lowleveldata, (edited ) to science_memes in squid games

What is the total mass gain if all lithium(3) became sulfur(16)? How many planets would become stars overnight?


What is the total mass gain if all lithium(3) became sulfur(16)?

Related, there’s a Kurzgesagt video on what happens if you turn the entire earth into gold:

You have to make assumptions on what you keep constant: mass? volume? density? Each scenario is amusing in its own apocalyptic way.

platypode, (edited ) avatar

Per Wolfram Alpha, sulfur is 4.62 times heavier; the earth is 0.002% lithium, so it would experience a net gain of 3.62 * mass of earth * 0.00002, or 4.3e20kg. That’s 7.24e-5 times heavier, so not much in the grand scheme of things.

Note that I’m neither a chemist, a physicist, or an astronomer, so I make no guarantee that I did this right.

Edit: misplaced decimal


4 zeros not 3. 0.00002

Ragdoll_X, (edited ) to science_memes in squid games avatar

Ice Squid Condensation? Ice Squid Evaporation? Or is the punchline that you changed the chemistry of the genie?

I don’t get it.


It’s solid -> liquid -> gas, but now replace all lithium (li) with sulfur (s). So spelling wise liquid becomes squid.


Wouldn’t the first one be changed to sosd then? XD


Sounds like op was a little sosd when they came up with this post.


i’d hope that they were at least a little sosd because anything else tends to be rather unhealthy for humans…


What does this mean fr?


I haven’t understood this year, maybe next year.

Honytawk, to science_memes in despite all my rage IT keeps me trapped like a rat in a cage.

What is stopping you from proposing better software?


Nothing. It’s the listening bit from the receiving end that’s the problem.




Mainly corporate momentum.

The decision to shift out of the microsoft is too costly at this point for even medium sized businesses to consider.

driving_crooner, to science_memes in despite all my rage IT keeps me trapped like a rat in a cage. avatar

I use mainly python at work, but usually exit to excel to share the results to other people.


Openpyxl is for you.

driving_crooner, avatar

I use Pandas, but im sure i have that library installed for Pandas use.

Truck_kun, to science_memes in despite all my rage IT keeps me trapped like a rat in a cage.

I use python occasionally at work.

… Not IT approved, but well… we use an MSP, and I get to be a decision maker in the company for certain things, and just do it, because well… I can, and the company keeps me around partially for the things I do with python and sql.

I would like to say Pandas should be used for much of that excel stuff, maybe even replace it, but… Microsoft has decided to bring Python capabilities into excel, so that will likely cement them in your workflow even further:

Buttermilk, avatar

I’ve found the selling point in not needing to open excel and click around to run the script. So often people need to do like the same three things and don’t even know how to write Python, so giving them a script to drag your file onto is a step up from excel

irish_link, to science_memes in #science

Recently the headlines have actually been way more “study finds something super obvious to be true that most of society took as truth without needing a study. They just lived it in their every day life”

OpenStars, avatar

Study finds that toxic trolls exist on X… and that they often cause people to receive hurt feelings!

fossilesque, avatar
Dasnap, to science_memes in #science avatar

I’ve been saying this for years but everyone just called me a quack.

Lemminary, (edited )

Well, you’re literally a talking duck, Dasquack 🦆

ladicius, to science_memes in bread is metal

You eat their little farts trapped in the dough, you know that?

You are disgusting.

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

Your either a smart fella or live long enough to become a fart sniffa


Noo it’s fart smella how could you not get that right


That ain’t the only farts I’m eating, honey


Don’t kink shame


Hey, don’t kinkshame us!


Dutch oven sandwich in every bite

Carrick1973, to science_memes in Magic π

There’s a 9 repeating 6 times in there which I’d think is a pretty rare occurrence in pi. I wonder what the longest occurrence of a repeating digit is.


Looked it up, and it’s apparently called the Feynman point after Physicist Richard Feynman (though the story behind that attribution is disputed).


That’s fascinating. Obviously, there’s a series of repeating numbers in there, and one of the numbers would have a highest number of repeats… until further places of pi are determined and another number knocks it off… I assume there’s a repeating 1, or 2 that repeats 7 or 8 times,etc… at some point…

ILikeBoobies, (edited )

Pi is infinite so every combination/string of numbers is in there, if we calculated enough you could find a billion 2s next to each other

You can look through the first trillion here

Though it’s a bunch of downloading


Not necessarily. It could just become a series of 1’s repeating forever. Nothing would require it to contain all strings of numbers.

diverging, avatar

It could just become a series of 1’s repeating forever

If that happens in a number, then it is rational. Pi is not rational, so that will never happen in pi.


The point of pi is that it’s non-repeating

Guest_User, (edited )

At work at the moment so can’t go deep into it. But I think you misunderstand what non repeating numbers mean. Of course there are repeating numbers within pi which is fine, the issue would be if ALL the digits were to simply cycle over and repeat themselves. If however there are a few trillion digits then a series of 1’s and 0’s for ever, pi is still non repeating


Did you read what I responded to?

It could just become a series of 1’s repeating forever.


