
tquid, to upliftingnews in From urchin crushing to lab-grown kelp, efforts to save California's kelp forests show promise

Anyone initially read this as “orphan crushing”?


I was about to get all political with it too … as the theme of one of the political parties in the US


I read it accurately as urchin crushing, but still thought they were talking about destitute children at first (a la Oliver Twist).



gravitas_deficiency, to upliftingnews in From urchin crushing to lab-grown kelp, efforts to save California's kelp forests show promise

You don’t have to crush sea urchins. You can eat them! And they’re delicious!


I’m betting you didn’t read the article


I mean, this is lemmy.

But also, yeah, I didn’t realize they were actually so pervasive that they’ve destroyed 96% of the kelp forests in that area.


And they are also eating them, but specify these urchins specifically have less roe and other edible parts, so they are basically more trouble than they’re worth to eat


Sea urchins as a food source was addressed in the article:

Red urchins are favored over the purple urchins because they contain more edible uni or roe inside, but commercial divers say the amount has shrunk with less kelp.

Chefs have started serving purple urchins to build a market.

library_napper, to news in Top UN court orders Israel to prevent genocide in Gaza but stops short of ordering cease-fire
@library_napper@monyet.cc avatar

Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue

Anyone else gave a link to the PDF if the orders that loads?

@library_napper@monyet.cc avatar

It says “Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue” after you click the language


This tech issue might be over my head. I would try a different browser to see if the problem persists but honestly at this point it’s going to be a troubleshooting process.

philo, to news in Top UN court orders Israel to prevent genocide in Gaza but stops short of ordering cease-fire

It is crucial to understand the weight and gravity of the term “genocide”. It is not a term to be thrown around lightly or used carelessly. The act of genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. It is a heinous crime against humanity and a violation of the most fundamental human rights.

Unfortunately, the term “genocide” has been misused and abused in recent times. The ongoing conflict in certain regions of the world has led to the misapplication of the term, especially in situations where it does not necessarily apply. The mislabeling of such conflicts as “genocides” is not only inaccurate but also disrespectful to the victims of actual genocides.

The Tutsi in Rwanda, the Cambodians by the Khmer Rouge, the Armenians by the Ottoman Empire, and Darfur are just a few examples of the horrific atrocities that have been committed in the name of genocide. These are real genocides with real victims, and to equate them with other conflicts that do not meet the criteria of genocide is to belittle the suffering and pain of those who have endured such atrocities.

It is important to distinguish between acts of violence and genocide, as the latter is a specific and intentional crime. The use of the term “genocide” inappropriately can have serious consequences, including the potential to undermine legitimate efforts to prevent and respond to actual genocides.

Therefore, it is essential to use the term “genocide” with caution and precision. Those who misuse the term, either intentionally or out of ignorance, do a disservice to the victims of real genocides and hinder efforts to prevent such crimes from occurring in the future.


This is good to keep in mind in general although I’m not sure how it’s relevant here. In fact, there are the definitional points from Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide quoted by the order in the body of my post. The point of this ruling by the International Court of Justice is that there is a credible case for genocide here according to the definition of Genocide which Israel explicitly agreed to.


It means simply that this is not a genocide and calling it such is an insult to the victims of actual genocides.


Yes, I could intuit your opinion on the matter. This is not a matter of public opinion, it is a matter of law.


It really is a matter of opinion since International Law isn’t really law… they’re more like guidelines.

There’s no enforcement mechanism. A whole bunch of countries never bothered to sign or ratify it. The US specifically is not a party to the statue that created the International Criminal Court and has plans to attack it and extract people if their citizens ever get caught up in it’s processes.


There’s no doubt that the ICJ has well-known limits in the enforcement of its decision, and countries have ignored ICJ rulings in the past (notably the US, as you mentioned). This to me is not a failing of the idea of international law regarding the prevention of genocide but a failing of nations who would rather exist in a world absent of law since they are able to use violence to inflict their will on others. The problem as I see it with this line of thinking is that abandoning the pretense of international law rather than attempting to bolster it as an international community makes all people in the world vulnerable. The status of nations who violate ICJ orders do not exist in a permanent state of their relative power and could suffer the consequences of a lack of international law when situations change and once-invulnerable bodies become vulnerable. I believe in the basis of the legal prevention of genocide by the international community.

This being so, I believe that there are other consequences for nations found plausibly guilty of heinous crimes in an official international court of law pertaining to laws partially written by the state of Israel itself. Israel depends a great deal on its international reputation. A reading of its history of strange bedfellows reveals this desperation. Being plausibly guilty of genocide is not good for Israel’s relationships or economy. If Israel is concerned about outside threats, scuttling itself in the name of persecuting Palestinians is not a reasonable path. Only the far-right sensibility that Palestinians are inherently unworthy of sharing a country with European colonists keeps Israel from ending apartheid and granting Palestinians full rights as citizens of a unified state.

@bartolomeo@suppo.fi avatar

That’s talent, writing a wall of text extolling the importance of accurately labeling genocide which simultaneously minimizes a genocide. This is beehaw so I’m going to keep my mouth shut and hope Hanlon’s razor explains your comment.

eya, to upliftingnews in Angst over LGBTQ+ stories led to another canceled show. But in a Wyoming town, a play was salvaged
@eya@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m not sure how uplifting this really is.

