I’ve done a lot of thinking about the scam market, and there is no way it isn’t some kind of “CIA is behind the cartels” situation.
Primary target? Elderly Americans.
Objective? Bring generational wealth to institutions.
FCC could stop the vast majority of this shit by using techniques similar to DKIM via VOIP to stop spoofing (STIR/SHAKEN). This problem is solved. Has been for a while.
I can only assume they don’t drop the hammer because they can take a cut instead.
Like, yo, tummy: I have not failed to feed you in over 30 years. Maybe don’t cause me physical pain and nausea? A simple grumble is fine until it gets actually serious, ok?
I haven’t missed or been late for an appointment in probably a decade.
Literally just put it in your calendar and add a notification for enough time ahead of it.
I also snooze emails instead of letting my inbox clutter. I have an empty email inbox. Those concert tickets will pop into my inbox right around the day of.
I pre-send texts with a timer. Like if I know I’m driving 5 hrs to see my folks, I’ll pre-send a text for that day that says “on my way, should be there around _____”
That way all I need to do is update them if something goes wrong.
Idk, cell phones make being present, available, and on time, really fucking easy. Like I have severe ADHD, if I am always on time and you’re not, you’re fucking up somewhere. Use the tools in your pocket. It’s easy.
Ok I’m back with another but I have the answer to this one.
I sent $20 inside a greeting card to Amon Amarth back in like 2000 or so. I’m a melodic death metal nerd and Gothenburg really set the tone. anywho, I’d heard their drummer had a side project, called “Curriculum Mortis”
I got a burned CD from the band. Unmarked. I uploaded it to soulseek. The iPod it was on eventually died.
I went a solid decade with only memories of this band.
I recent found someone uploaded the whole demo to YouTube. Of you enjoy melodic death metal, especially older, grittier less.refined, and also know Amon Amarth, just know, you know something very few know about: youtu.be/H1JWaADbcsA
Take stock of what is and what is not in your control. There are a lot of things in life that are unfair that are outside of our control.
If the thing is in your control, take stock of what actions you can take to change the thing to better suit your desired outcomes.
This advice may seem trite, but it’s been repeated for generations because it is always like this in some capacity. Life will throw shit at you. Your job as a person seeking a happy healthy life is to learn how to react and respond. If it’s out of your control, you have to make the best of it. Even if it sucks.
There are people happily fighting cancer. There are happy paraplegics. There are happy people in Gaza (not many, but I guarantee there is someone finding the silver lining in a real hell scape).
Learn to accept the things you cannot control. Learn to act in the things that are within your control.