Is it really less weight though? If you have to carry in the towels and carry in the water, then combine them, isn’t that the same as carrying them already combined? Same thing with space. You’re compressing the towel but you still have to carry in the water.
This was a reference to a dude a few months ago who needed diet recommendations that would make him not poop for 3 days. He ruled out a few things but for the most part, refused to elaborate as to why.
I’ve been boycotting Walmart for over 20 years. In that time, there was only one thing I couldn’t find anywhere else but there. After buying it, I found it at Costco shortly after. I was never so happy to return an item in my entire life. I even signed for the return on the fanciest cursive “Fuck Walmart” that I could muster.
Can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to find Walmart. No one does small business destroying, union busting, supplier squeezing, and employee exploitation quite like the Walton family.
Lemmy comments are so refreshing compared to Reddit comments. If you’re not posting within the first few minutes on a hot reddit thread, hope you enjoy being buried underneath a few thousand other comments.
Exactly dude. He’s sold 10,000,000+ books and the pressure is clearly too much for him. And while we can’t unsell those books for him, the best we can do is spread the word far and wide that Patrick Rothfuss writes like old people fuck. If we each do our best to discourage new fans from jumping on the hype train, we just might have a shot at getting the 3rd Kingkiller Chronicles book before we die.
I love the idea of Rothfuss planning all day, coming up with the perfect next chapter in his life’s work, knowing just how to wrap up the intricate threads he’s woven. Then he boots up his laptop, slowly stretches and cracks his fingers. Just before he opens up his word processor to record his beautifully crafted prose, he decides to check out Lemmy for a few minutes. Then he comes across a random comment of mine saying how his fans are frustrated at his pace of writing, and just goes:
Stormlight is my absolute favorite series. Yeah, Sanderson doesn’t write as flowery as some authors, but that’s not what I’m looking for. I love how he puts together a whole world with a new magic system, history, religions, political climate, etc. Then is like, alright so that’s what the world was like hundreds of years ago, now let’s see what happens when they get guns and spaceships!
Just finished his 4 secret project books. Also just finished the first Mistborn trilogy with my son and started in on the Wax and Wayne series with him (I’ve already read them). I freaking love me some Brandon Sanderson.