Isn’t this because of those special stamps they use in Japan to notorize documents? I heard about them on a podcast:
I advise that you just don’t give a fuck if the order is coming through Amazon or not. Who’s to say whether they’re more evil than some other company that might fulfill your order. The thing you’re buying was probably made with exploitative labour practices from unethically sourced materials anyway. Simply shipping it to you is probably dependent on a global logistics network of fossil fuels and colonialism.
Just don’t think about it. There’s no way to buy things in this world and “do good” at the same time.
Listen, we can’t all be Sid Meier or Edmund McMillan. Some of us are just a 14 year old who’s learning Java for the first time. Doesn’t mean it isn’t fun.
I’m curious where people see Universal Basic Income on the political spectrum. Please mention what national/cultural/generational background is informing your answer. Thanks!
So when someone says something like “sign this petition for UBI”, I think that a really good question is “tell me what sort of UBI you are aiming to have implemented”, because the details have a very considerable impact on what it is that you’re signing up to support.
It doesn’t matter because petitions don’t work for affecting legislative change.
Mosh is great but it annoyingly doesn’t preserve scrollback. So it needs to be combined with something like Tmux if you want to be able to see more than one page of terminal.
It’s because of the COVID vaccine mind control chips he put in everyone. If he wants to cause a storm, he just makes the entire population of Norway start flapping their arms in unison, which causes atmospheric disruption that leads to storms.
Personally I don’t believe that’s actually true. Some percentage of those people are NPCs whose models get culled as soon as I’m no longer looking at them.
The current flag dates back to the middle ages, maybe as far as the 12th century. This makes it not only one of the youngest national flags of the world (since 2004), but also one of the oldest! (Even if it has been in disuse for most of its history.)...
What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal to them but would blow our minds here in the US and western world?
Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion?
Does tinned food have any nutrition or is it just empty calories?
Looking for answers.
How do I avoid Amazon when orders from other sites get fulfilled by Amazon?
No one is on Lemmy because they like shitty corps so I need your help...
[Alzwards Corner] Haha, I'm in danger! (
Source: Alzwards Corner...
The cool thing is the rapid mutation of surrounding plants and bacteria, meaning Dad is still changing lives after he's gone. (
Do you feel a UBI is more left- or right-wing (or other) and why?
I’m curious where people see Universal Basic Income on the political spectrum. Please mention what national/cultural/generational background is informing your answer. Thanks!
Egg Sando (
Mosh: Like ssh, but better (e.g. local echo and persistent sessions across sleeps / network changes) (
11 January 2024 (
What are your ear buds cleaning rituals?
How often do you clean them, and how? Any cautionary tales?
Linus Torvalds postpones Linux 6.8 merge window after being taken offline by storms (
15 January 2024 (
"Awake" by TheyCanTalk (
Source: Website - RSS
Today marks 20 years since Georgia changed its flag! They got rid of a, IMO quite ugly, brown flag, replacing it with the much prettier red and white flag of the medieval Kingdom of Georgia. (
The current flag dates back to the middle ages, maybe as far as the 12th century. This makes it not only one of the youngest national flags of the world (since 2004), but also one of the oldest! (Even if it has been in disuse for most of its history.)...
11 January 2024 (
17 January 2024 (
Common misconceptions about privacy and security (
cross-posted from:
Another sick Barclay fantasy (
17 January 2024 (