lapislazuli, to memes in You don't actually have to assemble these things

You can sell it for more, because it has never been opened and is thus brand new. Stånks.

andthenthreemore, to risa in My favorite gender avatar

I don’t see Seven as ASD coded. She has levels of trauma that can sometimes be mistaken as ASD and has lived outside of regular human society for much of her life.

7of9, avatar

You’re completely right, there is obviously no deeper meaning to presenting a character who is a mature adult yet requires structured classes in order to learn how human beings socialise.

andthenthreemore, avatar

Yes because that’s exactly what I said.

She’s closer to a feral child than ASD. I also don’t feel that she has spectrum traits when we meet her again in Picard.

7of9, avatar

Picard was written by different people who needed different things from the characters, however there were occasional moments where her previous manerisms showed through.

A feral child who was not ASD could have been portrayed like Mowgli (or, for a more Star Trek reference point, Tuvok when he had brain damage). Seven gradually learns how to navigate human interaction (and how to smile, for instance) through studying and is surprised when it’s occasionally useful, a non-ASD character could have learned through interpretation of people’s reactions and would have sought socialisation rather than peace and quiet in a neatly ordered cargo bay (I’m led to believe that’s how it works anyway).

andthenthreemore, (edited ) avatar

All of the traits you’ve described also very much fit PTSD as well.

To me taking a Watsonian approach to the character we she a woman who was forcibly taken by the Borg and assimilated at a very young age, then years later ripped away from that as well. That’s two extremely traumatic events( that we know of). Then following on we see the character years later at a point where she has somewhat worked though those traumas.

A Doyalist reading we can say it was the 90s and discussions around neuro-divergency and more general mental health were far less common in media. So we’re probably both over reading things.

7of9, avatar

You may be right, the more of Voyager I watch the more flexible each character appears in order to fit around what the story requires. Apart from Tom Paris repeatedly being an idiot, that’s a constant.

We can agree to disagree and enjoy it on our own terms I guess. If I have been dismissive of your argument I would like to apologise, that was not my intention.

andthenthreemore, avatar

Apart from Tom Paris repeatedly being an idiot, that’s a constant


Maybe the first comment was little dismissive, after that it was nice to have a r/daystruminstitute type conversation.


Im guessing based on your username this character is an obsession of yours, and there’s a need to insist your interpretations are absolute fact. But unless the writer’s state explicitly what they were intending with her character. Its all just opinions.

On another note. Despite what you might think based on a lot of comments, it is possible to discuss things on the Internet without being unnecessarily smug and condescending purely because someone contradicted your head cannon

7of9, avatar

Not an obsession, I tuned out of watching Voyager when it was first on TV and I’m partway through a complete watch now … she’s simply my favorite character from the show, and given that Star Trek fans have a pleasant and active community here I thought it was a good choice. Perhaps I was mistaken.

Being interpreted as smug was not my intention, I thought I was simply stating my opinion with equal force to the poster above. How should I have responded?


You’d think after eating all that kale you wouldn’t be so rudee

FUCKRedditMods, to memes in Great, now it’s stuck in my head : I’m blue, dadodidadoda dadodidadodaaaa🎶

Ahem, daBAdee daBAda


Absolutely correct. I came here to tell them off but thank you for doing it for the rest of us.


Woot oor you twoo toolking aboot? OP hod it obsolutely correct

Honytawk, (edited ) to linuxmemes in Your PC will thank you...

You get a huge backlash if you advice Windows to a Linux user.

But somehow this is supposed to be funny?


the irony is the “just use another distro” advices


Its funny because a lot of people do this even though its completely unhelpful in solving their problem.


Ah, the funny part is the cringe, I see.

I encountered it tons before, like people suggesting Chrome when the only browser that was supported was IE back in the day.


It’s the “just Google it” response


To be fair, Windows’ support is also unhelpful in solving their problem.


To be fair, using Linux is (usually) much more of an active decision.

onlinepersona, to privacy in A question about secure chats

When you type a message a message and send it to your counter part, WhatsApp says it encrypts it and the recipient will decrypt it on their side with WhatsApp. However, WhatsApp is closed source. That means you trust WhatsApp to do what it says.

