nincodedo, to piracy in [Humor] Dunkey's Guide to Streaming Services avatar

I honestly thought the Pokemon part was fake. It is not.


The dunkey bit writes itself…

Nima, avatar

holy shit that’s absolutely insane. easier to use an ad riddled pirate site instead. at least it will have a full catalog most times, and you can just block ads.

yamanii, avatar

Reality will always be stranger than fiction.

Confetti_Camouflage, avatar

The Pokemon part fucking killed me. No need to write your own jokes when reality writes them for you.

ChaoticNeutralCzech, to fuck_cars in Chicago Sold it's Parking Meters to Morgan Stanley for 75 years. (The consequences have been terrible)

What the video doesn’t address: Did the politicians face any consequences?


Yes. Good ones.

comrade_pibb, avatar

Wild guess: no

djsaskdja, to fuck_cars in Chicago Sold it's Parking Meters to Morgan Stanley for 75 years. (The consequences have been terrible)

Break contract. Fuck ‘em


Better yet: Fuck’em without breaking the contract.


And then go to court against Morgan Stanley…

I believe they’ve been trying to get out of the contract though which is good, but it’s still easier said than done.


Just claim sovereign immunity, bing boom, so simple. (I have no idea what the consequences of that owuld be, or what the legal outcome would look like.)



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  • sadreality,

    Corruption is to make sure nobody in the government does the reasonable thing.

    People believe the system is a lot less corrupt than it really is. Propaganda good

    soupcat, to upliftingnews in Sheep aren't hurt in removing their wool.

    Disclaimer: I’m vegan, btw.

    I hate things like this because I feel like they misrepresent the issue. Yes, I’m sure there’s some morons out there that think you have to kill the sheep, but that’s not what the vast majority of vegans think. Also it’s great if this person is treating their animals well but that’s absolutely not the case for the vast majority of commercial wool farms where practices like un-anaesthetised tail docking, mulesing and castration are common. And given the sheerers have quotas to make the sheep are often handled roughly and injured and when they get older and the wool quality deteriorates they’re still sent off to a slaughter house all the same.

    Sure there’s some tiny farms out there that take good care of their animals and practice ethically and I’m all for it, but videos like this give a really skewed look at the problem by misrepresenting the complaints vegans have and also the practices on an industry scale.



    Here some video of an actual professional shearer at work.…


    I grew up on farms, I know what good shearing looks like. And even if every single shearer was perfect it still does nothing about the other points I made.

    thorbot, (edited ) to piracy in [Humor] Dunkey's Guide to Streaming Services

    Holy shit. I just open up Plex and it’s all there, and if it’s not I just add it with a few clicks. I had no idea this was really how thing are these days


    And if you have Plex integrated with Overseerr, all you do is add something to your Plex watchlist, wait a little bit, then it’s movie time

    SpaceCadet, to linux in [Video] Red Hat Is About To End Xorg: Is Wayland Ready? avatar

    Who made Red Hat the arbiter of when xorg should end?

    I mean, sure they’re a major Linux vendor but their market is servers with hardly any foothold in the desktop market. It would be more interesting to see how long Debian, Ubuntu or Arch will keep xorg alive.


    Redhat does a lot of testing/patching with Xorg Server.

    most of the people who was working on Xorg Server moved to Wayland a few years ago, Ubuntu and Debian have been Defaulting to Wayland, on the main Desktops, and Desktops are dropping Xorg Server support in Development, this is not just Redhat.

    No Patches and No $$$,$$$,$$$ = Xorg server dead. if you want to pay 15 to 20+ Software Engineers/Testers to work on Xorg Server got for it.

    FreeBSD has Wayland support to.

    Even the Xorg mailing list is mostly dead, many of the Xorg Server Dev’s moved on, XWayland will be long lived.

    and last i was there for all the Crying about XFree86 to I’m old.


    People are completely missing the point here. “Who made Red Hat the arbiter of when Xorg should end?”

    I would say nobody but perhaps a better answer is all of us that have left the work of maintaining Xorg to Red Hat. All that Red Hat is deciding is when they are going to stop contributing. So little is done by others that, if Red Hat stops, Xorg is effectively done.

    Others are of course free to step up. In fact, it may not be much work. Red Hat will still be doing most of the work as they will still be supporting Xwayland ( mostly the same code as Xorg ), libdrm, libinput, KMS, and other stuff that both Xorg and Wayland share. They just won’t be bundling it up, testing it, and releasing it as Xorg anymore.

    We will see if anybody steps up.

