Now, to take the ferry costs a nickel, and in those days nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. “Give me five bees for a quarter,” you’d say. Now, where were we?
As an American I feel like either US or UK could be considered the “normal” one, UK or AUS the “fancy” one, and US and AUS the “wildcard” (from the UK perspective).
Fancy maybe wouldn’t be the best word, perhaps exotic, but I know there’s plenty of us who, depending on the Aussie, might not be able to tell the accent from a British one and just go “ooh, accent, fancy”.
Motivation to start (
Cold Feet (
"Just Season It" by Mr.Lovenstein (
Source: Mastodon - RSS...
"What Do You Want" by Poorly Drawn Lines (
Source: Website - RSS...
Bets on the next one? (
Ain't Life Grand!? [OC] (
I didn't know (
My friend thinks you’re cute (
"Opposite Day" by Extra Fabulous (
They're not equivalent (
Big talk > small talk (
Could wake the fucking dead (
This is for (almost) all of you (
If you didnt know, this is what caused daylight savings last weekend. (
"Repetition" by Chris Hallbeck (
Source: Mastodon - RSS
You have a point (
You can choose normal, fancy, or wildcard. (