notes app and save post\comment, or just add edits to the end of my comments after posting it.
The latest case I recall is them helping Saudis to kill Jamal Khashoggi. While the killing was on Saudis, AUE put Pegasus on their phones and later detained a lawyer on this case, an american citizen.
One of the things Tumblr did better than everyone else. It’s chained reblogs don’t resize the original post and you can watch the chain in chronological order. You could’ve seen it in screencaps made there. Sometimes it leads to really cool random collabs.