It’s like going to a contractor and telling them your message and handing them a key. The contractor says they’ll deliver it to the other party in a manner that nobody else will be able to read that message. You can ask them provide the tools they do it, explain how they do it, and show you how it’s done, but they say “no can do, trade secret”. Do you trust them?

Alright, let’s say you do trust them, they really do make the message unreadable to anybody but the other party. But every time you want to send a message, you have to go to their building, write down the message on a notepad, and then hand it + the key to the messenger. If you told them “Just to be sure, I’d like to verify that nobody else is here possibly looking at the message while I write, nor reading it when you go into the backroom to render it unreadable” and asked “Can I check for other people here?” to which they respond “no can do, trade secret”. Do you trust them?

Alright alright, so you still trust them. They won’t let you check anything, but you still trust them. The messenger is employed by the one and Sauron Inc. The owner has been caught lying about stuff before, but you trust them. No problem.

Let’s says the messenger says “hey, you know, all the communications you have when you go into the small room there, we can make copies for you! if the messages were ever misplaced, this building burned down or anything, you could always have the communication history”. You find it a great idea! Wow, it’s so convenient. They even suggest to put copies in a building in another city and the building is owned by Darth Vader Inc. You’re ecstatic! To get the process started, WhatsApp walks into your room with a bunch of blank papers and chest, then asks you to hand over your key and closes the door behind them. You are escorted out of the building and wait for the process to be over.

A few months later, the city is bombarded by Megatron. The WhatsApp building is destroyed and your communications are gone! The key you had for the messenger to render your communications unreadable? Gone too! Well, luckily you can just go to another WhatsApp building. You enter, say your name, fill in your details and you are escorted to a room that looks just like the one in the building the Megatron destroyed!
The elation is great! … until you notice that all your messages are readable. Not only that, but the key that’s used to make then unreadable by WhatsApp is sitting there on the desk - pristine and undamaged as it ever was.

Wait a moment… how did the unreadable messages and the key get restored? What exactly did Darth Vader Inc. get from WhatsApp?

Must just be a coincidence, right? You probably had the key in your pocked the whole time and gave it to WhatsApp while you were at the reception filling in your contact details. Your trust is unwavering, the security unrattled, and your communication unscathed.


You are right, we don’t and can’t know if any of what Meta says is true, but at least on the surface it seems to check out. If they are stealing your private key and unlocking all your chats in secret, then they are doing a bloody good job, since no one has leaked anything yet.

Just to clear things a bit, in your analogy you don’t hand the courier both the chest and the key. The chest has a special keypad that accepts two keys, one is your key, the other is the recipient’s key. What you do is you lock the chest with your key and then give it to the courier, which will deliver the chest to the other party, which will then open the chest with his key. In theory the courier never had access to the key.

Now the issues are that you are indeed writing your message from within the Whatsapp building and you can never know if there cameras watching you or not. You also cannot know if Whatsapp has made a copy of your key, or the recipient’s key without your knowledge.

As for how can you recover all your chat history even after you destroy your phone, it’s quite easy and Whatsapp doesn’t need to know anything in particular. The functionality allows you to make a backup and store it on Google Drive. That backup gets encrypted with your password and it’s probably the most secure thing of all, if nothing else because Meta would gain nothing from the backup having poor security (as it would already have all the data if they wanted it) while it would only make them loose face, plus would allow anyone else to gain access to all ~~your ~~their data. After you restore the backup on a new device a new key+padlock pair gets created and the lock gets shared to all your contacts (which will see the yellow box telling them your padlock has changed).

I’m not claiming it doesn’t have privacy issues mind you, I’m just saying that you can’t be sure either way, unfortunately. Still, better than Telegram that doesn’t even encrypt most of your chats.


That backup gets encrypted with your password

Maybe that’s a new feature? Does WhatsApp require a password when backing up now? Haven’t used it in a few years, but back when I had it, the backup to Google didn’t require anything besides your phone number and access the google drive on your account - it was only retrievable from WhatsApp and not visible on a Google Drive interface nor API.


They added the password some time ago. I would say maybe a couple years

GrammatonCleric, to comicstrips in I used to think X avatar

So it’s not really about X; it’s about how X made you feel.

zakobjoa, to memes in Wrong explanations only avatar

Worms are centrists and loooove debating in the marketplace of ideas. You can lure them out with a makeshift political compass.

