eighty, to linux in Linus Torvalds -- Creator of Linux -- defends gun regulation, woke communists, womens rights AND trans rights. Linux is political!

I can relate to the “how the fuck is being a concerned human being extreme/poltical?” energy in the post hard.

Plasma, to linux in Linus Torvalds -- Creator of Linux -- defends gun regulation, woke communists, womens rights AND trans rights. Linux is political! avatar

FOSS is an active political statement!


Was just coming here to say that. The entire Ethos of Open Source is basically the people owning the digital means of production. So some people really not grasp that?

14specks, avatar

So some people really not grasp that?

Actually, yes, the original FOSS movement had more right-libertarian roots than anything to the left, although nowadays some might see it as “common ground”.

flibbertigibbet, to linux in Linus Torvalds -- Creator of Linux -- defends gun regulation, woke communists, womens rights AND trans rights. Linux is political!

Political? For everyone outside of America that’s just common sense.


Outside the US this no longer has to be political, is probably more what it really is.


Hello I’m a trans person from the UK here to tell you this is sadly not the case at all.

leonbringeroffuego, to comicstrips in "Creating Supplement" by Mr. Lovenstein


starman2112, to comicstrips in "Creating Supplement" by Mr. Lovenstein avatar

Fun fact! Drugs (at least pot) make you think you’re more creative, but they don’t actually make you more creative! It turns out, being inebriated just makes you more easily impressed by things


And then you never really figure it out because it fucks with your memory too, so you can never review all the amazing ideas you had after you’ve sobered up.


what weed u smoking that messes with ur memory?


Not OP but like… ALL strains ??


Yea, but experienced daily users tend to lose that effect, unless they really try high chasing and take a lot. That’s probably where they’re coming from.

There is a stain called Memory Loss though lol, and in my experience it slaps a lot more than most.


IME it gets worse over time. I’m forced to use daily due to chronic pain and I can barely remember anything nowadays.


Interesting, I’ve had dispensary managers who smoke ungodly amounts of weed in the past. One would spend an hour rolling joints to smoke through the day every day, plus dab for an hour, and clearly have Gatorade and the like that was tinted an odd color from infused syrup all day. Plus these people have been going like this for 20+ years.

Never had any major issues with them remembering on the job. It’s anecdotal, but I think it shows an area worth looking into scientifically more one day. Could also be body composition based for all I know, still lots to learn about weed out there.

Sorry to hear you have to deal with that though.


Keep a notepad and write down your ideas while you’re high, had a friend who did that, a grand total of zero ideas were good in retrospect!


“Write drunk (or high), edit sober.”

Zoboomafoo, avatar

According to Herodotus, the Achmaeniad Persians would get drunk and deliberate on inportant matters, then review those decisions while sober


I write all my ideas down, and one of them got me my current job lmao


Did your friend write The Big Beat Manifesto?


Haven’t managed to watch a single video on Piped yet 🤷


I don’t believe you, where is your proof?

norbert, avatar

BRB letting every musician ever know that the pot doesn't actually do anything for them and they only think they're being creative.


“pot doesn’t make you creative just helps you be creative” seems like a semantics thing


Might want to talk to the ones who got sober…

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

You mean the ones who continue to draw inspiration from the experiences they had while doing drugs?


You might want to talk to them rather than guessing their experiences.

Fear of losing creativity is one reason people stay in a drug addiction cycle for way longer than is necessary. Folks who come out the other side often are surprised by how much easier it is to be creative. They find they can suddenly match their non-drug addicted counterparts and as a bonus can keep a job!


Lmao this is such a DARE line it’s painful.


Man this is such a reddit moment.

I’m someone working towards sobriety from hard drugs who has spent the last 8 years in and out of sober spaces such as 12-step programs, Recovery Dharma and their secular alternatives (SMART and LifeRing).

I presently attend a harm reduction program full of people trying to reach abstinence goals from a variety of substances.

I’m literally just telling you what actual people have said in my presence (obviously paraphrased since I didn’t write that shit down).


The problem with the way drugs is talked about in general is they’re all lumped together.

Weed is not going to be nearly as harmful or addictive as opiates for example, I can definitely empathize with people addicted to harder substances (including Alcohol IMO) and the definite harm it causes.

I just don’t like when weed or psychedelics are lumped in under the “drugs” banner and are treated just as addictive or harmful when they simply aren’t.

Not to mention I personally believe that most drugs should be legalized and regulated because the way we deal with them (criminally) causes so much more harm to the people stuck in addiction, much less likely to seek help out of fear.

The line I specifically didn’t like was when you said, “and can keep a job too!” As if people who use drugs recreationally can’t keep a job.


I appreciate the thoughtful response.

It’s a challenging conversation to have with nuance. I meant to emphasize that I was talking about people who had crossed the line from casual use to destructive use with my “addictive cycle” phrasing, and I agree that not all drug use is equal or bad.