@Lileath@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

More in the vein of orphan crushing machine, but less about capitalism and more about bigotry.

kogasa, to lemmyshitpost in Exploding toilet at a Dunkin’ store in Florida left a customer filthy and injured, lawsuit claims
@kogasa@programming.dev avatar

“Do NOT go in there”


I said that the other day and several people didn’t get the reference. Made me feel the weight of years gone by.

GentlemanLoser, to news in Mexican cartel forces locals to pay for makeshift Wi-Fi under threat of death

Los Viagras? Seriously? That’s the best cartel name they could come up with?


They are standup people.


They just want you to know they won’t be going soft on you.

altima_neo, to lemmyshitpost in Exploding toilet at a Dunkin’ store in Florida left a customer filthy and injured, lawsuit claims
@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

Something’s brewing at D&D


Wow, Al Pacino!

@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

It’s not Al anymore, it’s DUNK!


Roll for initiative.

Nastybutler, to lemmyshitpost in Exploding toilet at a Dunkin’ store in Florida left a customer filthy and injured, lawsuit claims

They say there’s no such thing as bad press, but then this comes along as the exception to the rule


Whoever says that needs to be slapped until they stop being audibly stupid. Of course there is such a thing as bad press.


Being on Epsteins private island is probably bad press too

DdCno1, to news in Gaza war's staggering toll reaches a grim milestone: 20,000 dead

health officials said Friday.

Hamas health officials. How I hate the lazy reporting on this conflict.

t3rmit3, (edited )

How I hate the lazy deflection and caping for Israel in your comments.

The Gaza Health Ministry is considered to be reliable for casualty reporting due to independent verification by groups that monitor the conflict like Human Rights Watch and the UN. They release specific casualty data including names, ages, and ID numbers.

The only argument that Israel or their allies have used against their released casualty numbers is that they’re run by Hamas (the Gaza government), but oddly those people, yourself included, never seem to dispute Israeli numbers for the same reason.

But keep up your propaganda, bro.

DdCno1, (edited )


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  • t3rmit3, (edited )

    You continuously link to conspiracy sites and random parties social media posts. Your evidence is a joke.

    Show me an actual source from an organization that works in Gaza, saying the numbers are falsified, not another Israel apologist cooking numbers on Twitter.

    You make a claim, that the Health Ministry is including the Al-Shifa numbers in their data currently, without citation, and use that claim to extrapolate that any numbers must all be false.

    And again, your only argument is, “it’s Hamas and you’re eating it up!”.

    Israel has released plenty of numbers of persons killed throughout the conflict, both on their and on Hamas’ sides.

    abhibeckert, (edited )

    In October the Gaza Health Ministry claimed 471 people were killed by an Israeli missile strike on a hospital. Widespread credible (independent) evidence proves a small Hamas rocket missfired and hit a carpark near the hospital, causing relatively minor damage (there was a large fireball, but it was mostly rocket fuel - which is far less damaging than an explosive payload intended to kill).

    None of the credible evidence was able to put a number to the deaths in that accident but it’s highly improbable that 471 people were in the carpark. And it definitely wasn’t an Israeli rocket.

    In other words - Gaza’s health ministry is not a reliable source. Some of the things they report are probably accurate but they have been proven to be unreliable. Don’t trust anything they say unless it’s been backed by someone more reliable (in which case, you might as well refer to the other source instead).

    At best, the ministry failed verify facts (e.g. was a large missile even fired at all?) before reporting what happened. But I think that’s being too charitable. For example where did they get the 471 number from? I think they made it up. I don’t have proof but it’s the only believable explanation.

    Worse though - they haven’t retracted the claim. Mistakes are understandable… but failing to admit someone in your organisation made a mistake is unacceptable.


    And these credible independent sources are…? You’ll forgive me if I don’t take your word for it.


    Hamas is the government in Gaza. Who else would run their health ministry? Israel obviously doesn’t give a damn about them.

    How I hate the lazy trolling on this conflict.

    tygerprints, to upliftingnews in Biden is pardoning thousands convicted of marijuana charges on federal lands and in Washington

    If he is, that's great because so many of these charges are ridiculous. But, I'm not necessarily in favor of making marijuana more accessible, just not keeping it a crime to go to jail over. As long as people are only getting high on their own (and NOT driving a car or anything afterward) I have no problem with what people do with it. That's up to them. It's not a crime to fuck yourself up in the manner of your choosing.


    It would be logical to restrict access to alcohol far more severely if you have that concern.

    @Gigan@lemmy.world avatar

    I think we tried that before


    The outcome just shows how much worse alcohol is than any other drug.

    tygerprints, (edited )

    What's really bad about alcohol is, people who abuse it don't think it IS a drug. And they don't see it as having any negative effects until it's already created and addictive pattern and need for it.

    @Gigan@lemmy.world avatar

    There are lots of drugs worse than alcohol. Meth, fentanyl, or heroine for example.

    Alcohol is worse than marijuana though.


    True. And I don't get Fentanyl at all, I mean I don't do drugs myself and I really never wanted them but - c'mon people, Fentanyl? You'd be better off ingesting rat poison. Why would anyone deliberately take such a thing.

    @n1ckn4m3@kbin.social avatar

    Worse is a subjective term. Alcohol causes more deaths per year (140,000+) than all other drug overdose deaths combined (~103,000). Alcohol also has significant long term health impact for even light users. I think what's truly the worst is how normalized alcohol use and abuse is in American society.


