Yeah mine has gotten worse over time as well. When I was a teenager, I could eat anything. Now if I get a half scoop of the Chipotle hot salsa on my burrito, I’ll start feeling it 3 or 4 hours later. It sucks.
Nah. I have friends that are alcoholics and this guy ain’t one. But a beer in his hand and a giant truck in the driveway might make you think he’s a blue collar bad ass instead of a skinny nerdy engineer.
Part of me wants to show The Land Before Time to my kids, cause it was such a great movie. The other part of me knows that Little Foot’s mom dying (sorry, 1980s spoilers) would absolutely wreck them.
I’ve been boycotting Walmart for over 20 years. In that time, there was only one thing I couldn’t find anywhere else but there. After buying it, I found it at Costco shortly after. I was never so happy to return an item in my entire life. I even signed for the return on the fanciest cursive “Fuck Walmart” that I could muster.
Stormlight is my absolute favorite series. Yeah, Sanderson doesn’t write as flowery as some authors, but that’s not what I’m looking for. I love how he puts together a whole world with a new magic system, history, religions, political climate, etc. Then is like, alright so that’s what the world was like hundreds of years ago, now let’s see what happens when they get guns and spaceships!