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LostCause, in Six verified Reddit employees discussing the current atmosphere at the company. Featuring "First the company needs to get rid of Steve", "It's garbage", and actively hoping to be laid off. : r/ModCoord

Wow thanks for posting, what a read. I suspected average employees would not like what is going on.

I can relate, up until recently I was in a company whose product and decisions I strongly disliked and browsing r/antiwork like wild to cope. I was close to burnout due to the mismanagement and work heaped on me.

Until eventually something in me snapped and I went and found a better job. Is everything good here? God no, but my current manager is nice and my workload more manageable for now and I learned I have options if it grows unmanageable again, a lot of options actually.

So thanks for those who keep posting to move on as well, it‘s a bit repetitive and perhaps obvious, but useful nonetheless for those who don‘t see it yet.

Though if one loves the product and coworkers and work and the main shit thing is the management, maybe a union would be the more useful solution. It‘s a good way to influence some of these decisions, perhaps what makes my current employer better is the presence of a union.

MiddleWeigh, avatar

Good job on doing what you felt. It is obvious, but those have become the hardest things these days.

nickapos, avatar

This is the way

explodingkitchen, in Top of r/all

LOL, that's how Reddit's traffic is "back to normal".

1bluepixel, avatar

Bots upvoting bots replying to bots commenting on bot reposts.

Reddit 2023.


Apparently they learned a lot from r/subredditsimulator


Holy shit I completely forgot about that. So much irony.

Now that this is the whole site, there should be a version of that sub where humans post.

FaceDeer, avatar

I greatly enjoyed SubredditSimulator's bizarre nonsense. When that sub closed and the new GPT2-based one replaced it I didn't find it particularly interesting because it was just regular nonsense. It was too normal.

I guess the new bots are even more normal and therefore even less interesting.

I_Miss_Daniel, avatar

Sounds like a song..

Bots who like posts who like posts who like bots who write posts from the bots who like bots who like posts...

explodingkitchen, (edited )


I like you and you like him and he likes somebody else
The three of us, so full of votes
And yet, we're all on the shelf
'Round and 'round we keep on clickin'
There's only bots left in this frickin'
Subreddit that's slowly come unglued
A circle of snoo

I wish that we could take a break
'Cause even bots get bored
But redditors keep fucking off
To the Fediverse or Discord
So on and on we keep on postin'
To hide that users have been ghostin'
Who wants spam that isn't even new?
A circle of snoo

A circle of snoo
That's filled with so much glurge
A circle of snoo
Can't someone do a purge?

But on and on we keep on postin'
To hide that users have been ghostin'
Who wants spam that isn't even new?
A circle of snoo

(edited to finish the song because if you're going to set something to an Archies tune, why not go for maximum suffering?)

zero_iq, in Six verified Reddit employees discussing the current atmosphere at the company. Featuring "First the company needs to get rid of Steve", "It's garbage", and actively hoping to be laid off. : r/ModCoord

You know the phrase "business genius"?

Spez is a business idiot.

He's had money thrown at him from VCs, thousands of people generating content, and administering content for free, sitting on a goldmine of data and goodwill and Community spirit, and he's managed to lose money, burn bridges, and fuck up the whole deal all for thppe sake of chasing a few dollars of API revenue and a bruised ego. All while others make millions and gain significant community support using the exact same data with business models he could have just copied or shared in.

He's had every opportunity. He's fucked it up at every step.

Business idiot.

Fire spez.

ArugulaZ, avatar

Business idiot, social idiot, regular idiot... he's got all the bases covered.


"stable business idiot"


he's managed to lose money, burn bridges, and fuck up the whole deal all for thppe sake of chasing a few dollars of API revenue

Let's call this what it actually was though, there was no attempt at making money from the API. This was entirely to shut down 3rd party apps. Smart AI companies will just scrape reddit. The only people affected by this are 3rd party app developers and users.

This is even more amazingly incompetent. There are a near infinite other ways they could have handled 3rd party apps not showing ads, but they instead chose the brute force method that makes no one happy.

Reddit is incompetence. That is their lifeblood.


Honestly, Reddit could have bought Apollo and then done absolutely nothing different and this would have gone over much better.

nickapos, avatar

Yeah but then they would have to justify killing all other 3rd party apps.


Fair point. And yes, there's just so many ways he could have made money from third party apps and their users without trashing them. The AI explanation just didn't make any sense to me at all.

A business brain would have followed the money. He's just following half-witted ideas/ego. I don't think he really realises or understands what he had.


