ReverendIrreverence, to memes in Wrong explanations only avatar

Hand-training baby Shai-Hulud to come when called


Heeeeere wormy wormy, nice wormy. I have some spice for you

HRDS_654, to linuxmemes in Your PC will thank you...

Not to be that guy, but this is actually the most useless advice ever for someone who genuinely has a computer problem. Like, I like Linux as much as the next person, but asking someone to learn a whole ass OS from scratch on the OFF CHANCE it will fix their issue is not great.


i agree, but when they keep complaining about ‘file explorer is too slow’, ‘popups/ads are so annoying’, ‘cant open .tar.gz’, you can see that this all comes from the same underlying outdated system. i know all these problems can be solved in windows, but more will always appear

GregorGizeh, (edited ) to risa in My favorite gender

Does Odo actually qualify for this? He can feel and comprehend and interpret emotions just fine, he is just deadly shy and insecure behind his stoic enforcer facade.

The doctor doesn’t fit either, just because he is modeled after an egomaniac asshole does not mean he is autistic.


Neither does Data. He has no emotions. I feel like the maker of this meme projects a bit.

kogasa, avatar

ASD coded, not literally ASD. The thematic struggle with social convention counts IMO. But Data has no self loathing or whatever. He just wants to understand. We stan Data.


thank you for the link


He can feel and comprehend and interpret emotions just fine, he is just deadly shy and insecure behind his stoic enforcer facade.

This is basically describing autism too. We can feel emotions just fine. But expressing them is hard because we do so in a way that can sometimes be upsetting to others. So we become shy and put up a facade that hides how we feel about things.

Also, “ASD-coded” is different than ASD. These characters don’t literally have ASD, but the fantastical sci-fi backgrounds the writers set up allow them to write the characters to behave and experience struggles in a way that is similar to someone with ASD. Especially problems fitting in with a group, socialising, and forming meaningful connections with others.


Autistic people can feel and comprehend emotions like everyone else, no difference. Not sure why those two were on your list. As far as interpreting emotion, we can, we just have to learn how instead of doing it innately, which it seems Odo did for all human behavior.

spudwart, to programmer_humor in what's the difference? avatar

Grub and GrubHub

nxdefiant, (edited )

Using food as the analogy:


Kitchen…Dev Environment (IDE, PC, etc)


ok good so far

When I’m done with code I’m not going to deploy yet I commit and store it on a branch in git.

When I’m done making food that I’m not going to serve yet, I store it in a fridge or pantry.

When I need external code, I grab it from GitHub. When I need ingredients, I grab them from the grocery store.

So I think Food Storage, is the closest analog to git. I have local storage (pantry, fridge) that I can use to store food I have acquired.

Which would mean the grocery store is the closest analogy, but not a restaurant. Or maybe a grocery store with a restaurant.

Rhynoplaz, to memes in boardgameme.png

I mean, isn’t the game there to fill in the awkward silences and hopefully prompt interaction between players?


Probably. I’m too autistic to recognize when those prompts happen, so I usually play all my board games in silence.

Sombyr, avatar

Meanwhile I’m too autistic to tell when they AREN’T happening, and just keep talking until somebody respectfully tells me to shut up an take my turn.

backhdlp, to linuxmemes in Your PC will thank you... avatar

I have a friend who hates Microsoft in probably every way possible, yet still uses Windows, because he doesn’t want to use “the nerd OS”.


He might just need to print something.


Printing is broken everywhere


Not over here on WinPro. You want a duplexed laser-printed copy of a high-resolution scanned .pdf wirelessly in another room? Wait one literal second.

ulterno, avatar

Problem Lies Between Computer And Paper

backhdlp, avatar

I don’t think he ever does something other than gaming and watching youtube.


Linux is for nerds. Apple is for hipsters, posers, and narcissists.

mingistech, avatar

It’s just a computer . Stop gatekeeping and chill.


And billionares

pulaskiwasright, to risa in My favorite gender

“How can I invent something to be angry and righteous about today?”




And then you came here to complain about it

balancedchaos, to memes in You don't actually have to assemble these things

Punchline in the title. Always a favorite of mine.

DontRedditMyLemmy, (edited )

He figured out you don’t actually have to come up with a title for these things

foyrkopp, to privacy in A question about secure chats

Whatsapp is encrypted. The problem is the Metadata they want - i.e. your whole address book.

I do not agree to Facebook having my phone number, but if you use WA and have my number, they have it, too - even if I don’t use WA myself.

If you can convince your family to switch, use Signal or Matrix.

Otherwise, use Shelter on your phone with a limited, WA-ony address book.

TwilightKiddy, (edited )

You can actually use it without giving it contacts permission, but you’ll have to add people via short links, like


Good to know, thanks.