    Fun fact: withdrawal from alcohol can and frequently does kill people.

    Withdrawal from meth doesn’t kill people and it’s uncommon for people to die from opiate withdrawal.

    Alcohol is a horrible drug.


    "I don't care what you do in your own time... just as long as it's not easily accessible or legal"


    I rather they restrict alcohol and make marijuana legal.


    Me too, because I'm sure alcohol is more widely (and wildly) abused. Every day here in Utah people are getting killed by drunk drivers. Some are also under the influence of other drugs. My only beef is, don't get behind the wheel if you're high, it's not worth the consequences.


    I don’t think anyone is in favor of relaxing DUI laws.

    If it remains a black market good, that precludes a lot of safety and regulation. Humans love drugs. If I was writing a sci-fi setting, drugs would probably be the Human Special Thing. They’re not going away. Focus on harm reduction. And as far as harm from drugs go, marijuana is pretty low on the danger factor.


    I’d rather we stop giving shitloads of money to violent cartels. The only way to do that is full legalization, including the supply chain.


    I think that's true, because with legalization comes tons of bureaucratic red tape and hoops to jump through that cartels would not waste their time with. I'm OK with legalization of marijuana, but I do hope it comes with people exercising good sense about how they use it (which won't happen, but I can dream...).

    andrewrgross, (edited ) to news in Gaza war's staggering toll reaches a grim milestone: 20,000 dead

    This is devastating. And amidst so much debate over Israel’s right to defend itself, I feel it’s getting lost that this military campaign is only a success if measured by a set of goals even most Zionists would not recognize as productive.

    Will it make Israel safer? No, undoubtedly the war has cost international standing, strained the US-Israel relationship, and will inevitably radicalize far more extremists than are killed.

    Will it continue the right-ward shift of Israeli policy? Does it cut off avenues for peace and reconciliation and foster militant Israeli nationalism? Yes.

    This campaign is only a success if the primary objective is the eventual capture of the entire region at the cost of Israel’s safety (and the safety of Jews around the world) and Israel’s international standing. By any more conventional aims, it is an unmitigated disaster.


    Honest question, what is Israel supposed to do? Give Hamas concessions? I think history shows that appeasement only emboldens terrorism. Back out now and let Hamas come back with even more local support?

    It’s a lose/lose. There is no winning for Israel. It seems that either Israel makes itself a pariah in the international community by killing countless innocent Palestinians or it lets terrorists win.

    I would love for you or someone to help me see a different way Israel can get back out of this.

    andrewrgross, (edited )

    I’m going to answer in two parts.

    Part 1: I grew up a Zionist. In most versions, Zionism envisioned a peaceful, multi-ethnic state. In that sense, the zionist project is half-complete.

    The first half was accomplished by people who aspired to something that everyone said was madness, totally impossible, completely unfeasible, hopelessly unworkable. And they fucking did that thing.

    Now, anyone who considers themselves a Zionist needs to take on the responsibility for continuing that project with the sense of courage and insane vision that brought Israel into existence. ‘It’s too hard!’ ‘There are no good solutions!’ BULLSHIT. The whole country is founded on the idea that nothing is impossible, so let’s stop making excuses.

    Part 2: The biggest problem is Jewish radicals. Itmar Ben Givir of the Jewish Power Party, Bezalel Smotrich of the Religious Zionist Party, and Netanyahu of Likud. These are the primary leaders of a genocide, and Netanyahu’s special move for decades has been foreclosing peace. Step one is wanting peace, and step two is holding accountable the people who’ve never wanted it and always tried to keep it out of reach.

    Step three, I think, is to help every Palestinian climb what I think of as “the ladder”. Israel is an apartheid state. You’ve got Ashkenazi Jews at the top, and Mizrahi/Sphardeic Jews close but just below. Then you’ve got Palestinian Israelis, then a whole bunch of tiers of West Bank / East Jeruselum Palestinians, then Gazans / foreign refugees. Each group needs a path to the rights of the group above, and there has to be a roadmap to a roadmap to peace. And that is going to require international brokers. Israeli needs a government that isn’t hostile to the UN, and the US needs to reduce its involvement and stay the fuck out of the peace process.


    You should think a bit more about that “ladder” concept. In the same way that advocating for manumission doesn’t fix any of the issues with slavery a “path to the rights of the group above” doesn’t fix any of the issues with an apartheid state.

    Unless you’re fine with a little genocide, any apartheid state is not a solution.


    I’m saying that the apartheid state needs dismantled.

    It’s just a mental exercise to get people to expand their imagination. I don’t expect the end of apartheid to literally require each group to pass through a series of stages.


    The US’s twenty years in Afghanistan should have taught the rest of the world the “forever wars” don’t work.

    But I suppose not.

    DdCno1, (edited ) to news in The UN says more than 1 in 4 people in Gaza are starving because of war

    This is at a scale unheard of in any other modern conflict.

    Here are some ongoing wars that are more destructive:

    Ethiopian Civil War: Up to 600,000 dead, up to 100,000 last year alone.

    Russo-Ukrainian war: Around 200,000 dead, up to 95,000 this year.

    Insurgency in the Maghreb: Up to 400,000 dead, around 14,000 this year.