I did read it, I also wrote it. Wasn’t trying to put you down or anything just sharing a bit of knowledge I found interesting. I know many people (my self included at one point) assumed pi would have to include everything when that just isn’t true. Apologies if I did a bad job explaining it though


I wasn’t clear then, it’s not that it has to

It’s that it can until calculated


On a long enough string I’m guessing… Infinite? Pi isn’t a pattern so does it follow the same “if monkeys hade an infinite amount of time to type at a typewriter they’d type Shakespeare”


Well I thought that at first, but it has to be less than infinite since other numbers have to repeat in there as well with at least some occurrence so it’s infinite minus something, but since pi goes on infinitely, it’s obviously some high number…

RizzRustbolt, to science_memes in Oxygen.

Not only is our atmosphere made of rocket fuel, but our planet’s crust is made up of the most oxidizing substances in the universe.

Our whole planet is a massive bomb waiting for the right trigger to set it off.


The atmosphere is made of rocket oxidizer, not fuel. Fuel would be something that reacts with oxygen: Hydrogen, Methane, etc.


From the pov of an organism in a high-oxygen atmosphere, thats true. But on a planet with little to no oxygen in the atmosphere, it would have to be added separately, the same way we add fuel


That doesn’t change the chemistry.


It would change how you perceive the chemistry

xkforce, (edited ) to science_memes in Biochem

Then you find out that the lack of an ingredient results in the microbes producing the product lol.

Certain algae for example, need to be “starved” in a way that results in them switching from conventional photosynthesis that produces glucose to photosynthesis that functions to generate Hydrogen and Oxygen alone. The Oxygen is used for respiration and the Hydrogen is essentially dumped as a waste product. They can only sustain this for relatively short periods before their stockpile of carbohydrates is sufficiently depleted. Which means these bioreactors need to be cycled through a fattening phase where the algae stockpile fuel and a starvation phase where they exhaust that stockpile while producing Hydrogen.

embed_me, avatar

Stop algae cruelty

fossilesque, avatar

Phycologists on revolt.


Fuck them eukaryotes


Well the alternative is us setting the solid, liquid and gas remains of their ancient ancestors on fire which slowly makes the planet uninhabitable.

SubArcticTundra, avatar

Wow, could you point me to any resources where I could learn more? I’m doing undergrad biochem…

xkforce, (edited )

Nitrogen starvation increases Hydrogen yield:

Sulfur starvation doing the same as well as a strain that doesnt need to be starved:…/S0360319920341550

SubArcticTundra, avatar

How did you come across these?


Ive been trying to keep tabs on the literature in biochemistry, chemistry and other fields for decades. I inevitably come accross things like this from time to time. These particular articles I just googled because I dont have the bookmark for the original paper discussing Hydrogen production back in 2000.

Mango, to science_memes in Magic π

At work we have a scale sensitive to the 1/10,000 of a gram. 4 decimal digits. It’s so sensitive it needs to be encased in a box so tiny connection currents don’t make it go frantic! Even in the box the number changes a lot. 15 0s is nutty.


connection currents

Convection currents?


Yes. Heckin Gboard.


Mine can tell if I’m sitting next to it’s desk or not. I’ve come to the conclusion it’s the deformation of the ground the desk is sitting on.

It’s really a silly amount of precision for what I use it for. But It’s so fun to lock g on .0000, even if only for a few seconds. Anyone who has a target of a specific amount of 0s can do it themselves. After the first 2 shits pretty random.


And a hit of acid would show something between 0.0000 and 0.0002 on the scale.


Not when I’m the detector!

GenEcon, (edited ) to science_memes in Magic π

Still, we can’t proof that Pi^Pi^Pi^Pi is an integer or not, since we don’t know enough digits.


It’s definitely not an integer seeing as it has a fractional component. Do you mean if it’s rational or not?

GenEcon, (edited )

No, we can’t proof if its an integer or not. If you can proof it, you are up for a great career in mathematics:…/2203268

(Unfortunately only found this german article, but maybe translation works)

xkforce, to science_memes in If I was smarter, I'd have gotten the bag.

The more PhDs I know and the closer I am to grad school, the more it feels like getting a PhD is about being stubborn than it is about being smarter than everyone in the room.

fossilesque, avatar



In my experience it’s being stubborn or possessing a robust resiliency to mental health damage. Being smart, or better yet from a family that is wealthy enough to support you just makes everything a fair bit easier.

Also, making friends with your advisors doesn’t hurt either.

Gork, to science_memes in Magic π

Diameter of a hydrogen atom is all well and good, but how many digits of pi will we need to be accurate to a Planck Length?


Honestly probably not that many more. My guess since I’m too lazy to do the math is less than 100.


The width of a hydrogen atom is 3.1*10^24 Planck lengths. So, yeah, 65 digits of pi ought to do it.


The diameter of a hydrogen atom is over 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 plank lengths.

So based on this post I have no idea.

xthexder, (edited ) avatar

Well that’s only 26 more digits, so we’re probably good at 100 digits of pi. [citation needed]

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