Can’t say how many times I’ve thought about this the past couple years.
I still have both my parents, but both are about to hit their 70s and their health is already not great. There’s a fast approaching time coming where I’ll never be able to hear their voices again. My dad’s said “love ya” so few times in my life, not because he doesn’t, but he’s from that upbringing where you don’t really say that stuff. He finally picked it up from me a few years ago and now says it any time he sees me. I’ve ended up saving voicemails he and my mom leave, just so I can at least hear their voices again when they’re gone.
Appreciate the time you get with the people you love. It’s easy to take for granted that they’re always there. Someday they won’t be and it’ll be quicker than you can imagine when it happens.
I tell my clients it comes from prison as a sign you were looking for sex.
Close and possibly true for some, but apparently it was more just that they weren’t allowed to have belts to hold up their pants. When people got released, they continued to wear them loose because they were comfortable. The trend then spread to hip hop and other cultures in the 90s.
I think everyone owes it to themselves to experience it. One of my best friends waited until a couple years ago to finally see it. She was terrified, but still thinks Fizzgig is one of the most adorable things ever. Which he is. How can you not love this face?