    Myanmar civil war: Up to 210,000 dead, at least 15,000 this year.

    Yemeni civil war: More than 380,000 dead and 85,000 of those were just kids starving to death from 2015 to 2018.

    Your submission is a prime example of confusing the attention a conflict is getting in the media with its actual scale. Yes, it’s a horrific war, but nobody is getting helped by hysterical hyperbole and shockingly few people care about wars when they are not in the evening news or on their favorite social media service 24/7.

    It doesn’t help that your sources are just as hysterical:

    In just over two months, the offensive has wreaked more destruction than the razing of Syria’s Aleppo between 2012 and 2016, Ukraine’s Mariupol or, proportionally, the Allied bombing of Germany in World War II

    The Ukrainian governments estimates 25,000 dead in that city alone. Over 31,000 people died in Aleppo and up to 500,000 or 0.6% of Germans died due to Allied bombings (which is more than the 1/200 in Gaza for those following along). Is nobody fact checking anything anymore?

    Not to be the opposite of a Debbie Downer here (Debbie Upper?), but the fact that 75% of civilians in a high-intensity conflict like this one are not starving is extremely unusual and shows that aid is reaching them. You also turned 25% starving into 25% starving to death, knowingly or unknowingly, and there is actually a difference. Doesn’t bring any food to their nonexistent table, but again, hyperbole. Right now, 50% of people are starving in Syria, despite the conflict there having died down significantly, but nobody gives a damn and not even that UN buffoon seems to know, even though it’s literally his job to know that. Hell, 16.6% of Indians are starving and there’s peace in most of the country. 13% of Americans are food insecure and the only war that’s currently going on there is the “War on Christmas”, at least according to Fox News.

    Netanyahu can get bent, but for all the terrible things he’s responsible for or permitting, braindead settlers included, this war is not one that his government started. They’ll end it, then they’ll get kicked out of office by a furious electorate as soon as it’s done and then Palestinians can piece their lives together and maybe tell the next people like Hamas to get just as bent as Netanyahu instead of starting yet another pointless war with the strongest nation in the Middle East in the next five to fifteen years. What did these Hamas idiots think would happen after staging the worst pogrom against Jews since the Holocaust? Everyone else in the Middle East joining in on the murdering of Israelis with no staging time and against a nation armed with nuclear ICBMs? Ridiculous - and ordinary Palestinians and Israelis got to bear the brunt of this absurdity while uninformed people on the Internet get all high and mighty thinking they’ve got the morality of this irrational conflict figured out.


    Ethiopian Civil War (ongoing): Up to 600,000 dead, up to 100,000 last year alone.

    Russo-Ukrainian war: Around 200,000 dead, up to 95,000 this year.

    Insurgency in the Maghreb: Up to 400,000 dead, around 14,000 this year.

    Myanmar civil war: Up to 210,000 dead, at least 15,000 this year.

    Yemeni civil war: More than 380,000 dead and 85,000 of those were just kids starving to death from 2015 to 2018.

    Those conflicts all took place over years. The Israel war on Gaza is blowing through the roof the rate of civilian deaths, the level of indiscriminate targeting of civilians and infrastructure, and the amount of bombings of a small populated area. The conflicts you mention are largely Civil Wars and I am assuming total deaths of the conflict (as you do not share any sources). The War on Ukraine by Russia also has over the entire course of the conflict only had 10,000 civilian deaths according to the United Nations.

    On average, nearly 300 people have been killed each day since the start of the conflict, excluding the seven-day ceasefire, data from Gaza’s Hamas-run health ministry indicates. The World Health Organization’s regional emergency director Richard Brennan says he considers these casualty figures trustworthy.

    The pace of killing in this war has been “exceptionally high”, says Prof Michael Spagat, who specialises in examining death tolls in conflicts around the world, such as the 2003 Iraq war, Colombia’s civil conflict, wars in the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as previous wars between Israel and Gaza. Within the series of Gaza wars stretching back to 2008, the current one is unprecedented both for the number of people killed and for the indiscriminateness of the killing," he adds.

    Each conflict is unique in the way it is fought, but the experts the BBC has spoken to agree that the rate of killing in Gaza is significantly bigger than in others fought recently. "What we’re seeing in terms of civilian deaths has already far outpaced rates of harm from any given conflict we have documented," said Emily Tripp, director of Airwars, an organisation which has monitored civilian deaths in wars and conflicts since 2014.

    The former Pentagon intelligence analyst Marc Garlasco said: “To find a similar density of high explosives used in a small populated area, we might have to go back to the Vietnam war for a comparable example - like the 1972 Christmas bombing, when some 20,000 tons of bombs were dropped on Hanoi during Operation Linebacker II.” An estimated 1,600 Vietnamese civilians were killed in the Christmas bombings.

    By contrast, US-led coalition air and artillery strikes killed fewer than 20 civilians per day, on average, during the four-month offensive to drive IS out of the Syrian city of Raqqa in 2017, according to Amnesty International.

    And an Associated Press investigation suggested that between 9,000 and 11,000 civilians were killed in the nine-month battle between US-backed Iraqi forces and IS for the Iraqi city of Mosul which ended in 2017. This amounts to an estimated fewer-than-40 civilian deaths per day, on average. Mosul had an estimated population of less than two million people when IS captured the city in 2014.

