I’m not free. I’m trapped in social scenarios where being honest means getting in trouble and for no good reason. I’ll never find myself because all I can see of myself is how I have to deal with so much unreasonable shit that shouldn’t exist in a rational world.
The quiet part is that people in a country with abundant natural resources don’t want to have to share them with people from other places with fucked up situations. They want a walled garden because they think they can tend it well enough on their own to not be surrounded by extra burden. Who needs to compete when there’s enough to go around here?
If we were rational ourselves, we would bring our freedom to the countries who’s people are fleeing to us for refuge. Mexicans have it so bad that they’re running to us? Well clearly we’re doing it better than Mexico, so let’s clap their leadership and show them what’s good, right? I mean fuck. It’s better rationale for a war than trying to control some other place for is oil and pretending that’s not the case.
Idk if there’s oil in Mexico. The point I’m trying to make is that we’re ‘liberating’ under false pretenses and not doing it where that would at least make a little bit of sense.
Legitimate question. Can anyone tell me how someone would go collecting welfare with no SSN or papers?
I work with people on a daily basis that collect some sort of welfare or disability… They are in perfect bodily health. They are also all U.S citizens.
I don’t believe I have come across an undocumented migrant that collects “disability payments”. I don’t believe it’s possible…
No idea how that would work. An undocumented person at my mom’s work was “borrowing” someone else’s identity to get paid. So they were contributing to social security with no way to ever collect on it.
My fiancee works at the welfare office in downtown Pittsburgh, PA. I literally just asked her and she said, “They can potentially get approved for medical assistance if it’s an emergency, but they’re not going to be able to get something like food stamps as an illegal immigrant.” Other states might be different, but that’s at least PA.
I literally know an elderly lady who is alienated from her family in Europe and lives in California without any papers, money, or a job, and she has her own apartment and makes due somehow.
No I’m not saying she oughta be deported or have her benefits cut or anything (she’s not living a particularly glorious lifestyle, believe me), just answering the question that was asked.
While that’s a nice sentiment that I agree with, you need to remember that those low paying jobs illegal immigrants often take, still pay far more than they could ever hope to make back home. Add to the low to nonexistent job skills and language issues, they start from far, far behind the eightball.
Having worked with large number of illegals back in the day, I found the vast majority to be quite genuinely nice people and co-workers. And they were some of the hardest workin’ sumbitches you would ever be around.
What I found interesting was the friction between the second and younger generations of Tex/Mex families and the newly arrived Mexicans, (I use Mexican to denote the actual country of origin here - sad that I need to do so). The first generation immigrants were very religious and conservative. While the second generations often adopted the more liberal attitudes of the locals. It caused a lot of ill undercurrents between the two groups.
ok, but we can’t just let people be underpaid because it’s more than people make in, and excuse me for using this term, third world shithole that barely has water infrastructure (I’m looking at you Serbia).
Sadly, it’s a chicken and egg situation. You can’t get a better job because you have no skills employers will pay more for. And you can’t very easily find a way to get those skills because you would get deported because you are somewhere illegally.
It makes for a complicated problem to solve. And I don’t have an answer other than to say that it’s on the first generation to make it so the following generations climb the ladder upwards.
It’s always like that. Takes Jews for instance. They are inferior and the lesser race but at the same time somehow running the world from some secret society or something. They use the same arguments with blacks, women, gays, or whoever they want to hate that day.