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lazycouchpotato, (edited ) in What's the funniest WiFi network name you've seen? avatar

Visited a CeX store.

Their locked, employee-only Wi-Fi: Protected CeX

Their open public WiFi: Unprotected CeX

MacNCheezus, avatar

Glad they’re keeping it safe at work.

herrwoland, in What are some uBlock Origin filters you're using to make the internet nicer to use? avatar

Wow the one for the annoying app spam is great! Thanks for that! So many times I looked up something to get annoyed with their stupid “oh no we are a web forum but you have to install our app so we make more moneeee” message


Classic enshitification

Zuluparadise, in What is your favorite time travel movie or show?

Really enjoyed Looper. It leaves just enough to the imagination to be super interesting. that scene with what they do to the man in the past really stuck with me.


Sorry, but Looper is like the worst kind of time-travel movie. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

JJROKCZ, in What is your favorite time travel movie or show?

12 monkeys is absolutely the best time travel show


Yeah movie was good but show not so much.


Why not?

noroute, (edited )

Just didn’t have the same feel to the movie. Maybe if you never seen the movie it might be better. I find most remakes fail without at least some original cast.

masquenox, in Do Israeli Politicians' adult children get conscripted just like the average adult Israeli citizen as part of mandatory service?

I’m not Israeli - but I grew up in a disturbingly similar political environment, Apartheid-era South Africa. In theory, conscription applied to all white males of “military age” (ie, a kid that’s physically capable but still too dumb to resist the brainwashing). However, in reality, the children of the rich and powerful could buy their way out of it through various means (such as Phony Stark famously skipping South Africa right before his 18th birthday despite the fact that he wasn’t as allergic to white supremacism as he claimed to be), while working class whites couldn’t. I’m willing to bet that it pretty much works the same way in Israel.

There are lots of reasons why the children of the rich and powerful could end up on the front lines in wars that are still mostly foisted onto the children of the poor - an abusive father might gaslight their children into it, or it may simply be a case that not participating in all the jingoism might have an effect on careers later on (which might be the case in Israel, considering that militarism is so entwined in politics over there that it would have seemed insane even in Apartheid-era South Africa). It could just be that Snot’s head has been filled with militarism and wouldn’t dream of not participating. But the rich do get a choice in whether their children will be “boots on the ground” or not.

And no… the Israeli political establishment is no more making “ethically and morally correct decisions” than Apartheid-era South Africa’s was - it is, after all, a white supremacist settler-colonialist state. The only way to make “ethically and morally correct decisions” is to not serve the Israeli war machine in any way whatsoever.


The rich and powerful can buy their way out of stuff anywhere…

I don’t understand why you wrote so much about Israel when you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Calling middle eastern jews white supremacists is fucking insane, for example. I bet you wouldn’t even be able to distinguish between an average Israeli Jew and Arab.


Calling middle eastern jews white supremacists is fucking insane

Are you talking about the European Jewish people who dominate Israel’s political and economic establishments? Have you noticed that Netanyahu doesn’t look Ethiopian, perhaps?

No, Clyde… it’s perfectly obvious who it is that doesn’t know what it is they are talking about, and it’s the people doing apologetics for white supremacism. Ie, you.

ExIsraeliAnarchist, (edited )

I don't support the state of Israel, but I hate this bullshit argument so much - where do you think the European Jews came from to Europe, and why?

They came from Israel (the region, not the state, which didn't exist then) which they were expelled from, over generations, again and again, buy actual colonisers. And only wanted too return after centuries of pogroms that culminated in the holocaust, which was perpetrated by actual white supremacists.

Are racism, xenophobia, islamophobia and colourism all happening, and are influenced by white supremacy? Yes. Can Jews ever really be considered white supremacists? Not by any actual white supremacist, so no..

Is the state of Israel and the illegal settlements it supports now occupying some lands that aren't theres and oppressing the Palestinians whos lands those are? Yes.

Should they give those lands back and let their rightful residents live on them in peace (and be willing to share the places that are culturally and historically to both)? Yes.