My boyfriend is a regular pot user. He’ll take a gummy once per week and go on hikes with his friends and come back on time for dinner all chipper. It’s adorable and not remotely a problem.

That isn’t to say that pot can’t be a problem. The specific person I was channeling from my current harm reduction abstinence group IS someone who is there because pot is a problem for him. He’s the most recent to have talked about how much easier it was to be creative when he’s sober but it’s a thing I’ve heard quite a few times in the past.

My boyfriend’s brother is also someone who struggles to keep down a job and as far as I know pot is his drug of choice.

Conversely, my drug of choice is crystal meth and I’ve maintained my career, never having lost a job. I’ve even excelled at my job through my hardest using (thanks covid wfh!).

And nobody in their right mind would say that meth use of any kind is better than the hardest of pot use.

At the end of the day, I don’t think that pot use harms creativity, but I don’t think it helps it either. And the people who think they NEED pot to be creative I do think are potentially hurting themselves.

starman2112, avatar

Unfortunately scihub is dead, so I can’t link to any full research papers, but here’s my source…/bummer-youre-not-more-creativ…


Try shrooms or LSD, but more so shrooms and see if you aren’t left with perceptive changes to the world. Plus shrooms have a natural antidepressant effect that can last up to six months.


Many of my art pieces are attempts at recreating what I see on shrooms, I definitely feel my creative that way.


this is what is said but makes no sense to me as in my opinion creativity is your ability to take anything as inspiration and create something cool

which is pot makes u see more inspiration then it makes u more creative by proxy imo

i say as a stoner art student

Retrograde, avatar

I mean, you are the authority on the matter after all.

I too enjoy pot and I agree, finding inspiration is one of the hardest parts of the creative process for me, so getting high makes it easier to start making cool stuff …(or just make things like listening to music way better)


I don’t know, some of my most interesting art pieces have come about when I’ve been stoned. My sober ones always lack a certain pizazz. I’ve read through that research article I think you’re mentioning, the methodology seemed too small in scope to really capture a change in something intangible like creativity. I think a study that takes sober artists with zero drug experience, have them create something, spend a few months smoking weed, and then create something again would be more encompassing on THC’s affects on creativity.

Also I’d be curious to see how stress relief and a good mood affects creativity as well. Sure some art comes from dark places, but I’d imagine its easier to be creative when you’re in a good place mentally.


This is according to a few studies that have questionable methodologies, such as how they measure “creativity” but yeah, in general drugs only bring out what already exists in someone’s personality. If you’re a really creative person to begin with, drugs can shift your perspective, which can be useful. But it isn’t magic smart people juice.

tygerprints, to comicstrips in "Time Will Tell" by Mr. Lovenstein

Love it. It's true - imagine all the time we spend on these social media sites that we could use for better purposes. Writing books, drawing, setting things on fire. All the wasted potential!

Gormadt, avatar

But instant gratification go brr

Seriously though, the amount of people I ask “what kinds of hobbies do you have” and they reply that they don’t have any is honestly pretty sad

There’s a lot of hobbies that you can get into for really cheap to free, they just spend all of their free time on social media


I do the healthy thing and only go on social media at work.


There really isn’t enough fire in the world.

demonquark, to comicstrips in "Time Will Tell" by Mr. Lovenstein

I could get so much done if I just had the money…

tygerprints, to comicstrips in "Time Will Tell" by Mr. Lovenstein

Yeah there is that instant gratification - the IG factor you could call it. It's hard to resist! But I agree, people should have actual real hobbies, not just spend time trolling online. One of mine is writing, so replying to posts online helps sharpen my critical thinking in some ways. But I don't spend all day on it. I have so many other hobbies that truly are rewarding, and don't come with constant criticism and put downs from others.

BestBouclettes, to comicstrips in "Repetition" by Chris Hallbeck

Daniel Radcliffe. Since I watched Swiss Army Man, I’ve decided that I would watch anything with him in it without even questioning it. He’s doing things he likes and you can see how much fun he’s having. It’s just great. (Guns Akimbo, Miracle Workers, Horns, etc.)


Haha yeah that movie was unexpectedly good! I should really check out more of his work


Guns Akimbo is one of my favorite movies to show people who don’t know his range. He’s just so fantastically fun in it.

killeronthecorner, avatar

Woman in Black is a grossly underrated horror, and he’s excellent in it.


Daniel Radcliffe. Since I watched Swiss Army Man, I’ve decided that I would watch anything with him in it without even questioning it.

That is an excellent plan.

  • Miracle Workers is a national treasure.
  • Weird: The Al Yankovich Story is ridiculous perfection.
  • The Lost City is much better than it has any right to be.
edgemaster72, avatar

Miracle Workers appreciation thread let’s goooo


Saving all of this to my watch list. Thanks!

