Transporters in Star Trek are shown to definitely not be duplication machines. “Our Man Bashir” (DS9) is probably the most definitive proof of that.
Personally, I think transporter technology explains the staunch atheist (but still open-minded and sometimes spiritualist) Federation mindset: they know that their entire being can be reduced to a matter/energy stream. The transporter makes a devastating philosophical challenge to the idea of a “soul.” Which is, ironically, why so many Federation officers refuse to accept anything that challenges that assumption (VOY “Sacred Ground”).
And you are ultimately going to die as part of that 90% that won’t be remembered for anything at all no matter how big of a deal you view yourself in any form function or manner.
Me too. It won’t be so bad. Unless they check the hard drive. Oh buddy then we’re historically remembered. Like, that’s a lotta porn.
The thought of having your digital foot print live on forever was kind of neat, but most of it wasn’t worth remembering or will probably get deleted after a few decades anyways. Future generations will ever know about the witty banter on yahoo answers.