That’s because nuclear energy is green. It doesn’t produce any greenhouse gas emissions. You having bought into the fearmongering about nuclear doesn’t change reality.
With a quick Google search you can find someone’s home address, income, social security number, birthdate, amount of owned vehicles, political work (if any), size of home, criminal record, and much more!
It fucking sucks for it all to be public information, but websites dedicated to collating it all under one roof is even worse.
I interpreted “right now” in the message as “today”, or “when the post was made.”
Some days are purely renewable. Others aren’t. In the winter when electricity usage goes up it’s not uncommon for us to import fossil fuel electricity from other countries. The green party also suggested powering up natural gas plants as we were shutting down nuclear. Ngas obviously isn’t renewable.
Svenska Kraftnät has a “control room” with graphs and timelines on exports/imports and energy sources.
“Värmekraft” is power produced by burning things, it can be coal, oil, wood fuels, garbage, etc.
“Ospecifierat” (unspecified) includes power produced in facilities with more than one type of source, where you cannot separate what produces what.
There’s probably quite a few that are really only known to their immediate friends, families, and communities.
There are a lot of really talented people out there, who will remain mostly anonymous. It’s probably nicer for most to not be in the limelight, though it sucks for the rest of us who will never know.