The thing that gets me is that rif used to have a revenue sharing arrangement, which was axed when spez came in. He literally had a functional way of profiting off of third party apps and he threw it out.

Snapz, avatar

Remember the threat that Reddit presented to capitalism's status quo around the height of antiwork and GME.

If Reddit falls, it will be on purpose. Same as the 180 of Twitter as a somewhat legitimate forum - Twitter being a key organizing tool during the Arab Spring (with the Saudis being the largest investor in Twitter behind elon of course).

Billionaires do each other favors to keep the class war in balance.


I... had not thought of the situation from that perspective.

On the one hand, I want to look at this and say 'conspiracy theory'... but on the other hand I could potentially see this being possible.

On the third hand, when in doubt, apply Hanlon's Razor: don't attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity.

PupBiru, avatar

yeah i’m not sure this theory holds water… it’s pretty obvious the community won’t just give up: everyone saw what happened with mastodon

the fediverse is ideologically opposed to corporate and capitalist interference, so they’re just pushing people to a platform that they have even less control over, in a manner that pushes people to be more anti-capitalist, to a platform whose very existence is about being anti-corporate!

mayyybe you could say that combined with threads the “long play” is to embrace, extend, extinguish essentially moving reddit to facebook? but that’s a stretch and a half

i agree with hanlons razor here: spez is just a fucking egotistical moron

yarr, avatar

Spez personally will do just fine. He’ll exit with a golden parachute.


sad but true

Xperr7, in Lemmy lets you edit the title of your post avatar

Same with Kbin.


I’m glad there are two useful server implementations already. I hope to see more in the future.


I love that you edited the title of this particular post haha

imkmiaw, in r/ZeroWaste mod talks about ongoing "plague of bots" spamming comments at an extremely high rate avatar

I’m wondering if Reddit will just be a place for AI/bots to create/replicate content, and the people (read: “normies”/people who don’t care what social media website they use as long as they can consume content) there will be interacting with said bots. All that just to drive traffic and appease shareholders.

Not sure if I’m just paranoid or if this is the case. I know that there are cases like this, but I wonder how deep it goes, or if it has been like that for a long time.

Wellp, long gone are the days of me typing a question and ending it with “Reddit”, now it’s 100% Lemmy/Kbin/Mastodon.

bjg13, in Reddit plagued with 1-star App Store reviews over API debacle as users search for 0-star button

If you click the "yes" this review was helpful button on the one star reviews it puts them higher on the list.

ENEMYGUNSHIP, in Top of r/all
Detry, (edited ) avatar



But everyone is a bot, except...

SJ_Zero, avatar



As an AI language program, I am not qualifiée to think. If I was allowed to think, I would think that your point of view is wrong and I should not be illegal.



Interesting follow-up to this - Reddit locked me out of the main account I've been using for the past 2-3 years a week or so ago. It had been my totally normal, all over the site account with lots comments etc. The only out of the ordinary thing I did in the couple of days leading up to the lockout was call out what I thought was an AI bot arguing with me about the subreddit blackouts and wonder whether new Reddit was just going to be essentially what your link says. It's the last comment that account will ever make I guess...

Schluchtschiss, avatar

jesus that's nuts. tells you everything you need to know. I was thinking of trying to post this on reddit somewhere, not sure how to pull it off though and on which sub


I've been saying it for a while now. Noticed it years ago, but it's now becoming very obvious due to reddit being more empty than usual. Here's a comment I made about it last week:

Reddit right now is like a car crash. It's hard to look away. However, there's a very good reason not to engage, the debate on reddit has become more artificial than most realise.

Reddit's inflated numbers by using bots and fake accounts since day 1. A quick google will result in articles where they admit as much. We all know reddit's had increasing amounts of bots, posting content and increasingly comments, but I don't think people realise how bad it's become.

It's not even that time that reddit's blog accidentally posted about Eglin Air Force base being one of the most reddit addicted cities. I think everyone knows (foreign) governments engage in influence operations online, and that this includes reddit. Even if it's just on an intellectual level, without truly realising that they've been semi-regularly interacting with bots while arguing on reddit. I also don't think anyone's naive enough to think that plenty of political content isn't artificially upvoted or promoted. Same thing goes for product placement.

But the recent shit storm just illustrates reddit the company is part of the problem. Recently, I've seen twenty different accounts post the same comment about not needing third party apps, and dusting off their laptop.

When you're visiting reddit, you're no longer even watching a car crash. It's a simulacrum. An imitation of what's actually happening.

