ThrowawayInTheYear23, to movies in Pixar will undergo significant layoffs in 2024.

Retraining the audience to re-embrace the theatrical experience and prioritize that…takes time.”

That ship has sailed.

pendulum_, (edited ) avatar

“Am I so out of touch? No… It’s the audience that are wrong”

I haven’t been to a traditional cinema in about 5 years. Home theatres are much better value. Can pause and rewind for bathroom breaks, don’t have to wear pants, can drink and eat anything I want. I don’t have to contend with people incessantly talking throughout the movie, there are no bored kids kicking seats and crying, I don’t have to pay for parking, and I can start and stop the film whenever my company and I want to.

I was excited when Disney+ started offering premiers at home. Them removing them wasn’t “training me”, I’m a patient person and I’m happy to wait to have my movie experience the way I want it when I want it.

IndiBrony, avatar

Patience is a virtue!

Biggest example for me was waiting ~10 years to play Heavy Rain. I never owned a PS3 so I knew I’d have to either wait for a PC release (which I honestly thought would never be a thing after a while), or wait until I had a powerful enough PC to emulate it.

I don’t need to consume any media so desperately I can’t wait until it’s more convenient for me. I’ll be quite happy in the corner with some popcorn watching the inevitable shit show that will be GTA VI. I can’t wait for the neglected single player experience in favour of online cash grabs! I’ll pick it up on the cheap later on, thanks.

grayhaze, avatar

Well said. The disadvantages of going to the cinema far outweigh having to wait a few months to watch a movie at home. The studios should be leaning into this trend, not kicking and screaming that people aren’t going to the cinemas without fixing any of the downsides.

RedditWanderer, to movies in Pixar will undergo significant layoffs in 2024.

Everybody will undergo significant layoffs in 2024.


They are done making bank on the pandemic benefits (during which they cried the whole time they were broke, and hired a record number of people)… now debt is expensive so time to socialize some losses.

buzz, to privacy in Comcast says hackers stole data of close to 36 million Xfinity customers avatar

This is infuriating, at this point I get several notifications a year about someone hacking my data. But every time I dont have a choice but to keep give data to the same companies . fucking hell


Save your receipts for the inevitable class action… tumbleweed.gif

Sabata11792, avatar

Oh boy, a check for $4.08!

567PrimeMover, avatar

If it makes you feel better, the agency representing the class action will be paid handsomley

buzz, avatar

yeah - the only people that actually get money from these are lawyers.

Sabata11792, avatar

If only there was a way a simple number they could increase to punish the company while also making victims whole.


Its a hell of a thing reading this and finding out this way. They knew in October. They knew more in November. They finally say something in December, but I have yet to receive any communication from them acknowledging the breach. Thanks Comcast. You somehow suck and blow at the same time.

ares35, avatar

the wait to disclose was probably on purpose. it will get a lot less media attention this time of year vs october.

possiblylinux127, to privacy in Comcast says hackers stole data of close to 36 million Xfinity customers

I love that all of my data is “open source” due to all of the security breaches

Sabata11792, avatar

You can use google to find your social security number if you ever forget.


We really are living in the future.

RedWizard, to privacy in PSA: Anyone can tell if you are using WhatsApp on your computer avatar


UnfortunateShort, to privacy in PSA: Anyone can tell if you are using WhatsApp on your computer

Jokes on you, I don’t

Redredme, to privacy in PSA: Anyone can tell if you are using WhatsApp on your computer

In other news, water is wet. I only see FUD here.

MHLoppy, to firefox in What's next for Mozilla? avatar

"Open source AI" is apparently the answer.

Potatos_are_not_friends, to privacy in Comcast says hackers stole data of close to 36 million Xfinity customers

Damn, companies were using Citrix because remote desktop companies were iffy and AWS/screenshare companies like zoom and TeamViewer weren’t “enterprise-y” enough.

What a blow.

swayevenly, to privacy in Comcast says hackers stole data of close to 36 million Xfinity customers

I was trying to check how many customers Comcast has and, from what I saw, 36 million is just about all of them.

Nerrad, to privacyguides in Signal details costs of keeping its private messaging service alive | TechCrunch avatar

This Lemmy post caused me to start a monthly Signal donation. Support non profit messaging and social media.

Still a bit angry though about them dropping SMS support and forcing me into Google Messages.


Pretty sure Fdroid has a basic messaging app or two that might fit the bill so you don’t have to use google.