    SpaceCadet, avatar

    So little is done by others that, if Red Hat stops, Xorg is effectively done.


    As far as I know the foundation is an independent non-profit organization, and while Red Hat is a sponsor and they have 1 member in the board of directors (out of 8), they don’t appear to be the main contributor.


    Here’s the repo for xserver. It’s basically a collective effort between developers who represent certain companies, among them Oracle - and RedHat.


    They’re the ones who’s engineers worked on Xorg, so yes, they decide it.


    As the video points out, a lot of the work in xorg (and Linux in general, fwiw) is done by red hat engineers. So red hat cutting on that investment bears direct consequences for everyone else. Unless of course someone steps up and takes their place in maintenance, but it’s not gonna happen, which is literally why Wayland (and not some revamped xorg) is the future of Linux desktop.

    Also, red hat’s decisions often trickle down on most other distros. E.g.: systemd, pulseaudio, pipewire, gnome, not including proprietary codecs, etc.

    So, they technically don’t arbiter, but they definitely set the pace.


    Nobody. And it’s not like Red Hat runs the X.Org Foundation, either, at most they have one seat on the board. Development will continue.


    By whom? Red Hat is pretty much the only one supporting X.Org so that’s why. Development will not really continue because there will be nobody to do the development.

    WallEx, to piracy in The IT Crowd - Piracy warning

    So in your opinion you can’t make yokes about piracy nowerdays? How did you get to that conclusion?

    I honestly don’t even think this is that edgy of a sketch …


    The episode came out over 15 years ago…


    So? My point was, that you could easily make this joke today, why not?


    My reply was regarding this:

    I honestly don’t even think this is that edgy of a sketch …


    Oh, so just additional information? Or I’m being dull :D

    Evkob, avatar

    Vaguely conservative people love to claim that “you can’t joke about anything nowadays!!” but everytime I ask for an example it’s either completely banal stuff like this sketch, or it’s just straight up bigotry with the thinnest veneer of “a joke”.

    Like, sorry that calling a trans woman a guy or saying weird shit about Muslims isn’t funny in 2023, but good god get some fucking actual material.


    I don’t get where OP is going with this either?

    dangblingus, (edited )

    Perhaps some overzealous reference to the fact that Graham Linehan is a massive wanker, butthurt transphobe. The way you “can’t really make rape/racist/sexist/transphobic jokes anymore”. He doesn’t really make TV anymore. This skit on the other hand, as well as most of Father Ted and The IT Crowd, is perfectly PG.

    Bye, to asklemmy in Why do people not understand that you can agree with one thing someone said or did while disagreeing with the majority of what they stand for?

    It’s because we live in an age where people use the tactic of “well I just like this one thing he said” as a gateway to awful shit.

    Lafari, (edited )

    Yeah I understand, and that does probably happen a lot. But we also seem to live in an age where we assume the worst of people… so even though it’s possible to partly agree with someone while genuinely condemning other aspects of that person, people are somehow certain that others are using that as a gateway to awful shit, as you say. (Not talking about you, of course.)


    It’s not about assuming the worst, it’s more about being skeptical toward anonymous people on the Internet you don’t know, which I think is healthy.

    The problem with JP is that even if you agree with one of his positions, he has almost certainly arrived to that opinion through his other terrible assumptions. By sharing his take, you’re not just sharing the opinion you happen to agree with, you’re sharing the underlying worldview he uses to justify it.

    If you really do care about people assuming your support for him, you should use your own supporting arguments for the opinion you’re sharing instead of shoehorning his in.

    megopie, to news in American leftists are celebrating Hamas?

    This video is such garbage. Like, the left is not celebrating this attack? Like what?

    What a ridiculous position to group together an entire half of the political discourse on the internet and claim that everyone in that half has the same position.



    But I guess you wanted me to explicitly say that “some left” are doing that. That’s fine. It is indeed a fringe portion of the left, and also not everybody on the right are hateful nazis.

    Dio, avatar

    Psst. You can’t speak facts to people. They don’t enjoy that. >;\

    ulkesh, avatar

    The linked site is a blog, not sure how that constitutes fact. Pointing out bullshit isn’t being against facts, it’s being against bullshit. And conflating the two shows both bias and bullshit.


    This article already seems disingenuous. DSA Salt Lake City Utah’s Statement on Palestine…/salt-lake-dsa-statement-in-support-o… does not mention Hamas killing civilians let alone justify it. It vaguely uses the quote they cite to say that Palestine has a right to self defense, and even offense, which it does. I do not believe that this right includes the right to commit war crimes like killing civilians. We vote on statements in DSA, and such a statement certainly would not get my vote, but this statement is not that.

    nicolairathjen, to linuxmemes in Jankman reviews GIMP

    The creator of this video also did in-depth reviews of music notation software. After reviewing the free and open source MuseScore he took over the design lead of the project, and it has become considerably better.


