This line erases one random file from your home directory and then uses ls as normal. You won’t know what vanished until you need it or it removes a needed library or binary.
Agreed that it’s hilarious, but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that if someone interrupts the portion, the officiater has to go through like… a whole process legally because of it? I don’t know if that matters realistically if he knows too and is cool though
Legend has it that the Elders knew of a world outside Vim, a world that encompasses it and all other things. That arcana is now lost, and none can transcend our plane of existence. Vim is all we know.
Only do it if it’s supposed to be part of the wedding. Otherwise, don’t do it. It would be very disruptive and distracting and could make an otherwise beautiful moment very awkward. And it’d be something the bride and groom would have to remember for the rest of their lives every time they put on their rings.
Weddings have too much going on for anyone to keep track. It’s not a concert. No one is checking for tickets. After the wedding, receptions have assigned seating. But by then, you’d be long gone and planning the next Tolkiened wedding.
My dad used to refer to something he called “Scottish engineering”, which meant you start a project with good intentions but just end up swearing frequently and throwing everything in the fire lol
I don’t, after doing the classic rm -r -f / when I meant ./ the second time I realized I’m too much of a dumbass to be allowed to use sudo without password.
I do have a password. Sudo is just setup not to ask for it.
On servers of course I use a password for sudo - but on a home machine there’s not much of a point I don’t think. It’s off when I’m not actively using it, and if some attacker or malware has access to my user they already have access to all my important files, or have physical access.
My favorite one of these shows up in 3D printing. The most popular open source 3D print server gives you a head’s up if your printer’s firmware lacks “Thermal Runaway Protection”. If you click the learn more link, it patiently explains, “There aren’t preventative measures to stop your printer from accidentally catching itself on fire”.
(It’s fine, you usually just need to install a decent MOSFET in the cheaper printers.)