Is Israel an apartheid state that discriminates against its Arab citizens? Yes.

Do Palestinians deserve freedom? Yes.

Does any of this erase thousands of years of history and mean that Jews, from wherever the fuck they were expelled to in the diaspora don't also have a rightful place on the land or are in any way comparable to actual colonisers who went to foreign lands they nor their ancestors had never set foot on and take them over? Absolutely fucking not.

More people really should actually study the history before making such ignorant claims

Nacktmull, (edited )

I don´t often see reasonable and differentiated takes like yours. Must be tiring to argue right wing Israelis and Israel haters at the same time. Remember to take a break sometimes to not get burnout my dude :)



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  • dsemy,

    Yeah sure, you, a South African, know more than me, an Israeli, about Israel…

    It’s no surprise that European Jews dominate many parts of Israeli society when you consider the fact that most Jews who came to Israel before 1948 were European (the Jewish population rapidky expanded post-1948 as Jews were driven out of Arab countries), and rich European Jews with Zionist aspirations also invested a lot of money in Israel during this period.

    masquenox, (edited )

    know more than me

    I know you better than you think, Clyde… we were pretty much raised drenched in the same kind of propaganda. After all… Apartheid-South Africa and Israel were besties, weren’t they? And despite the fact that the National Party took their white supremacism (and their antisemitism) straight from the nazis, too - imagine that?

    It’s no surprise

    Of course it isn’t! For sure! You have that in common with every other white supremacist colonialist project out of sheer coincidence… totally not because the people sitting at the top of Israel’s political and economic establishments learned their white supremacism from the best in the business - ie, the west.

    You know… the west? The people who invented antisemitism right before they invented white supremacism?


    we were pretty much raised drenched in the same kind of propaganda

    "pretty much" being the key words, since the white people who colonised SA had never set foot there before nor had any history or claim to the land, while that absolutely isn't the case for Jewish people returning to their homeland.


    since the white people who colonised SA had never set foot

    Neither has the Europeans who colonised Palestine and created Israel, Clyde.

    while that absolutely isn’t the case for Jewish people returning to their homeland.

    European Jewish people’s “homeland” is Europe, genius. You know… the place where they were born and lived for more than a millenium before western antisemitism drove them out?

    There is no valid Zionist “claim” to any part of the middle-east - never was, never has been. You might just as well “claim” Jerusalem as “western” because the Crusaders massacred it’s population once.


    Do European Jews not deserve safety?

    Did the Yemenese Jews who came to Israel in the early 1900s European colonizers? They came right alongside the first waves of European Jews.

    Did all the Jews who fled to Israel from Arab countries European colonizers?

    Are the Jews who stayed in the land of Israel all through the ages European colonizers?

    You know so much more than me about this topic though I’m sure.


    Do European Jews not deserve safety?

    Do tell… why can’t they be safe in the place European Jewish people came from? You know… Europe?

    Did all the Jews who fled to Israel from Arab countries European colonizers? Are the Jews who stayed in the land of Israel all through the ages European colonizers?

    Do tell… how well is non-European Jewish folk represented at the top of Israel’s economic and political establishments, eh? Maybe put on your sunglasses before checking… it’s white enough up there to burn your retinas clean off.


    Do tell… why can’t they be safe in the place European Jewish people came from? You know… Europe?

    You answered this question yourself already. You are arguing in bad faith. There are still less Jews worldwide today than in 1939.

    masquenox, (edited )

    You answered this question yourself already.

    No, no, no, Clyde - you answer it. Tell me that the whole reason European Jewish people cannot be safe in the very place they came from is thanks to the very same states that is now flooding Israel with military funding and logistical support - states that, not coincidentally, all seem to have deep histories of antisemitism, white supremacism and colonialism.

    And after that you can explain to me why Palestinians must bear the horrific cost of western antisemitism when Palestinians had absolutely nothing to do with the invention of antisemitism.


    The nazis lost the war. Welcome to the world post-1945, you might want to take a look at it.


    I took a look, looks about the same at this point.

    Only difference is the Jews have an army now.