Crack0n7uesday, to memes in Wrong explanations only

This is how we mine for the spice.

sirico, to memes in Wrong explanations only avatar

Tremors prequel

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to linuxmemes in Your PC will thank you... avatar

As an IT professional with over two decades of experience I can say this meme is wholly inaccurate.

The first thing you try when you have computer problems is to turn it off and on again.

Then if it's still broken, install a PDF reader.


You sir/maam/non-binary made me laugh, that was a good joke. Thank you :D

bstix, to lemmyshitpost in Why do I do this?

Because you’re afraid. Don’t be.

Look straight at that face and say to the person in the mirror: “Hey, you’re a pretty neat person”.

captainjaneway, avatar
cobra89, (edited ) to programmer_humor in what's the difference?

Git = bittorrent

GitHub = the pirate bay

Code = content

Even that’s not the perfect analogy but it’s better than the OP.


Though OPs example is easier for the general population to understand.

CmdrKeen, avatar

Yes, but mostly because the general population likely isn’t super familiar with Bittorrent and PirateBay.

A better, yet similarly correct explanation would be to say GitHub is to Git what GMail is to email.

This also doesn’t confuse protocol and content, and it doesn’t require knowledge of piracy.

jol, to comicstrips in I used to think X

Have seen this in vegan groups multiple times. “Used to be vegan, but no longer am because some vegans are mean”.


If you shift your diet over people being mean to you, I really worry for you.

Im not even vegan, but if you want to eat a specific way and you stop because someone called you names on the internet Im not gonna lie, I do think youre kinda dumb. The internet trolls should not impact the food you order or cook for dinner.


I would also say that if you were vegan and then stop being vegan because people were mean to you, you were never vegan to begin with.

Veganism is about reducing animal abuse and suffering as much as possible. It’s not about you. If you just drop your morals because someone was mean to you, then I question those morals.


Vegan subreddits are so aggressively hostile.

But then being mean to vegans seem to be normal in so many places.

It’s a strange circle.


It’s weird because vegans are pretty chill IRL


Thats absolutely not a universal. Only met 1 irl vegan who wasnt a raging asshole, and not even specifically about the diet.


Sounds like selection bias. The only experiences you memorize are the bad ones. The vast majority of people is vegan subreddits are not hostile. Well, maybe vegancirclejerk


I actually had this experience recently. I grew up eating meat but have been considering giving it up and eventually becoming vegan. Thing is, no one around me is vegan so I’d need some kind of support network. It’s hard to walk away from ham if that’s what you know and love. I posted a pretty innocuous question to one of the vegan communities and the general response was that it was a stupid question, I should already know the answer, and I shouldn’t waste time posting questions like that. All that told me that if I were to go down this road, I’d be walking alone. So making the switch feels a lot harder and seems a lot more daunting. Not saying I’m giving up on it, but I definitely find it more intimidating knowing that if I try to find a network, I’ll be scolded for being a newb.

Jerb322, avatar

You would think that they would be overly helpful when all they do is say it’s the moral way to eat. Looking down on everyone who eats meat and then give you shit for trying to be on their side…weird.


Exactly! It felt like going to a church that immediately condemns its parishioners and then wonders why it has no parishioners.

yiliu, (edited )

It’s just human psychology. A lot of them do it as much because it makes them feel superior to others as for moral reasons. People failing at it makes them that much more special for succeeding.


A lot of them do it for the dopamine of feeling better about it. Not out of a rational decision to be better. Most people live and die by what gives them their feel good chemicals

Enkers, (edited )

I’ve personally spent a decent amount of time in vegan and vegan debate subreddits, so I could probably offer a bit of insight. My general approach goal was to be helpful and non-judgemental as possible, but to also be assertive. There are a few caveats in no particular order:

  1. If a post hits r/all, you get a lot of mean and rude people, as well as trolls. Suffering them gets draining. It’s basically the cashier “it’s not ringing up so it’s free?” joke equivalent, but worse since it’s not even in good faith. There’s only so many times you can read “loll bacon” without getting a little depressed about humanity.
  2. For those that aren’t trolling, many are highly misinformed. It can be challenging to manage their experience and present information in a way that doesn’t bruise their ego a little. I’ve slowly learned to get better at this, but it’s a process.
  3. Both people who were helpful and those who were rude helped me transition to veganism. The “rude” vegans often raised cognitive dissonance the most and really forced me to think things through myself. I’m sure there are plenty of people who might not respond in this way, but it did help me, and a lot of other vegans have said the same.
  4. Being vegan can be kinda depressing. When the large majority of society performs actions that you believe to be immoral, and you still have to integrate, it starts to tear at you a little. Sometimes it’s just too much to put up with, and a mean little joke at someone else’s expense slips out. That’s why we had places specifically for that sort of venting. But then people (usually with an agenda) would point to those places, and use them as examples, and you get the MEAN VEGAN stereotype.
Enkers, (edited )

I looked at your post briefly, and it seemed like asides from one or two down voted responses, you got a majority of fairly informative answers, no?

