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cashews_best_nut, in What is the origin of the phrase "to have faith in humanity"?

It’s one of a thousand silly memes that were born from a single Reddit comment that got copied by everyone until it became insufferable.


You got more on that?


You want me to pluck the very first instance a sentence was written on Reddit? I don’t know the exact date. I was around and watched it and many other phrases and memes organically appear and then disappear.

It’s like asking for an etymology for the word “bat” and expecting an exact date of first usage.

TrickDacy, avatar

How high are you?

dmention7, (edited )…/faith-in-humanity-restored

Edited to add: I know it’s kind of pithy to respond with just a link, but that’s really all there is to it. Like “a gentleman and a scholar” or “full of win”, it’s just a phrase that someone typed out of hyperbole, and people latched onto it, turning it into a meme.

TrickDacy, avatar

Wow, what an incredibly Internet-cloistered thing to say. No, this absolutely in no way neared coming from Reddit. I’m sure it predated reddit by at least 100 years.

Joker, in What search engine do you recommend that isn't Google or Bing?

Kagi is the best around if you are willing to pay. If I had to cancel my subscription for whatever reason, I would go back to DDG.


Do you like to swim in your cash vault like Scrooge McDuck?


Kagi really isn’t that pricy.

frozen, in What search engine do you recommend that isn't Google or Bing? avatar

I’m out of the loop on DDG, what did they do?

b000rg, (edited )

[Edited by the commenter to remove incorrect information, see below.] I’m not sure if anything else has come up since then though, and I’ve continued using DDG, just not for any sort of news or information on current events. I mainly use a search engine for dev stuff anyways.


Do you have a source for that?


Apart from that, the results are often pretty terrible unless you use the exact terms from whatever page you’re trying to find. I’ve also seen a lot of people stating that search results keep changing every time they refresh the page as well.



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  • Lmaydev,

    The only thing I can find is they allow MS trackers in their browser. Which isn’t great, but doesn’t matter if you only use their search.

    Do you have a source?



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  • Lmaydev,

    That’s kind of spreading misinformation though right?


    Not sure on the shady part, but I have stopped using them simply because they give me the same crap as Bing. Web search is almost dead, I’ve been thinking of trying one of the paid options. I’ve read good things about kagi

    Swedneck, avatar

    i don’t get this, i get perfectly fine search results with ddg…

    i get finding the results slightly worse but dead? stop it with this absurd hyperbole


    Depends what you’re trying to do. Looking up a movie? Easy. Looking up niche documentation/issues or error codes just feels hopeless compared to how it used to be.

    Swedneck, avatar

    i mean i have no real issues finding info about various linux errors, is that not niche enough?

    or have i just never seen the glory days where a google search would automatically fix your issue and bake a nice cake?


    Free web search gives me a whole page of SEO pages, cached reddit content that’s been deleted when you click it, or one of like five tech giants and their crap.

    Unless you are very specific and already know what site you are looking for it is extremely difficult to simply find information now, if you just want an answer you locate the relevant reddit or discord community and try your luck there, or ask a LLM to give you an answer because you can’t wade through the sheer amount of non- and disinformation out there now.

    Of course, the LLM is also trained on this bullshit and not actually smart, so at best you get an idea where you can look for the information it regurgitated if you make it cite its sources, and do your own research from there.

    Are you really telling me this is somehow not much much worse than mid 2000s-2010s internet, where you typed something into google and it almost always found that exact thing you were looking for?

    berkeleyblue, avatar

    Surely anecdotal, but I have never clicked on a Google Reddit link that didn’t let me to an actual post, most of the time with the actual info I was hoping to find and never have I been served SEO pages.

    There was a slight influx of AI generated nonsense a couple months back but that stopped. On my iPhone i Use DuckDuckGo and an perfectly happy. On the Mac where I have more ways to block stuff I use google and also don’t have any issues.

    May I ask what kind of things you usually search for?


    I’m still using it but it was fun when they had something along the lines of “your privacy is safe with us. Also, wanna leave your email?” 😅

    I am thinking of migrating to Kagi now, because search in DDG is often meh


    A long ago they had drama for apparently leaking user information to microsoft— but that was a while ago. Really they were accused of having biased results.

    SpliceVW, in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash?

    The slinky my middle child got didn’t even survive the day.

    Has anyone had a slinky that survived more than a week?

    Usernameblankface, avatar

    I remember growing up with several slinkies around that we didn’t play with and therefore they lasted


    The plastic ones never do, but I had a steel one growing up i played with a lot tyat lasted me a decade.


    When my kids play with slinkies, they’re destroyed within a day.

    To clarify: the slinkie is destroyed. The children remain unchanged.

    Critical_Insight, in Hot tub owners: any tips? any regrets?

    Apparently my idea of hot tub is quite different of what people are speaking of here. I’m quessing OP meant jacuzzi.

    imaqtpie, avatar

    Hot tub and jacuzzi are used interchangeably in the US. Is the one that you posted used for bathing?


