Roads are typically 2 lanes one in each direction. You already know this because you said a solution would be to remove the lane marker.
I’m someone else.
So you have a road with an elementary school, and 2 miles further down is a middle school. Even without that you have buses passing each other during pickup because busses only pickup kids on one side of the street so you don’t have young kids crossing roads.
Lots of questions here: Why can’t kids walk 500m to the next bus stop? Why are streets so unsafe so that kids can’t cross them?
Why assume that there’s no larger road in between those smaller roads? Roads generally form a hierarchy, you have big ones feeding into middle ones feeding into small ones. Small ones should absolutely be safe to cross, also without explicit crossings, because they’re traffic calmed and don’t have much traffic in the first place. That’s where houses and schools are, where there’s no through-traffic because even if they aren’t cul de sacs who would drive through a road you can’t drive fast on when there’s a mid-level road that you could take.
What do you call a section of inner city bounded on all sides by a road in your country?
Straßenblock. Let me put it differently: We don’t have grids and nothing is regular. This is about as grid-y as it gets and if you zoom in you’ll notice that the interior streets have no lane markers and some even are cobbled. Those connect to a street ( south, Hallerstraße) with bike lanes (don’t need those on smaller streets because there’s not enough traffic to warrant them), which connects to a four-lane (plus bus lane) street, Grindelalle, west. The intersection looks a bit crazy but it’s actually safe for pedestrians and you should’ve learned how to cross streets safely and what traffic lights are in Kindergarten. You’ve also been there with your parents (going shopping or whatever) a lot of times, nothing scary really. That kind of density and housing is probably illegal to build where you are (it’s illegal pretty much everywhere in the US and Canada).
And mind you Hamburg is awful when it comes to urbanism, way too car-centric. Not because of lack of public transport but because politicians are unwilling to kill off car traffic and the whole city is full of rich fucks with too much disposable income.
But the Epicureans also denied that virtue is primary in achieving eudaimonia and from a Stoic POV, that’s just a cardinal sin. Due to the Stoics is also the idea of animals being self-aware as well as cosmopolitanism and the absolutely unheard of notion that women have the same mental faculties as men and thus should also enjoy education.
But really, all the “Figuring out how to be like Sokrates” schools of philosophy were highly productive.
Smart watches tend to be microcontroller class devices because even though you can fit something powerful in there, powering it and heat dissipation make it silly.
The usual embedded-type application for wayland that it’s even especially designed for is automotive: Things without window management but not particularly hardware-restrained. Also think public transit ticket machines, ATMs, such things. In that sense, from wayland’s perspective android is already desktop.
All even half-way relevant architectures but x86 and z/Architecture are RISC nowadays: ARM, Power, MIPS (The Chinese tried to revitalise it but they seem to be switching to RISC-V), Atmel AVR. Oh speaking of microcontrollers: Z80 (CISC) still lives though arguably it’s genetically an x86. And then of course RISC-V which most of all is an open standard, and a clean slate. Also, the first vector insn set that also runs on hardware that isn’t a supercomputer.
The thing that rolling release distros are good for is sanitising upstream when it comes to version compatibility. Gentoo was infamous for that, sooo many things back then were bug-compatible with each other because all other distros would lock versions down and only care about their one particular combination.
and I don’t think there are is any good rationale that warrants such behavior
For one, the boss setting the tone as to include “shut up” means that you won’t get written up for responding in a similar register. It allows for emotionality, instead of burdening the recipient of the dress-down not just with addressing their own behaviour, but also the emotional labour to respond in a way the tone police deems acceptable. Maybe paradoxically (for people lacking emotional intelligence), that makes emotional responses less likely as the recipient isn’t as emotionally boxed in, doesn’t see walls in every direction.
The line that you shouldn’t cross is making things personal – talking about what someone (presumably) is, instead of what they did. But that applies to any register, “Please come to HR to discuss your identity” isn’t someone anyone should ever hear. Persons can be demeaned and belittled, but not behaviour: Behaviour doesn’t have emotions, dignity, whatever.
It’s actually more sociology I’d say as we’re talking more about class and class relations than how the economy upholds them: MLs don’t have state power upholding economic relations to uphold class relations they hold up class relations by direct state power.