I know when I’ve had a conversation that I’ve felt was overly negative, sometimes I’ll go and review it again after a time so I can be a bit more objective and consider if negativity bias wasn’t playing a part in my initial assessment.

If you’ve got any more questions, I hope you’ll still ask. I think the majority of us would be happy to answer!


Can we be friends, internet stranger?


Sure! ^_^

crystal, (edited )

I’d need some kind of support network

You say that as if being vegan is a life changing adventure that you have to go through great efforts and risks to venture.

Like, just don’t eat milk products (etc), it’s not that big of a deal


Actually, it is a rather life-changing and in some parts dangerous “adventure.” This is mainly because you need to keep a well-balanced diet not to get a lot of health issues, plus there are a lot of questions of what and how to cook that will also require research. All-in-all there are a lot of difficulties and having some support is always good even in minor things.


Yea, like I love ice cream. Non-dairy ice cream, not so much. So the thought of walking away from one of my life’s great pleasures is daunting.

I don’t just like food. I LOVE food. I pick my vacation spots for the food. I’ll suffer through a boring work trip if it means new restaurants to try out. Going vegan will definitely impact how I approach food, social gatherings, meal prep, etc. It’s a lot.


Yeah, in such a case it will have an even bigger impact. Just don’t forget to take stuff like vitamins and other supplements that may be sparse after diet change, as it may also affect you


Will do! I’m actually starting to feel excited about this.


You’re absolutely right, but in the end, humans are very adaptive so if you really want to do something (within reason) you can. It is way easier to just make excuses as to why you can’t versus just trying something new out. It isn’t like you can’t go back to the old way if it isn’t working out for you, you know? I am not a vegan, but I’m in the culinary arts and if there is one thing I’ve learned it is that when it comes to food, you can just about make anything likeable to anybody. It is about presentation and the amount you effort. Granted, there are some exceptions like Cilantro tasting like soap for some, but for real. Effort and time is the big factor. Gotta experiment because it is an art.


Definitely! I don’t really miss meat when it isn’t in my food, but I do miss the protein and vitamins. I’m also diabetic, so unfortunately, I can’t eat rice and beans all day, or I absolutely would.


Yeah that’s the thing. Difficult changes are difficult. Sometimes that’s not an excuse for pushing labor on strangers. Walking away from bigotry is hard but vulnerable people shouldn’t have to constantly justify their existence. But a lot of the time you need to answer the stupid questions you may not have asked. I went pescatarian quickly, and it was less hard than expected, but it took several people I know doing it before I felt comfortable.

Newbs are how you get people in your group. Nobody wants to join groups that were mean to them even if they want to do the thing the group does.


The big thing for me is that if you think a question stupid and not worth your time to answer, you can just not answer. You can keep scrolling. To take time out of your day to inform someone that interacting with them is a waste of your time, when you can choose not to interact at all, seems extra unnecessary.


Don’t let assholes sway your convictions, regardless of what they are. Convictions are personal. Sure, it is really great to have a community that shares in some of the ways that you think about the world and your behaviors, but that isn’t the end all be all, right? Furthermore, people are going to be more negative than they are positive (Especially on the internet) so I bet if you keep looking, online and in person, you’ll find a group that you mesh with. People who gatekeep are just insecure about their own positions because they aren’t being authentic and like others have said… they’re probably just wanting to be part of a club.


Absolutely! Made a chickpea and spinach… thing for dinner tonight that was great!


I only became vegan once I moved to a city where that was more socially accepted. 8 years later, my family is still warming up to the idea. Having vegan friends definitely helps in the transition.

In the meantime, make better choices whenever you can.


Yup, trying. The siren call of milk and cheese is strong, but my red meat consumption is definitely down. Most pork is gone from my diet. Even bacon is a rarity. I recently discovered that I don’t hate oat milk. So I’m making progress, but still have a lot more to do.


You can always just continue to eat some cheese. I guess it depends on why you want to be vegan, right?


I think if I got milk and cheese from a small farm where the cows get to nurse their calves and lead happy lives, I wouldn’t feel like I have to give it up. But not sure if such a place exists or is possible.


After years not touching dairy, milk and butter taste absolutely putrid to me. Oat milk is the best taste-value wise, but soy is still king nutricionally.


I’d drink horchata all day if I could, but that probably wouldn’t be too healthy.

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