    Considerably better? I would say it has the best UX/UI of it’s category.

    erev, avatar

    For real. I’ve occasionally used Musescore 2-4 as a hobbyist. Musescore 4 is a significant improvement over an already pretty great piece of software.

    Aremel, to upliftingnews in Sheep aren't hurt in removing their wool.

    Is this something people really thought happened?


    Several animal rights groups have claimed sheep are killed for wool.


    Do you have any sources for that? I’ve googled and couldn’t find any.


    I’m not a fan of PETA either but that source doesn’t say anything about animal rights groups claiming sheep are killed for their wool. Why lie dude?


    Right there on their website Peta says all sheep are killed for their wool.


    They literally had fake mutilated sheep in their add campaign, what the fuck do you call that?


    Yeah, actually I agree with you. PETA isn’t a good source, they’re like the fox news of veganism.


    I mean, they are eventually killed but not killed for their wool.


    I’m curious which ones?


    PETA put out bloody and offensive ads about it once.

    Brunbrun6766, avatar

    PETA also thinks owning pets is animal cruelty


    PETA is a garbage organisation.


    I prefer Mankind for Ethical Animal Treatment.



    Carighan, avatar

    Weren’t they also the organisation involved in pushing animal euthanasia widely?



    KISSmyOS, (edited )

    I heard PETA also started the plague and fellated Hitler.

    Seriously, the campaign against PETA must be one of the most successful examples of propaganda in history. Even people whose views are aligned with the goals and actions of PETA hate PETA. Because they’ve read somewhere (but can’t quite remember where) that PETA are evil hypocrites, deny the holocaust and kill animals for fun.

    HikingVet, (edited )

    They were called in by the owner of the trailer park to capture wild dogs and cats
    They encounter a dog running around without a leash or any supervision
    They capture it, as instructed by the landlord, who owns the property

    The only thing they really did do wrong was not wait the mandatory 5 days before they put the dog down.
    But the reality is: If you’re running the only animal shelter around that won’t turn away animals, you’ll be forced (by law) to euthanize a lot of them. What else are you going to do? You can’t just let the animals loose, no one else will take them and more are coming in daily.

    PETA is catching flak for carrying out the consequence of people breeding and then abandoning dogs, which is the real crime.

    Tavarin, avatar

    What else are you going to do?

    wait the mandatory 5 days


    Weird they aren’t familiar with renewable resources.


    They rather people use fibers that create microplastics.


    Just all around stupid then. Makes sense.


    Actually we’d rather you didn’t use either, neither of these things are good for the environment.


    I’ve had all sorts of vegans tell me I could replace animal products with petrochemical based products including plastic.


    Yeah again I wouldn’t recommend it, it seems a bit unnecessary. There are a huge number of environmentally friendly vegan clothing options.

    I get omnivores telling me I can replace my vegan food with literal corpses. Dead animals are definitely less environmentally friendly than what I’m eating.


    Fkn ridiculous.


    that’s just if you don’t have shears its an early game thing


    And you only need like 2 wool for a bed anyway

    blunderworld, to news in American leftists are celebrating Hamas?

    Not approving of Israel’s completely disproportionate response, in particular the mass killing of palestinian civilians – bordering on genocide – is not the same as supporting Hamas.


    It’s always been that way though. Any sentiment that isn’t 110% pro Israel is considered as anti Israel.

    CapitanStrider, to piracy in [Humor] Dunkey's Guide to Streaming Services

    Thank god for torrents


    The only place you can watch all of the above without restriction…


    Usenet is generally a better experience in my opinion, but of course it’s one that costs

    CaptainJack42, to linux in What do you think about this?

    It’s just clickbait like most of his videos, I never really liked Chriss’ videos, the tip of the iceberg was when he told people to disable kernel mitigation for a presumable performance boost (I tested it with disconnected network, it was like 2% on my machine), which is just plain dumb.

    Use whatever distro you like, just know that you don’t have to distrohop for some program (DE or WM or whatever). I personally use endeavour, simply because I’ve used arch (and derivatives) for a while now and endeavour is just arch with sensible defaults and a lot of the configuration one would do anyway already done.


    yeah i guess this one didnt scream clickbait as much as the other videos of his. I got some in my feed afterwards and quickly realised that this guy doesnt shy away from using clickbait titles.

