Then floodgates of piracy opened as a means of being with exorbitant prices on music, and then television.
The solution for the industry was to make it more convenient to pay them than it was to steal. Stealing never stopped, it just lessened, because it was more convenient to pay.
Critical mistake, making it difficult for us to get what we want…
“A Psychiatric evaluation. There is one psychiatrist in the tri county are and they are out of network. The evaluations are in 3 30 minute sessions. The psychiatrist will be 45 minutes late at a minimum. The first two are $1200 each, and the third is $1600. I can get you in on…march 29th, 2025? Does that date work for you?”
Good counter to people saying they have nothing to hide is the guy that lost his apple or google acct because he sent a photo of his child’s rash to his doctor and it got flagged as CSA.
You don’t need to have anything to hide to get fucked over by a lack of privacy.
If your friends have Facebook, and they share contacts on their phone, and they communicate with you Facebook has a shadow profile for your phone number. They still track you even without the app or an account.
Internet archives should be an entity receiving funding through tax dollars. They should be archiving a lot more of the internet, too, including all media. All tax paying citizens should have access to it through a govt provided email acct. Artists should apply for grants instead of relying on corporate residuals.
They think the things you’d be surprised to learn people actually think.
Crying makes you weak. They’re with manly men who don’t cry or go to therapy or any of that woke commie bullshit. They’re with strong men who will protect them. Louder = smarter.
If you are voting Republican in the US, you’re advocating fascism. Full stop.
And also lol what a dumb thing to say. Fascism is by definition right wing. It is the terminus of the right side of the spectrum. That isn’t an opinion, that’s it’s definition.