Sometimes you just gotta an unstoppable force and go through some very movable objects. (
More people died by the spear than the sword, and if you don't like my opinion, I'll shove it up your ass with sharp stick! (
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Heretic ( Source:
❌ fissh (
Headlines be like (
18+ POW right in the...kisser? (
W.... Will they stream it? (
"Fantasy Zone" is such an innocuous name, too... (
Positive review (
"Future" by Safely Endangered (
In our lifetimes 🤞 (
Birds are great (
Sometimes you just gotta an unstoppable force and go through some very movable objects. (
Num num num (
I'd say celebrations are in order (
Stock Meme (
Loli God Waffled (
"Goats" by They Can Talk (
Source: Tumblr - Tumblr Archive - RSS
Public Transit my beloved 😍 (
send help (
More people died by the spear than the sword, and if you don't like my opinion, I'll shove it up your ass with sharp stick! (
Motivation - ADHDinos (
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Heretic (
I mean I certainly would (
Text for the visually impaired: Post by lestatlestits...