Hasn’t evolutionary psychology been heavily debunked at this point?
No. On the most basic level it shouldn’t really be terribly contentious that evolution has an impact on psychology, on a more detailed level, well, they have their hits and misses just as every other field.
Patriarchal conditioning makes way more sense than
…case in point “everything is socially constructed” is just as bonkers a position as “everything is biologically predetermined”. Why do people have to universalise their specialised area of investigation and “caveman brain HATE competing with woman!” is a rather cartoonish take on evolutionary psychology. If anything it’d be “young male annoyed he can’t hunt for shit while female age-peer can because he wouldn’t be able to provide for her while heavily pregnant”. Note that not being annoyed in that case doesn’t require better hunting skills, only sufficient ones, and “annoyed” can lead to “will work harder on his skills” or “is going to lash out” or “becomes depressive and walks into the desert” or “is going to look around, see all those capable hunters, and focus on hut building instead”. There’s a fuckton of behavioural flexibility left there.
Bad social conditioning then comes into that and shapes tendencies into caricatures of themselves, or good social conditioning comes in and, well, does good things. It’s not an either/or thing, pretty much everything is both nature and nurture.
“Withdrawal” can be really misleading, here, because it was very much not disengagement aka leaving Gaza alone: The moved the prison guards from inside the strip to the wall surrounding it and then closed the gate and enacted a blockade, for 16 years straight now. About 50% of Gazans are 18 or under, growing up under those conditions, 80% are reliant on humanitarian aid.
You can certainly make arguments that an arms blockade is warranted. But concrete? Starving the city of water? Yeah that’s very much not leaving people alone.
The thing about fork bombs that it’s not particular process which takes up all the resources, they’re all doing nothing in a minimal amount of space. You could say “ok this group of processes is using a lot of resources” and kill it but then you’re probably going to take down the whole user session as the starting point is not trivial to establish. Though I guess you could just kill all shells connected to the fork morass, won’t fix the general case but it’s a start. OTOH I don’t think kernel devs are keen on special-case solutions.
The limitation isn’t really arbitrary once you put a processor in in long mode (64 bit) it can’t do Virtual 8086 Mode any more. One of those things AMD did when designing 64-bit mode to clean up that particular can of hysterical raisins.
…also, even back in the days processors were fast enough to run that old stuff under DOSEMU. Which you probably want to do anyway as you don’t have a Roland MT-32.
Oh, EDIT: I had once fullscreen issues under wine, and that was Witcher 3, not the current upgrade the older one: Alt-tabbing away worked perfectly, but the game didn’t properly recognise that it had lost and re-gained focus, refusing to go out of pause. Switching fullscreen mode in-game (fullscreen to borderless or the other way around) fixed that.
Wayland is way better with fullscreen than x11, btw, especially considering that there’s still the occasional SDL1 game around, those will right-out switch your video mode and disable alt+tab.
Back in the 00s, when you told Windows to sort a big directory by modified date or so it would take ages, but be faster when you scrolled up and down. That’s still the case. Presumably that’s because explorer will launch more concurrent “get file metadata” tasks. Overall it’s still slow, though.
It’s actually not NTFS’s fault, but explorer: Nushell gets file metadata in at most 1/100th of the time (the sorting itself is negligible), Linux is still faster at handling NTFS than windows even then, though, nushell on windows is merely fast enough to not be annoying.
There’s it again. What, precisely, is it that makes Linus’ comment “abusive”? Is he gaslighting? Is he attacking Mauro over what he is? All I see is calling out, harshly, what Mauro did, behaviour that actually occurred and that is not acceptable and that Mauro knows is not acceptable. “We do not break userspace” is the rule #1 of Linux development, Mauro ignored it and was a dick about it.
Or do you disagree with the tone of the whole thing. Things like “Shut up” instead of “This is not up for discussion”. If so, then please for the love of the gods please shut up.
The one thing they’re missing, which honestly shouldn’t happen on at least desktop distros, is the system becoming unresponsive under memory pressure because before the kernel decides to kill off anything it rather swaps its own data structures out to disk, grinding everything to such a crawl that it’s indistinguishable from a complete freeze.
The solution is early OOM, which is more aggressive at killing things off and it honestly should be installed and activated by default.
Not an issue in Europe. Though granted the US would probably need to replace their fire trucks with sanely-sized ones. You also don’t need to haul a big-ass ladder in a low-density area what’s your plan use it to do a header into a suburban pool.
Regarding response time absence of gridlock will be more important than the last hundred metres on a residential street, consider investing in public transportation, walkable cities, and generally everything that abolishes owning and using a car being mandatory.
Base 2 based displays and calling them kilobytes date back to the 1960s. Way before the byte was standardised to be eight bits (and according to network engineers it still isn’t you still see new RFCs using “octet”).
Granted though harddisks seem to have been base-10 based from the very beginning, with the IBM 350 storing five million 6-bit bytes. Window’s history isn’t in that kind of hardware though but CP/M and DOS, and (page 10):
Displays the filename and size in kilobytes (1024 bytes).
Then, speaking of operating systems with actual harddrive support: In Unix ls -lh seems to be universally base-2 based (GNU has –si to switch which I think noone ever uses). -h (and -k) are non-standard, you won’t find them in POSIX (default is to print raw number of bytes, no units).
Germany keeps good statistics on it, the tl;dr is early loss of virginity peaked around the turn of the millennium, and has been steadily going down since then. The sexual revolution never got questioned in Germany once it was through (sadly, you can’t annoy reverends by kissing in front of their church, any more), no “abstinence only” sex “education” to be found anywhere. The by far overwhelming reason kids cited is “didn’t yet find the right one”, only exception being girls with immigrant background, there it’s “am still too young”, though that number is falling towards “didn’t yet find the right one”.
Not on that page but when being given a couple of choices saying “which of these things would be a calamity for you right now, and how bad” something like 99% of girls respond with “pregnancy would be the worst”. Teen abortion rates are still very low (at least for a country not caught up in Catholic morals) but that’s due to low pregnancy rates in the first place combined with extensive support thrown at teen couples.
Social status and exclusivity plays into it in practice, for sure, in a right-out fetishistic sense: Like there’s chefs who have onions chopped so fine, using a special technique (not the usual chef technique you see) that they melt in the sauce, very labour-intensive. Now, having the onions melt into the sauce is a nice and valid thing, however, why in the everloving fuck aren’t you using a blender. Even if there’s a difference, which all my experience tells me there isn’t, it’s going to have such a minimal return on investment it’s utterly pointless but as an exercise in exclusivity.
Also I like my potato mash chunky but that’s another topic.
Because of the health inspector, yes. The restaurant critic, now disgraced for having talked up an “unsanitary” restaurant, is eating at the new place, happy as a clam.
The social status and renown that comes with haute cuisine indeed is unimportant, it’s the food that’s important.