Potatoes are amazing. They grow easily in a wide variety of soil and produce food which has every nutrient we need except for a complete protein. And, they’re a vegetable, so you can tell someone you’re eating your vegetables and then go to McDonald’s for some frenchy fries
Potatoes are fucking immortal, I recovered some of last year’s from a planter whose soil was so dry it was almost sand, planted them again, watered them and they immediately sprouted vines and leaves.
Zoom: “wE cAnT cOlAbOrAtE iF wErE nOt In PeRsOn. We NeEd EmPloYeEs To ReTuRn tO tHe OfFiCe.”
They have stiff competition but this has to be one of the most incompetent boners I have ever seen pulled by a major corporation. Stating very clearly to the entire world that you have no confidence in your own product. If Eric Yuan (Zoom’s CEO) wasn’t the principle shareholder he probably would have been fired out of a cannon by now.
Decentralize. Democratize. Demonetize. Time for a new internet, a new gaming industry, and a way of sharing thoughts and ideas where clout is the least important factor.