Umm that should read "You're stupid." Who patrols these posts originally to make sure the English grammar is correct? Oh that's right, nobody does. I see this mistake every single time on almost every posting anybody puts online.
Of course it depends what you do with your year. Move up the ladder, or move to a better place or changing your hobbies or whatever can all make it a better year. Politically - it's gonna be a crapfest of a shitshow. No two ways about that.
If there are other immortal animal species, what are they? My comment about jellyfish being immortal was from the article in national Geographic. What are the animals you are thinking of?
Hydra, eh? According to the web, hydra are "virtually immortal" in a lab environment. On the other hand, though I've heard lobsters could be immortal, the web (which obviously is the only true source of info, wink wink) says it's a myth, eventually the lobster will die "from exhaustion during a moult." However I know they can live a long long time, many animals can easily out live humans.
Me too, because I'm sure alcohol is more widely (and wildly) abused. Every day here in Utah people are getting killed by drunk drivers. Some are also under the influence of other drugs. My only beef is, don't get behind the wheel if you're high, it's not worth the consequences.
I think that's true, because with legalization comes tons of bureaucratic red tape and hoops to jump through that cartels would not waste their time with. I'm OK with legalization of marijuana, but I do hope it comes with people exercising good sense about how they use it (which won't happen, but I can dream...).
What's really bad about alcohol is, people who abuse it don't think it IS a drug. And they don't see it as having any negative effects until it's already created and addictive pattern and need for it.
True. And I don't get Fentanyl at all, I mean I don't do drugs myself and I really never wanted them but - c'mon people, Fentanyl? You'd be better off ingesting rat poison. Why would anyone deliberately take such a thing.
That's also true, though at some point I think having hundreds of millions might just as well be the same as having billions. Not saying I would turn it down either - if someone offered me that kind of salary to do what I love. But I do have two relatives who are considered (on paper) to be billionaires, a cousin and my older brother. My brother bought a 19 million dollar mansion in Florida and now wants me and me mum to come live with him there - it's very tempting. I mean to him, money isn't an object because, it's not something he has to worry about.
In a way it's nice, in a sort of Great Gatsby way - being around the rich makes you feel rich, and you get to benefit from the blessings. I don't think it's necessarily an evil thing to be that rich. A lot depends on what you do with that money and also, whether you made it on the backs of slave labor or exploitation (and in many cases it's almost impossible not to have done so).
Hee hee, an epi-pen. Just somebody please bring some darts to the party.
It's going a bit off subject, but my family and sister-in-law were in China at a restaurant when she came down with a severe allergic reaction and started turning blue. My brother had an epi-pen in their luggage, but it was back at the hotel, and we'd walked from there to the restaurant.
The management was freaking out and all I could do was tell them not to panic, my brother was able to get the epi-pen back in time and once he jabbed her, she was fine. BUt it was a close call! They had served us a soup with fish stock in it even though we'd told them we had some allergies to fish (myself included).
I don't hate the song, but it is obnoxious and actually has a terrible message. As long as you can do something great, it doesn't matter if other people exclude or hate you for being who you are.
It's weird, I had to work retail with some of the crappiest elevator christmas music ever. A lot of folks complained about the music. But, I play the piano and I actually love to play those pieces at this time of year! I mean yes, they're over done and way over played on the radio and TV, but when you're the one making the music, it makes all the difference in how you feel about it.
Well I'm far from the world's greatest piano player. I stopped taking lessons about the intermediate-early advanced stage. So I can play some fairly advanced music, in fact I prefer more complicated or creative takes on the Christmas classics. But it is different from just being a passive listener.
I hope you get to find time with the guitar these days - I always wanted to learn to play classical guitar, it's so cool to have that as a hobby!
Most of modern music sounds that way to me - basically three or four chords over and over and over again. I guess that's why I like many of the older pieces, they're a little more complex and when they are jazzed up they sound really great. Although I will say, Jazz to me is much harder to play than almost any other type of music.
Greed is one the most powerful of all human emotions. There's nothing wrong with being greedy, what's wrong is trying to pretend you're not. We all are. Every human wants truckloads of cash and endless amounts of power. It's no good pretending you are "above that." If you're human, that's really what you ARE all about. I say we give everyone a gun and let the one who kills the most people have all the wealth. At least that would be an honest human accomplishment with no hypocrisy.
When the government isn't tolerable, it's time to go and vote your butt off. And that's a lot of voting. Unless you live in Utah like I do, where all voting districts are so over-gerrymandered that no one except a republican candidate can possibly win.
We just had a huge election for congressional reps and there were two candidates, one a popular Democrat with most of the people's support and the other a confirmed trump-supporting book banning conservative hater. She had almost no popular backing. But guess who won.
It sure as hell wasn't the Democrat. And it sure as hell won't be the people of Utah who continue to be embarrassed by our right wing fascist asshole legislatures that have banned ALL healthcare for women and made it illegal to ever take a landlord to court over any issue. I love living in neo-nazi times, it sure makes the Dark Ages look appealing by comparison.
Seriously who patrols old posts... (
29 December 2023 (
Maybe it'll be the best year yet (
It's just science. (
Biden is pardoning thousands convicted of marijuana charges on federal lands and in Washington (
which ones do you think I missed? (
image transcription:...
What the hell! Let's all just go crazy! (
Yaaaaaaa-hoo-hoo-huey (
Why cool guys don't look back at explosions (
That explains the shiny nose (
Reminder to count three Mississippis.
Rule of Acquisition #10: Greed is eternal (
He completely betrayed the Constitution you equate to being a Holy Book you lead poisoned Dunce. (
There' always a catch. [Mr. Lovenstein comics] (