    Hot tub is a machine. Jacuzzi is a brand


    Tissue paper is an item, Kleenex is a brand. They’re both interchangeable in the US.

    JoeKrogan, in What's something you'd like to leave behind in the old year and not carry into the new year? avatar



    A lot of my stress disappeared when changing jobs. Before that, I was having a lot of sleepless nights and even had frequent brain zaps/hypnic jerks.

    Shialac, in So, who or what ruined Christmas this year?



    Same. Tested positive the 23rd and was supposed to be hosting both days. Still isolated and my kids couldn’t go see family. Sucks.


    Same man. We couldn’t see family because we’re responsible. They get it but it sucks, people traveled from thousands of miles and we can’t see them.

    They get it, but these days we could’ve used a win.

    maryjayjay, in What's your automatic vacuum's name?

    Mark Suckerberg



    muninn, in What word do you always forget? avatar

    The phrase “Baader-Meinhof effect”

    I love pointing out examples of it but always forget the name, leading to an awkward moment when I try to explain it


    For the people who hadn’t heard of it (like me):

    Miklosha, in What's your automatic vacuum's name?



    A legitimate salvage

    JusticeForPorygon, in Court documents naming Epstein associates are to be made public this week? Who do you think will come out the worst? avatar

    I think our taxes just paid for a large shipment of sharpies to be sent to the Dept. of Justice building, that’s what I think.

    yesman, in What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch?

    French Fries. For those who don’t know, when starting with a potato, you have to fry them twice. Once at a low temp to cook through, then again at a high temp to crisp up and brown. The frozen fries at the grocery have already had the first fry.

    The double frying is just too much effort when the frozen stuff is just as good, even in an air fryer. So long as they’re hot, the drive thru can compete with anything you make at home.

    I used to feel the same way about egg rolls, but the product you get from scratch is superior to frozen or even take out.


    You know you can make baked fries right? They are very easy and tasty.


    What do you think an air fryer is? It’s nothing more than a small convection oven.


    Baked “fries” hardly compare. Flavor, texture, it’s all different.


    I’d rather make Kenji’s crispy potatoes instead now. You add baking soda and boil potatoes for 10 mins, it get the outside super mushy, you toss in a bowl with oil and they get covered in this potato paste, then oven high heat until cwispy.


    For extra yummy at home fried food, mix 4 parts table salt with 1 part MSG and use as fry salt.


    Try letting them soak in water for a while after cutting them. Then dry them off before coating in oil and frying them. We do them in the air fryer that way. Not the same as deep fried but it’s good and close enough for us while being little effort.

    LoafyLemon, in What do you like about socialism?

    A friendly reminder that socialism is not communism. The latter is closer to capitalism as it's just state-owned instead of privately owned. However, socialism and capitalism can coexist, which cannot be said the same about communism.

    Urist, avatar

    Socialism is a political philosophy and movement encompassing a range of economic and social systems[1] characterised by social ownership of the means of production,[2] as opposed to private ownership.[3][4][5]

    Hard disagree. Capitalism with a handful of social systems implemented is not socialism.


    I did not say it was?

    Urist, avatar

    No, you said they could coexist, on which I disagree.


    Friendly reminder that Communism isn’t communism. Communism is “nominally” socialist, 100% authoritarian ideology that completely disregards most of what was supposed to actually define communism. You are accurate in calling it, especially in China’s case, state capitalism.

    Where as communism is 100% a type of socialism. And ultimate end goal of most socialist ideologies. Basically Communists are communists in the same way capitalists are libertarians.


    So communism is closer to capitalism because it’s state-owned?

    Why are we trusting the output of your brain again?


    You have no idea. For a society to be communist it has to have no state. Marxist states like the USSR or Cuba aspire to be communist one day in the future but believe you need a stage of state socialism first to get there without capitalism taking over again. How close they actually get to socialism is debatable. This is different to anarchists who want the state abolished after the revolution.

    Socialism is not compatible with capitalism. Any communist society is socialist by definition, but not every socialist society is communist by necessity. Socialism is compatible with market economy where communism is not.

    Under the definition of socialism the working class must own and control the means of production. Outside of that requirement you can have a range of different economic systems which may or may not involve a state, money, or markets. Socialist market economy has markets and possibly a state but where each worker owns a share of the company and votes in company leaders and/or decisions.

    NeoNachtwaechter, in What do you like about socialism?

    Personal greed cannot grow to unlimited dimensions.


    Well, under a free market system it can’t because of competition. Under a centrally-controlled system, greed can run unchecked in the environment of total control.

    corsicanguppy, in What's something you'd like to leave behind in the old year and not carry into the new year?

    The word “literally”. I get that an entire generation would have no more superlatives, but it’s got to be done.


    I am literally so over literally.


    Literally yesterday’s word!


    Truly. Let’s start pronouncing it “lit-trally”.

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