    During the almost two years of the Ukraine war, the United Nations estimates that at least 10,000 civilians have been killed.


    Those conflicts all took place over years. The Israel war on Gaza is blowing through the roof the rate of civilian deaths

    Yes, because this is a high-intensity conflict. Small area, lots of fighting and, unlike in most other conflicts, one side is doing everything to get the civilian death toll on “their side” as high as possible by hiding their military infrastructure behind civilians, stealing supplies and preventing people from leaving. Hamas didn’t even build any bomb shelters for ordinary people even though they knew Israel would answer their massacres with bombings.

    the level of indiscriminate targeting of civilians and infrastructure

    If they are targeting civilians, then why are they warning them?


    Doesn’t make any sense. If they were actually out to murder civilians, they’d certainly not be doing this and they’d also not need more than one bomb to kill a single Palestinian.

    And yeah, of course infrastructure gets targeted in a war, because how else would you cripple the enemy’s ability to sustain a fight, but that’s not indiscriminate, because you can’t indiscriminately target things. Either you target things, then it’s not indiscriminate, or you are just lobbing bombs indiscriminately, but then you are not targeting things. Sorry to be all pedantic, but please at least try to use the most generic buzz words in this conflict in a reasonably logically consistent manner.

    The conflicts you mention are largely Civil Wars

    This isn’t? If you support the whole “From the River to the Sea” nonsense, and it looks like you do, then this is one divided country in the midst of a civil war.

    total deaths of the conflict (as you do not share any sources).

    Mostly just this list from Wikipedia:


    only had 10,000 civilian deaths according to the United Nations.

    That’s only verified deaths. There were 10,000 fresh graves discovered in Mariupol alone:


    The highest estimate for just that one city is 100,000 dead:


    Probably/hopefully too high, but the truth is that nobody knows, except that the number of verified deaths are only a small fraction of the total in Ukraine. There are so many places in Ukraine that were simply wiped out - with no warnings for civilians, nor escape routes, unlike in Gaza.

    Speaking of nobody knows, the fog of war in the Israeli-Hamas war is just as thick. The only numbers people are repeating all over, including most self-proclaimed experts and politicians, are those released by Hamas, who have every interest in the world to paint a picture as horrific as possible in order to put international pressure on Israel to end a war Hamas started so that Hamas can regroup and do the same thing all over again, as they have repeatedly announced.


    Knowingly or unknowingly, you and so many other people are carrying water for this terror organization. What we should do is support Israel in the eradication of Hamas while also getting as much help to the civilians caught in the crossfire as possible and put pressure on Hamas to release the hostages and surrender. The shorter this war is, the fewer people on both sides will suffer. For as flawed as Israel is, especially with the current government in charge, they are still the least flawed nation/group in the entire Middle East. Very low bar, I know, but that’s as good as it gets. Have you ever thought how your country, no matter where you are from, would have reacted to an event like October 7? Even some bastion of democracy and freedom like Denmark would have probably done the same if not worse as Israel in response. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep a watchful eye on this (hard not to, given the number of journalists per square meter over there) and influence Israel into fighting this war as humanely as possible, but again, let’s not get hysterical.


    Do you not think that Israel has any responsibility for their targeting of civilians?

    Israel is purposefully using dumb bombs (nearly half of all the thousands and thousands and thousands of explosives used on civilian population). They may be claiming to target some valid Hamas target, but the use of dumb munitions that can go hundreds of meters off course shows that is just not true. They are bombing indiscriminately with the explicit goal of the greatest destruction possible, impact on civilians, and genocide.

    If they are targeting civilians, then why are they warning them?

    Warning them of what exactly? And to go where exactly?

    Israel has admitted to regular bombing of safe zones. The UN is investigating over 50 instances of such tactics. They are certainly not giving civilians time enough to pack up their lives with their supposed warnings.

    Using on-the-ground footage, satellite imagery and mapping software, a Sky News visual investigation found that Israel’s evacuation orders have instead been chaotic and contradictory and that a neighbourhood in Deir al Balah was hit one day after the IDF said evacuees could flee there.

    Our investigation comes after a separate strike in Gaza was caught on camera by a Sky News team. It too came in an area that was supposed to be safe.

    In response to our investigation, the United Nations told Sky News that it is already investigating 52 similar incidents in areas where the Israeli army told civilians it was safe to evacuate to.

    This is just pure evil.

    This isn’t? If you support the whole “From the River to the Sea” nonsense, and it looks like you do, then this is one divided country in the midst of a civil war.

    This is the most unserious statement. Get real.

    Speaking of nobody knows, the fog of war in the Israeli-Hamas war is just as thick. The only numbers people are repeating all over, including most self-proclaimed experts and politicians, are those released by Hamas, who have every interest in the world to paint a picture as horrific as possible in order to put international pressure on Israel to end a war Hamas started so that Hamas can regroup and do the same thing all over again, as they have repeatedly announced.

    Even the Biden administration believes the Hamas figures are accurate. So does the UN, Amnesty International, WHO, and every other international aid organization. If anything, the count is low since Israel wiped out every hospital in the region and Palestinians are now just doing mass graves wherever they can.


    Knowingly or unknowingly, you and so many other people are carrying water for this terror organization.

    Knowingly or unknowingly, you are supported a genocide.