    What is DE or WM? Is it actually that easy to change distro? Dont you have to basically install everything again from scratch? I read somewhere that you can seperate your directories on your SSD so that you can just change the kernel but i dont know how easy or true that is

    CaptainJack42, (edited )

    DE is desktop environment (like gnome, kde, xfce,…) And WM is window manager (like i3, sway, xmonad,…) Which is just a slim version of a de, they usually don’t include things like guis for settings, file managers, … and you just pick what you like and use that. The window manager is responsible for placing the windows in your workspace and most standalone wms are tiling, so they use your monitor space efficiently instead of putting floating windows all over the place. Basically the DE (or WM) is what you interact with most on your PC and a lot of beginners distrohop just to use a different DE when in reality you can just install the other de on your existing system, log out and select the new DE in your login screen.

    The biggest differences between distros nowadays are their release cycles and their package managers (and the tepos they’re using, like Ubuntu and Debian both use apt, but have separate repos)

    And no you can’t really change distro without reinstalling, you can change kernels tho, every distro will update their kernels from time to time and it’s just a matter of install the new package and reboot into the new kernel.

    With separate directories you probably mean partitions, which I’d also say it’s advisable to have your /home partition separated from your / partition. That way if you ever have to reinstall or want to change distro you can just install into the root partition and afterwards add your old/home partition to /etc/fstab and keep all you’re user data and configuration

    Papercrane, (edited )

    interesting, so every DE has a WM or are can only one of them at a time be used? And if you use a WM you have to install guis, file managers yourself? I think the only thing i would want is a DE/WM that has tabs for folders. I think its a neat feature to have


    The basic GUI experience in X is provided by the window manager. It controls how your windows are placed ( eg. Tiling vs Stacking / Floating ), how they are decorated ( eg. Max / Min / Close buttons ), and how they behave ( eg. Click to focus ). In X, the window manager runs as an application on the X server. You can only use one at a time.

    In Wayland, the “window manager” is the display-server too and is called a compositor. For smaller projects, there are compositor libraries that provide similar capabilities to what the X server did so that these projects can concentrate on the “window manager” part. You can think of a Wayland compositor as equivalent to an X window manager ).

    A Desktop Environment comes with a window manager ( or compositor ) and adds other tools that run alongside ( or on top of ) the window manager to provide a full user experience. This may include panels ( eg. think Windows start button, icon bar, and status tray ), docks ( like MacOS ), global menus, notification applets, and the desktop surface itself ( eg. are there icons or other features on the desktop ). A DE usually comes with a standard set of basic applications like a file manager, image viewer, document viewer, media player, and the like.

    If you start with a basic window manager then yes you have to add all this other stuff yourself. Of course you may not want some of it and so can have a much lighter experience. You can also just choose tools that you like. Of course, they may not match visually or work perfectly together.

    If you use a DE, the experience is curated for you and everything is more likely to work well out of the box. That said, nothing stops you from swapping out whatever components you want. You can even use a different window manager than the DE default.


    Thanks alot for the more than enough explanation :)


    While I admit most of my arch reinstalls are mostly the same,I feel that archinstall script is genuinely good now with most defaults I need. The rest I can just add it in the installer extra packages or chroot post install (which is offered as a choice at the end).

    I just could never bring myself to use distros that are technically the same distro with calamares slapped in top and whatnot. I mean ‘pacman -S {packages}’ is straightforward enough for me.

    xkforce, to asklemmy in Why do people not understand that you can agree with one thing someone said or did while disagreeing with the majority of what they stand for?

    Because that lobster has no original thoughts. Whatever insight you think he has is not unique to him and the fact that you choose to watch his content and quote him without knowing any alternative is going to make people ask questions.


    Can’t really blame him for not knowing an alternative without providing an alternative.


    Here’s the thing, I never watch his content. And I can’t even remember why I happened to watch that clip, I saw it somewhere randomly. But it stood out to me because I’ve never heard another person really acknowledge the problem with telling people they’re fine and dismissing any problems they might be experiencing, which denies their own experience and can make them feel invalidated. It seems to be very common to do that in society and to subvert that idea seems relatively uncommon. I’m sure other people have explained why it’s problematic but I just haven’t seen any others. So my go-to for explaining that concept is more or less what Jordan Peterson said.

    Lafari, (edited )

    What’s with all the downvotes with no explanation?


    You've never heard anyone say to be empathetic with others and not be dismissive of their problems? Really? I guess for most people that's not something that needs to be said...

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