Can anyone here get Gboard to gesture type "Lemmy"? No matter what I do, it’s like Gboard is specifically avoiding it. It’ll instantly learn any bullshit word I make up like “aprifnid” but can’t type “Lemmy”. I suspect shenanigans.
What "sacred Bajoran trinket" do you suppose this is? ( Found in DS9 s2e12 “The Alternate” and it’s totally not an air freshener from the 90’s.
Can anyone here get Gboard to gesture type "Lemmy"?
No matter what I do, it’s like Gboard is specifically avoiding it. It’ll instantly learn any bullshit word I make up like “aprifnid” but can’t type “Lemmy”. I suspect shenanigans.
He is technically right! (
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What "sacred Bajoran trinket" do you suppose this is? (
Found in DS9 s2e12 “The Alternate” and it’s totally not an air freshener from the 90’s.
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Baby Steps?
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