    @alyaza@beehaw.org avatar

    If they are targeting civilians, then why are they warning them?

    aren’t we like, three days removed from the IDF killing obviously surrendering Israeli civilians including a civilian they basically hunted down? the argument that Israel can’t possibly be targeting Palestinian civilians because they “warn” those civilians seems to stand clearly at odds with even the simplest things such as “how they treat their own, surrendering citizens–much less the citizens of a state they don’t want to exist”

    What we should do is support Israel in the eradication of Hamas while also getting as much help to the civilians caught in the crossfire as possible and put pressure on Hamas to release the hostages and surrender.

    …or we could actually solve the issue here by demanding Israel stop indiscriminately murdering civilians (the actual root of the problem and a thing that even Joe Biden kind of thinks they’re doing now) in a misguided attempt to eradicate a terrorist group when the “shock and awe” strategy has never worked in contemporary warfare and has only guaranteed further resentment and conflict against the state doing the shock and awe!


    aren’t we like, three days removed from the IDF killing obviously surrendering Israeli civilians

    We are a week removed from the IDF going forward and openly admitting to their soldiers having made a mistake and acting against both standard protocol and direct orders. As inexcusable as the conduct of the soldiers responsible for this is, the transparent and honest manner in which this incident was communicated to the public is exemplary. You are right that this does raise uncomfortable questions over how normal this kind of conduct of IDF soldiers is though.

    the actual root of the problem

    The actual root of the problem is that the UN came up with a flawed two-state plan for Palestine in 1947, one that Israel agreed with and the Arab nations didn’t, prompting them to fight a war over it. Which they lost, against a tiny isolated nation under a weapons embargo that literally had to salvage tanks from scrap yards as the attacking Arabs were using the latest gear. Then they tried a few times more, losing again every time and in between, various Palestinian groups have tried again and again to do their worst. Each time, they lose, each time, Palestinians lose territory and power as Israel gets stronger with each military victory, because that’s how wars have always worked. Arab nations also occupied Palestinian territory for decades, oppressing Palestinians there worse than Israel ever did, but that tends to get glossed over these days.

    When Israel does actually make concessions, like when they pulled all settlers out of Gaza, invited tens of thousands of Palestinians to work for several times the wages they would get in Palestinian territories, they get thanked with more violence in return, showing the Israeli public that extending the hand does nothing to calm this conflict down, so with each terrorist attack, they shift further to the right politically, electing politicians who promise strength and keeping Palestinians at bay instead of compromising. That’s how you get injustices like indefinite detention of Palestinians. Cause and effect.

    Do you even know that Israel was working on finalizing a deal for the Palestinians to get access to gas fields on the coast of Gaza, which would have given them energy independence and a huge influx in cash? Talks were ongoing until literally the day of the terrorist attack, but now it’ll never happen.

    alyaza, (edited )
    @alyaza@beehaw.org avatar

    When Israel does actually make concessions, like when they pulled all settlers out of Gaza, invited tens of thousands of Palestinians to work for several times the wages they would get in Palestinian territories, they get thanked with more violence in return, showing the Israeli public that extending the hand does nothing to calm this conflict down, so with each terrorist attack, they shift further to the right politically, electing politicians who promise strength and keeping Palestinians at bay instead of compromising. That’s how you get injustices like indefinite detention of Palestinians. Cause and effect.

    i mean this is just cringe apologia for Israel, respectfully. “benevolently” stopping your settler colonialism in one part of the Palestinian state you don’t want to exist and almost immediately transitioning into an ongoing permanent blockade of said part of that state after you do is not actual benevolence or a “concession” in any meaningful sense of the word–that should be the baseline expected of Israel. you’re also completely ignoring, in saying this, the much more impactful apartheid under which Palestinians live and the encroachment of settlers in the West Bank that Israel aids, abets, and funds, and has for decades. in pretty much any other circumstance what Israel is doing to Palestine would be widely accepted as a casus belli for war. the implication underlying everything you’re saying here is that the root of the conflict is all Palestinian, but that’s demonstrably incorrect and actively revisionist to a point where i don’t think you’d get most Zionists to agree to it.


    almost immediately transitioning into an ongoing permanent blockade of said part of that state

    I wonder what happened in between those two things. Have you ever looked up what the blockade was actually blocking?

    what Israel is doing to Palestine would be widely accepted as a casus belli for war

    If that’s a casus belli, then so is October 7. Now what?

    @alyaza@beehaw.org avatar

    I wonder what happened in between those two things. Have you ever looked up what the blockade was actually blocking?

    i think it is a moral imperative (or at least, unambiguously morally justifiable in all cases) to wage armed struggle against a country doing apartheid like Israel, so it’s basically irrelevant for my purposes that Israel’s justification for the blockade is “these people waged armed struggle against me”–the oxygen of that armed struggle as it currently exists is the apartheid. if anything it just demonstrates that Israel’s government so devalues Palestinian life (as is also being demonstrated by their cavalier attitude toward murdering civilians) that it’d rather continue the oppression that’s led many Palestinians to jihadism in the first place than ever reconsider whether that approach will lead to stability in the region and long-term peace


    So unguided rockets vaguely aimed at cities, suicide bombers (including the use of children and mentally impaired people as suicide bombers), random stabbings, random shootings are “armed struggle” now? The mere fact that they are using children, old and handicapped people as suicide bombers, including in this current conflict, shows that if there’s one side not valuing Palestinian life at all, it’s Palestinian leadership.