For some reason most of them turn out to be fascists though.

Tautvydaxx, to memes in Wrong explanations only

My two sticks bring all the worms to the yard, damn right its better than slugs, damn right its better than bugs

bdonvr, to memes in Every time

Shit if I think I got my point across I’m pretty happy

Actually really I think more often we think “I SHOULD have said that!”. It’s like we know so so many words until a native comes to talk to us and then all our words go hiding somewhere.


I love this take.

Just so you know, it’s a play on words. Not only does it mean “I said the wrong thing” but literally “I should not have said the word that”.

gorkur, to linuxmemes in Your PC will thank you...

All of my computer problems went away after switching to Linux, so I’d say it’s solid advice.

Granted, I do have computer problems, they’re just different 🐧

PeterPoopshit, (edited )

The difference is that with Linux, it’s possible to become smart enough to fix all the issues. Windows is designed in such a way that there usually isn’t a way to fix its problems to avoid format and reinstalls no matter how much you know.


Lol, Linux users are funny.

LWD, (edited ) to privacy in A question about secure chats


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  • theskyisfalling,

    Does it though when they control both ends. It is encrypted between each end which I guess secures against things like a man in the middle attack from outside parties but their app encrypts it on one end and decrypts it on the other. I have a very hard time believing that they don’t “read” your messages at some point in that process.

    PupBiru, avatar

    i’ve seen the bullet points from that article riffed in different ways, but i think that’s the most important part:

    • They know you rang a phone sex line at 2:24 am and spoke for 18 minutes. But they don't know what you talked about.
    • They know you called the suicide prevention hotline from the Golden Gate Bridge. But the topic of the call remains a secret.
    • They know you got an email from an HIV testing service, then called your doctor, then visited an HIV support group website in the same hour. But they don't know what was in the email or what you talked about on the phone.
    • They know you received an email from a digital rights activist group with the subject line “Let’s Tell Congress: Stop SESTA/FOSTA” and then called your elected representative immediately after. But the content of those communications remains safe from government intrusion.
    • They know you called a gynecologist, spoke for a half hour, and then called the local abortion clinic’s number later that day.

    I’ve wondered if they don’t know the data. They can perfectly read the convo on your device, assign a category what you’re talking about and keeping that category. They don’t store, read, know the conversation, they only ‘analyze’ it. F.e. if you talk about planes they may assign a category travel and sell your profile to holiday companies?

    I don’t know about this, I’m just thinking that’s how I’d do it if I ran an evil corp.

    Bonehead, to memes in Wrong explanations only

    Stroke without rhythm, and you won't attract the worms.

    Cylusthevirus, avatar

    Well they definitely get bigger when the rhythm is right. Do it enough and they can be your weapon of choice.

    Lord_ToRA, to memes in Great, now it’s stuck in my head : I’m blue, dadodidadoda dadodidadodaaaa🎶 avatar

    In the second panel he’s yellow, magenta, and cyan. No green at all. Which is more accurate because color mixing for emitted light is different than reflected light.

    mbp, avatar

    To add to this, the green that you see is from the offset of primary colors creating the dark patch underneath. Since the magenta is nudged in the positive y direction and the blue is nudged in the negative y direction (and a slight positive x), we get a cool color mixing effect where the dark hues from his hair are present on his neck but it is without the magenta being mixed in. So all we get is the product of strong quantities blue and yellow which is green! Even more apparent due to the situational contrast.


    He would also die if he was green.

    samus12345, avatar

    🎵I’m blue, if I were green I would die, if I were green I would die…🎵


    for those who dont know, additive color mixing is used for monitors, TVs cameras and the such that add different colors together to compose new colors (RGB spectrum). subtractive color mixing is used in our eyes, printers, hand written text, etc (CYMK spectrum)

    lugal, to memes in Wrong explanations only

    Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


    tagged this post NSFW

    Not Safe for Worms?


    Norfolk Southern Fans, Wanking


    No, it stands for “Nethers Seriously, Furiously Wet”

    Jake_Farm, to memes in Wrong explanations only avatar

    Clearly how you summon Shai Hulud.


    This comment has been reported. OP clearly stated “Wrong answers only.”


    Bless the Maker and His water

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