I like how the author left it up to interpretation of whether the dog killed the human, because there’s no panel of the shot going off. For all we know, the dog is smoking from the gun, and the man is taking a nap.
I think the actual story that Alex “I don’t get enough oxygen when I sleep” Jones fudged that conspiracy theory from is way more interesting than turning frogs gay.
And yes, Alex Jones recently said that he suffers from oxygen deficiency when he sleeps because of his “freakishly big neck” (or whatever words he used) which gives him visions from god.
Really all it’s going to do is slap your hand with the bedazzled parts, I doubt there is enough energy to make them all fly unless they are pretty loose. But it would still hurt like hell cause I had a Toyota logo on the back of my hand after getting hit by the airbag in my car.