    Oh, and it’s also statements like these:


    How on Earth do you deal with this kind of political leadership? It’s not just Hamas, that’s how all sorts of groups and Palestinian governments have fought for many decades. How do you achieve “long-term piece” in this kind of situation? Like I said, any kind of concession gets answered with violence and any past peace deal, including the last one that would have resulted in 95% of the West Bank in Palestinian hands, gets rejected by one side and one side only. The current settler problem wouldn’t even exist had Arafat not walked away from the Camp David summit after saying no to every proposal. He lived out his days as a billionaire though, so I guess we know why he did it. I guess he feared for this power and wealth, just like Hamas’ leadership with their billions. Gotta keep that conflict going so that aid comes in that they can then steal from the people right out in the open while delusional idealists - no offense - meander on about high-level concepts like apartheid and oppression, blind to the actual reality.

    @alyaza@beehaw.org avatar

    So unguided rockets vaguely aimed at cities, suicide bombers (including the use of children and mentally impaired people as suicide bombers), random stabbings, random shootings are “armed struggle” now?

    well yes, definitionally, that’s how armed struggle is manifesting in Palestine currently. there’s nothing you or i can do about that.

    but that’s a little besides the point, which is that i think you at most selectively take issue with morally depraved military actions. almost everything you’re charging Hamas with has an established and equally immoral analogue in Israel’s strategy toward Palestine to this point. it’s conspicuous to me, for example, that you do not seem to comparably weigh Israel damaging or destroying 70% of Gaza City with Hamas’s unguided rocket attacks–especially given that both have led to large numbers of civilian deaths? like, do you think that 70% of Gaza City harbored Hamas militants, or, alternatively that it was militarily necessary to do that sort of damage even though it was inevitable large numbers of civilians would be caught in the crossfire? that seems like the only way for this to not boil down to vibes of who’s “good” and “bad”

    and mind you, i have no issue with saying that Hamas is a depraved terrorist group who should never be in power and that it’s very, very bad for the region that they are now the primary credible opposition to Israel in Palestine. if i had my way, they would be unilaterally eradicated in favor of Fatah who at least seem willing to work toward a peaceful resolution. but i don’t have a magic wand, and Hamas does not exist in a vacuum. the Israeli state is directly complicit in making them that primary credible opposition, both through its military strategy and through selectively looking the other way when money and weapons are funneled through back-channels to the group. even Israeli outlets admit to this sort of arrangement under Netanyahu.


    that it was militarily necessary to do that sort of damage even though it was inevitable large numbers of civilians would be caught in the crossfire?

    I honestly don’t know, but I can guess why they are doing it that way. I read one report that in one suburb of Gaza City, almost half of all buildings were rigged with explosives by Hamas. In another place, there were traps using speakers that played children’s cries, in yet another location, Hamas used an old man as a suicide bomber. How do you fight in such an environment? Israel is choosing a cautious approach using air power and tanks, which limits the risk to their own soldiers - and successfully so, given the low death toll on their side we’ve seen. I totally get that they are prioritizing that over protecting civilians that have been taught from the crib to kill all Jews. Should they instead choose a riskier approach that might endanger their own people? I think every nation would prioritize their soldiers over civilians from the opposing side. It’s still awful, there’s no way around it, but seriously, what choice do they have? It’s just terrible options and those in charge in Israel have to pick the least terrible one.

    in favor of Fatah who at least seem willing to work toward a peaceful resolution

    Fatah has a “martyr’s fund” worth hundreds of millions that they use to pay out to the families of those who die in the fight against Israel, including members of Hamas. They paid millions to the families of terrorists who died during the October 7 attack.


    Abbas literally has a PhD in Holocaust denial. Fatah are really no good options either and on top of that, they have zero credibility among Palestinians due to how ineffective and corrupt their government is.

    and through selectively looking the other way when money and weapons are funneled through back-channels to the group

    They also did it, because they thought they could pacify the group, make them interested in governing and enriching themselves instead of waging war. It seemed to have worked for a long time, as evidenced by billions siphoned off into in off-shore accounts, but hindsight is 20/20. The thing is though, there was significant international pressure against Israel to allow these funds into Gaza, including from foreign governments and humanitarian groups, many of which are now using the fact that the Israeli government permitted the transfer of these funds against it or are even frequently distorting it into “Israel funded Hamas” or “Israel created Hamas”.

    Like I said, there are only terrible options. This seemed like the least terrible one at the time and since there are no magic wands, there are rarely ideal solutions.