MsPenguinette, to comicstrips in "Distant" by Mr. Lovenstein

Dude should be paying my royalties for telling my life story

ThatWeirdGuy1001, to comicstrips in "Distant" by Mr. Lovenstein avatar

Honestly I feel like human interaction has just become fake or hostile. You’re either lying to avoid conflict or dealing with conflict. It’s so much easier to just deal with the loneliness than try to jump through all these social hoops.

With that said I’m autistic so that might be why it’s so painful for me to deal with.


I think human interaction change with times that tell us what we need to have to be good as friend. I am also running from people but not because I can’t deal with conflict but because shame. I spend many time to understand and shame is mine final answer. I am ashamed of my dirty apartment in my father garage, I am ashamed of not having a degree, a job, the will of even find an occupation. Then I ashamed of my body, fat and full of scars of heavy loss of height. Simple I am just a monster, that lives only because parents keep alive. What kind of friend can be possible be? That’s there reason to escape. This why not everyone can have interactions.


I don’t have a degree either. I used to live with my parents. I also didn’t have a job for years. Society conditions you to have all these things at once. Shit takes time and there is hope in life. If some low life like me can turn my life around so can you.

First of all, you don’t need a degree. Just a fake piece of paper that tells people you’re smart. I’m YouTube educated. Find your interest and deep dive into it. Fake a resume and start applying for jobs. Eventually someone will give you a chance.

Are you good at math? Know coding? Everyone is good at something.


I’m glad to finally read someone that’s say something real. Its all about lying, yes I educate myself and I even try to fake a fair enough resumee. I realize this is the only way to hope for something. I don’t have special abilities, not good at math, coding boring me. I try a lot of thing in this life, I am in a training program now, but things move slowly, I’m 35, I should have a wife by now, an happy place called home, but looks so far away, looks even that I lost the train to having that life. Feeling already old even if I do nothing, life ask things I dont have. Stupid things like a car, I don’t want it, I don’t like it, but people want me to have it. This example apply to everything. In order to have something I wish for I need to want something I don’t like, that’s so stupid and I feel bad.


Let me in on another secret, I didn’t find success until 40. Took me a good 5 years to get out of my parents home. Now I have a wife and a son. I’m super happy now at 45. Don’t compare yourself to others. Fuck other people. It’s your life, not theirs.

I have a diagnosed mental disability and have a hard time with staying focused on things like work. Also, I hate my job. I’m just fucking good at it(thanks to YouTube). But I enjoy 3D printing and taking photos but not good enough to make it a career. My well paying boring job funds my life and my family and at 5pm, I mentally peace out of work and completely ignore all emails.

Life is what you make of it. You’re not an NPC in a game. You’re the main character. I’m just a random NPC that was in your shoes and letting you know there is hope.

anzo, to comicstrips in "Distant" by Mr. Lovenstein

I was that adolescent too, not long ago.

This comic has an unpleasant ending, if you think of the person as being depressed, isolating himself, and in the end committing suicide.

I don’t want to ruin the fun, but had to mention this to make it clear…

No matter how grim life seems to be, you should definitely look for help or any relative to talk to about how you feel.

There are no magic solutions, but you can feel better. And you deserve to feel better.

seitanic, avatar

I’ve known several men who were severely fucked in the head, and they could’ve gone to a psychiatrist or a therapist, but they were too proud. In the worst case, the guy committed suicide. Depression is no joke!

EtherWhack, avatar

I would also iterate to the other side, that sometimes people going through depression or the like may feel embarrassed or shy about exposing their pain. As it may make them close off even more, so you don’t want to be too “helpful” and force it.

Keep in mind that a lot of times people aren’t really needing any advice or anything but just need an ear to air out their problems. Also, if you are wanting to give advice, try to be less; “you should…” and more “have you tried…”

Depression is a very, very touchy subject and needs to be handled with a lot of care.


My insurance runs out at the end of the year. I’m going to die a slow and painful death without medicine that costs $3,000 a month. Suicide is looking pretty appealing, but people go on the whole “You can and deserve XYZ” spiel whenever I talk about it. Like, bitch, if I deserve XYZ then give it to me. Otherwise, you’re just doing mental health slacktivism.


Your American government failed you.

LemmysMum, to comicstrips in "Time Will Tell" by Mr. Lovenstein

We all have the same amount of time. But not all of us have the resources to become king, engage in war, trade with nations, and die in comfort.

Kolanaki, avatar

That’s why I play Paradox strategy games. I get to do all of the above except for dying in comfort.


I thought we were playing those for the incest?


Incest? More like wincest!


We all have the same amount of time but not everyone can afford to spend money to maximize the time on what they desire

goldenoreo, to comicstrips in "Distant" by Mr. Lovenstein

Me exactly.

badbytes, to comicstrips in "Distant" by Mr. Lovenstein

Can relate

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