Apparently there’s no RCS API so any 3rd party app will disappear at some point (if RCS becomes the popular protocol)


That’s frustrating. Here’s to hoping someone will come up with a FOSS solution.

nosnahc, avatar

Google Message? Why? QKSMS work well


Actually it does not, sadly. I’ve used it for years (probably five or even more) and ditched it couple months ago when I got angry at it. The main problem is I could not force it to accept MMS on newer android (used to work on my old phone IIRC) which is crucial for my work - because voice mail gets delivered as MMS in my country. Every time I got work phone call that I missed meant voice mail that never got delivered. I got notification that I have MMS, and that I need to allow them, but that’s it. Everything was allowed in the app and in the systsm, still no MMS.

ForestOrca, avatar

Same. I've been supporting it for some years now, but I'm upping the ante. I have many friends, family, and business associates I've been able to get on Signal. It's a super useful app, and a crucial privacy service. Let's do what we can to keep it going.


The biggest thing for me right now is backups

I can’t comfortably recommend it to people that will lose access if they lose their phones / upgrade without following the process perfectly

ForestOrca, avatar

Umm, doesn't one have to backup anything one wants to save/ have access to in the future? Aren't upgrades a thing will all software? I'm not sure how this is different for Signal versus any other messaging app. Or any app / client that produces documents, etc?


The process is a bit involved on mobile. Setting up a backup location, using a third party app to sync updates and deletions etc. It could be simplified by integrating with common cloud storage services (the encrypted file)

Also iOS doesn’t have backups at all last I checked. If you lose your phone the messages are toast

ForestOrca, (edited ) avatar

I just checked the Signal Support ( And it appears there is a method generally, but not for iOS. Tho' screenshots work. And I understand how not backing up, and disappearing messages contribute to security.


Well sure, but encrypted backups are still secure. What’s not secure (or private rather) is someone realizing they can’t have a backup of important chats and going back to Facebook Messenger.

Backups are a thing on Android, and they’re planned for iOS. It just hasn’t happened yet. People can choose what they want to backup and when they want disappearing messages turned on.

plague_sapiens, avatar

Use Molly instead. There are 2 versions, one FOSS one and one with some proprietary data (notification stuff).

GrappleHat, avatar

I hadn’t seen that, thanks!! I was also among those confused when Signal pulled SMS, but now it finally makes sense.

Signal could have done better PR to explain the “why” at the time.

milkytoast, to privacyguides in Signal details costs of keeping its private messaging service alive | TechCrunch avatar

does anyone know roughly how much operating costs could be per person? I'd like to donate, but I don't have a whole lot of money. I'd like to at least ensure that I'm covering "my share" so to speak

Vincent, (edited )

Signal had 40 million active users in 2021. With 14 million in infra cost, that comes to .35 per user/year. Total expenses are about 33 million, so about .825 per user/year. All in all that seems very reasonable.

So it should be pretty easy to cover your own costs and maybe that of a couple of friends to make the transaction fees worth it :)

milkytoast, avatar

so $1 a year would cover it? might as well covery whole family at that point. think I can afford $5 a year lol


Funny, that’s in line with the $1 a year WhatsApp was going to charge.

Sounds like just $5 will pay for me and 4 others, so that’s nice.

Vincent, (edited )

Haha exactly, by that calculation $1 a year would cover you and two others. Get that family onboard :)

pg_jglr, to privacyguides in Signal details costs of keeping its private messaging service alive | TechCrunch

Bit difficult to keep using it since they killed sms interoperability. I understand the security concerns but if no one uses it, doesn’t really matter does it.

LollerCorleone, (edited ) avatar

If you were using Signal just for SMS, none of your messages were secure anyway since the SMS protocol itself is not–defeating the purpose of signal. And if you had already convinced people to install Signal by using SMS as a caveat, you can just continue contacting them through the app.

I was able to convince pretty much everyone who matter in my life to install Signal and they all love it because WhatsApp has become too cluttered and spammy.

Kalkaline, avatar

I can’t get anyone to use it. They should market it as a workaround for the Android/iPhone/PC messaging issues with privacy and security as a bonus, but I don’t know if iPhone users would go for it.

infectoid, avatar

iPhone user and monthly signal donor here. Have been using it since it was available for signal. Have managed to get everyone I care about to install and use it.

I basically made it the only way to message me and get my attention.

I’m not that special, I just care about my friends and I think they might like me enough to do this one thing for me. At least they know they can cut me out of their lives by uninstalling signal.


It does because it’s code you have to take into account when adding new features. Basically unnecessary pain in the ass.

privacybro, to privacyguides in Signal details costs of keeping its private messaging service alive | TechCrunch

another reason why centralization sucks and distributed/decentralized messengers should rise to the top over time.

HootinNHollerin, (edited ) to privacyguides in Signal details costs of keeping its private messaging service alive | TechCrunch avatar

I’ve been donating at $5/ month for a couple years to help keep it going but I feel I can do that down a bit

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