    @alyaza@beehaw.org avatar

    I honestly don’t know,

    respectfully: if you yourself have to begin an answer to these questions with “I honestly don’t know,” and then go on to talk about how Israel might be prioritizing its own soldiers over civilian life because even the civilians “have been taught from the crib to kill all Jews,” perhaps you can understand how some of us would conclude that Israel might not care very much about Palestinian civilians and consider them both acceptable collateral damage or actual military targets based on the sheer number of them they’ve killed to this point


    if you yourself have to begin an answer to these questions with “I honestly don’t know,”

    I think we should all do that, including you.

    because even the civilians “have been taught from the crib to kill all Jews,”

    I didn’t make that part up:


    Seriously read this, including the full report. It explains so much about this conflict.

    perhaps you can understand how some of us would conclude that Israel might not care very much about Palestinian civilians

    They care less about Palestinian civilians than they do about their own soldiers, but they care enough about them to invest massive amounts of resources into warning them, into getting aid to them and into getting them out of the parts of the strip that are most dangerous to them. That’s more than can be said about anyone else in this conflict. Is it perfect? Hell no, but nothing in this world is and nobody in their right mind would expect them to be perfect.

    based on the sheer number of them they’ve killed to this point

    We don’t even know how many have died. Seriously, we have zero clue, only made-up numbers from Hamas - who also don’t differentiate between civilian and military deaths, by the way - and rough estimates from everyone else. All we know for certain is that thousands have died. That’s it. It took Israel weeks to come up with the total death toll on their side after the October 7 massacres and that’s in a much more controlled environment, yet everyone immediately accepts whatever the “Gaza Health Ministry” under full Hamas control pumps out. I’ve lost count of how many have sent me articles from BBC, Reuters, NYT and whoever saying that they reported on the numbers and I should take them seriously and yet every single time, these articles cite the same Hamas organization or someone who cites them.

    Again, this is a terrible war and thousands have dying in it, but it’s not just a war of bullets and bombs, but also one of information being used a weapon, including misinformation, like completely nonsensical comparisons that I debunked earlier. So many educated, well-meaning people appear to lose all sight of reason, anything resembling critical thinking skills in this and for what? Do any of these people really think that it actually helps Palestinians?


    You also turned 25% starving into 25% starving to death, knowingly or unknowingly, and there is actually a difference. Doesn’t bring any food to their nonexistent table, but again, hyperbole. Right now, 50% of people are starving in Syria, despite the conflict there having died down significantly, but nobody gives a damn and not even that UN buffoon seems to know, even though it’s literally his job to know that. Hell, 16.6% of Indians are starving and there’s peace in most of the country. 13% of Americans are food insecure and the only war that’s currently going on there is the “War on Christmas”, at least according to Fox News.

    Again, you have no sources heres so nit sure where you are getting your figures from.

    When someone is starving, you realize the literal definition is that they are DYING FROM HUNGER. This is not hyperbole.

    Speaking of dying from hunger, the UN Secretary General just stated that “Four out of five of the hungriest people anywhere in the world are in Gaza.”

    This latest food security analysis for Gaza, which includes data from the World Food Programme (WFP), other UN agencies and non-governmental organizations, confirmed that the entire population of Gaza – roughly 2.2 million people – are in crisis or worse levels of acute food insecurity. The IPC report further highlighted that 26 percent of Gazans (576,600 people) have exhausted their food supplies and coping capacities and face catastrophic hunger (IPC Phase 5) and starvation.


    CaptObvious, to news in Gaza war's staggering toll reaches a grim milestone: 20,000 dead

    Too many posts are removed if they’re critical of Israel. I hope this post survives for discussion.


    Yes, I’ve had several posts that humanize Palestinians removed near the start of the conflict on Lemmy.World, though things have improved there. I’ve never seen censorship of Gaza reporting here at BeeHaw; I have a lot of admiration for @alyaza who has beaten me to the post several times.


    According to the modlog, posts that are not negative towards Israel have been removed. There is definitely censorship here.


    Got any examples?



    Several ten days ago alone.

    t3rmit3, (edited )

    The top one on that list is a comment condemning Israel, and the mods removed it. Several others, too.

    It’s not censorship when they’re removing posts by both sides.

    It mostly looks like the same 2-3 trolls posting inflammatory content that is getting removed.


    I’m not the one you were replying to and haven’t read the comments you referenced but couldn’t let this stand unchallenged:

    It’s not censorship when they’re removing posts by both sides.

    Yes it is censorship, it could be censorship with reduced bias, it might even be appropriate censorship. But it is literally censorship to censor speech.

    t3rmit3, (edited )

    If you read who I was responding to, they are asserting that this is political censorship of pro-Israel content. It may be censorship, but not towards a certain political viewpoint, just towards assholes.

    @alyaza@beehaw.org avatar

    you literally just had a protracted argument with me, an admin who determines what gets removed or not, in another thread over Israel and that was not removed. you have another pro-Israel set of comments in this thread that have not been removed even though i personally think they’re even less defensible than what you were arguing with me. i don’t know how you can seriously attempt to make this point.

    CaptObvious, (edited )

    Lemmy.world hasn’t improved as far as I can tell. Or maybe their bias was even worse before I noticed.

    In any event, their entire instance is now blocked from my feeds, so I won’t have to deal with them.

    God_Is_Love, to upliftingnews in Biden is pardoning thousands convicted of marijuana charges on federal lands and in Washington

    Not at all saying this isn’t uplifting, but I’m kind of sad by how political and America centric this community seems to be. I’d love to see more universal or individual themed uplifting posts!

    @UrPartnerInCrime@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Be the change you want to see in the world


    It’s just my opinion 🤷 If I see something worth sharing I will!

    @remotelove@lemmy.ca avatar

    They are referring to Thor, right?


    god is thunder


    Yeah I’m still allowed to have an opinion. Why so harsh?


    You’re asking other people to do things for you while you do nothing, it seems.


    I’m kinda sad you are in this comment section tbh.


    That seems rude and unnecessary

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