Anyway “state capitalism” is the term Lenin coined to describe what he did, precisely because the Bolsheviks didn’t move to a classless society but replaced nobility and bourgeois with the nomenklatura: Still a ruling class in control of everything. Say what you want about the man but he wasn’t dishonest. The whole thing was done under Marx’ theory that capitalism first has to bring about productivity enhancements etc. before actual communism is possible which is bullshit in general but was probably accurate in its historical and geographic context, question of course being a) did you really need to replace an authoritarian hellhole with another authoritarian hellhole, in that regard Russia has only made a modicum of progress in the last, what, 800 years and b) why would centrally-planned capitalism be more, or even just as, effective at technological and productivity progress than at least some semblance of a market and competition. They took the worst aspect of historical capitalism and removed all the parts which actually bring about progress.
About 75% of Israeli are Jews, the plurality of which (~45%) are Mizrahi, that is, from North Africa or Asia. And yes they lean quite a bit more right in elections than Ashkenazi. In no particular order: Lack of democratic and enlightenment tradition in their ancestral countries, poor and uneducated background, being told “yeah this is our birthright the Arabs don’t belong here” and actually believing it, as well as resentment against leftists because becoming a manager or boss in Israel is quite impossible without a good education and in the first big immigration waves all the power was held by mostly lefty Ashkenazi.
If you want accuse Israel of being ethnically supremacist, well, it’s a minority but they’re as troublesome as everywhere else and currently in government, but in any don’t get fucking “white” involved in there. Ben-Gvir’s family is from Iraq he didn’t learn to be an assclown from Europeans.
I just wish for all of us to become more accustomed to working on ourselves instead of projecting the need to develop virtue on others. Linus actually did it, doesn’t mean that he was an asshole before. Brash, sure, crass, yes, but actual assholes don’t calm down as easily.
Maybe it’s not the most elegant example but the barbie movie of last summer is an interesting example of a piece of media that addresses the fact that certain types of male socialization is harmful to everyone if you can approach it with an open mind.
Imagine the same points being made in a different movie, without all that Barbie Girl Power. In a movie not marketed towards gals. Just doesn’t happen. Pretty much all the male hero arcs in (non-kid) media are geared towards the female gaze and phantasies, not issues actual men face. And why not of course we live in capitalism and that’s what sells the most tickets. No, “guy saves the day” doesn’t really get men off, by and large “the roof for once doesn’t need fixing and I can kick back” is way more attractive.
while simultaneously putting a lot of pressure on being “a real man” that gets the girl,
Meanwhile, gals are asking “where are all the real men gone”. Everyone is willing to tell you versions of “this is how it works” without actually understanding the issue, from “just open up” (which gets you ignored at best, cast out at worst), to “just punch everything”, which of course also doesn’t work.
There is a distinct lack of solutions, or even a desire to build a new tradition of behaviour that does not require ideological buy-in, or only works for abusive couples (like Dworkin and her victim). Things that align with instinct. E.g. you can’t simply demand non-violence and then only look at physical violence: What’s a guy to do if a gal becomes psychologically abusive? That’s the point where “Real men don’t hit woman, we tickle” then suddenly makes a ton of sense. You don’t get to attack me at my weak spot and not get a proportional response.
My two cents? Difference feminism has been dismissed prematurely. Of course, get rid of all the ancient toxic normative shit the groups that brought it up brought with them, but fail to include difference on a fundamental level and well-meant but absolutely counterproductive advise such as “just open up” will never vanish due to a structural incapability to see the other side as you insist that it’s the same as you: Way worse than essentialising a banana as a banana is essentialising it as an apple. That’s also how you get shit like the new Mulan: Because apparently the only way a gal can ever achieve anything is to be born magical so that she can fight like a guy. I mean it kinda works as a transmasc egg fantasy but they should’ve just kept the old story, or, better yet, not make a re-make at all, as the old story did show how a gal can, indeed, save the day, with brains and guts instead of brawn or magic (and of course the new one’s a Mary Sue but I wanted to complain about theme, not just shoddy writing). Am I beginning to rant? Probably better stop.