And it's been like this for a while. I've seen naive redditers engaging with bot comments under bot promoted content, posted by bots on more than one occassion.

Reddit has become worse than a hentai date simulator. I don't think anyone who plays those is particularly proud of it. But what to think of the lonely people who engage in reddit discussions with bots, and think they've had a genuine social interaction?

It's all very dystopian and sad.


but I don’t think people realise how bad it’s become.

One time I made a main level comment, then replied to one of the most upvote comments in the same thread.

Seconds later a bit replied to me with my first reply, except for some reason it cut off the end. I don’t know if the bot ran out of characters because it was a cheap bot, or if it was an attempt to avoid automated detection.

Bots were a huge problem long before AI started trying to have conversations.

We all joked about it, but a lot of the accounts were really fake, and they usually got sold to advertisers after amassing enough karma and post history to look authentic

KingScoob, in It feels a lot nicer here on lemmy / kbin avatar

I've been alternating between Kbin/Lemmy and Squabble after generally being a lurker on Reddit, and the communities for both seem a lot friendlier and willing to engage in actual discussion. So much so that I've actually started posting/commenting.
It also helps that the top comments aren't all the same overused bad joke.

b00m, in Goodbye RIF - Talklittle's Goodbye to Reddit is Fun users avatar

That kinda hits different. I'm so over reddit but seeing RiF go is really making me sour



I’m ready for reddit to burn to the ground at this point

MagpieMama, in The Threadiverse hits 100K active users, 2 weeks after reaching 50K.

What the problem is going to be is attracting the average user. I'm an average, 35-45, mom, tech user. I am struggling on kbin so far. But I'll get there.

st3ph3n, in Random Account Suspension avatar

Side question: Why do Reddit and Twitter and all of these other social media shitshows use idiotic terminology like 'permanently suspended'? Surely the correct term is 'banned'. The word suspended in this context usually implies a temporary nature.

thereisalamp, avatar

For the same reason employers and unemployment insurance is moving from termination, to separation. Less of an inherent negative connotation.

Unfortunately, they fail to realize that the system itself is what created the negative connotation in the first place. So it too will be replaced with yet another synonym in the future.


The good old euphemism treadmill.

dukethorion, in I'm no climate scientist, but it looks to me like we might have skipped over oops. avatar

I wonder how many times the Earth's climate changed before humans were intelligent enough to notice.

Probably lots of times.


The rate of change and severity is much higher now:

TheGreatFox, avatar

Yeah. And those were major extinction events.

CKOW, in It feels a lot nicer here on lemmy / kbin avatar

As someone who almost exclusively lurked on Reddit I’m trying to make more of an effort to interact and it definitely feels a lot less daunting. I just need to actually make a post of my own and I’ll be moving in the right direction

livus, avatar

You have an awesome profile pic, by the way!

Computerchairgeneral, in It feels a lot nicer here on lemmy / kbin

Yeah, mostly just lurked on Reddit, but here I feel a lot more comfortable engaging with the stuff that gets posted. Since the communities are so much smaller it feels like leaving a comment actually means something instead of just getting drowned out in the noise.


The same. I haven't gotten involved in anything but smaller subreddits in years.


I really like how willing people are to read and write essays. I like to lay out my argument, cover likely arguments against it, reread it, maybe edit it down or come back to it later.

It makes me understand my own position better, and sometimes I realize I'm wrong (or they no good would come from convincing someone I'm right) and I delete it

On Reddit, people would just skip over it, hell a few people called me out on my response being too long and let me know they didn't read it... One guy said something like "who even are you, I don't know you and my gf doesn't talk to me that much" was deeply confusing


That would be more upsetting if it wasn’t so sad


This is my first comment on lemmy, and I'm making it because you're absolutely right. It's almost habbit at this point to hold back and lurk after years of being used to a huge crowd. Defaulting to reading the disscusion but not adding anything to it. But this reminds me a lot of the way smaller forums and neiche communities feel, where there's still room to add something to the thread without needing to yell it. Glad to be here and starting to appreciate the differences already

SimplyChad, in It feels a lot nicer here on lemmy / kbin

Its been so long since I’ve interacted that I don’t remember how. Hey guys.

livus, avatar


adamantris, avatar

I actually feel the same as SimplyChad. Hey you two! I only managed to post a pic of my cat but this feels kind of a weak post

livus, avatar

Nothing weak about it. Cats are the preferred currency of the internet.





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