    Nacktmull, (edited )

    Yet, when they (black Jews) arrived in Israel, these distinctive people faced appalling discrimination, racism and a lack of empathy for their hardships in Ethiopia and during their journey to Israel.

    The plight of Ethiopian Jews in Israel


    So did my parents (and many others) which emigrated from a soviet state after the fall of the soviet union. And they’re very white.

    Israelis are just xenophobic, this isn’t white supremacy. There is a famous old Israeli skit about how every single group which arrived faced these issues. You guys are unknowingly spewing the same bullshit extreme right wing politicians are saying in Israel about Mizrahi Jews.

    Nacktmull, (edited )

    Good point about “white supremacy” being the wrong term used here. I agree that calling it xenophobia/racism is more correct in this case.


    As a South African i couldn’t have said it better myself. Israelis and israeli apologists i notice get very offended when you compare israel to Apartheid South Africa, i mean the parallels are so clear to see.


    No, I take offense to comparing Israel to Apartheid South Africa because it’s dumb. Not even saying it’s wrong, it’s just a dumb comparison.

    Read again what the person you replied to said - it’s basically “I don’t have any information about Israel that’s relevant to the question, but I’ll just go ahead and assume Israel and Apartheid South Africa are the same thing and reply based on that. This will show Israel and Apartheid South Africa have a lot in common”.

    Pons_Aelius, in What country are you using lemmy from?



    Pilot or research scientist?


    Or alien life-form about to fuck some shit up?

    registrert, avatar

    I like the cut of your jib hull cutters.

    Mamertine, in What gifts are you getting for your friends and family members?

    We stopped doing gift exchanges. We were just getting things we didn’t want. Ymmv, that doesn’t work in all families.

    actual_patience, in Former religious lemmings, what made you quit religion or stop being a believer?

    Here’s a couple silly reasons why:

    • I kept asking for supernatural things to happen, or to win something like a small school lottery. The fact nothing happened, let alone a clear punishment, did disappoint me.
    • When I discovered that Santa was fake was when my faith started to really crumble.
    • Sometimes listening to the Pastors speak gives me a nice sensation on the back of my neck. I later discovered ASMR. I sometimes still listen to old religious people speak, but I’m not actually paying attention.

    Here’s the real reasons why:

    • Finding too many things I disagreed with or did not understand from the text.
    • Having a religious preacher fail to explain them to me.
    • Discovering other religions exist.
    • Learning what a cult is and making 1:1 comparisons to most religious entities.
    • Discovering how shitty the real world is.
    • Science (like, all of it)
    • History (also, all of it)
    • Discovering philosophy
    Icaria, in What are your "poor person" money life hacks?

    Take beverages with you from home.

    You can fill an entire wardrobe with kmart clothes for $100, it’s cheaper and more practical than even op shops most of the time. Maybe just don’t buy your shoes from there.

    Bottle sauces and seasonings can last a long time, and can dramatically improve the diversity and quality of your home cooking. Basic chicken, rice, and greens can be turned into a dozen different dishes depending upon the sauces.

    Avoid subscription services like the plague.

    There’s always a few exceptions, but name brands are rarely worth it.


    Hallelujah and Amen to avoiding subscriptions

    blunderworld, (edited )

    Avoid subscription services like the plague.

    Great advice. You didn’t hear it from me, but Stremio is a pretty easy way to cut streaming costs if you choose to install certain add-ons…


    What would those certain addons be? Just so that I won’t do anything illegal by accident.


    I wouldn’t be the best person to guide someone through it, unfortunately. But you can find a list of add-ons here, and there are almost certainly some quality guides by smarter folks than I to get you started.

    Just in case you were being serious about the legality concern though, this may not be something you want to do.


    Avoid subscription services like the plague.

    Check what services your library card gives you free access to.


    What’s a KMart lol?


    Rofl. I didn’t even notice because I’m old.


    Honestly I have stuff from clearance racks at Gap that have lasted 15 years and cost $3 -$5. Thrift stores have gotten expensive here but the mall clearance rack can still sometimes be a great deal. I didn’t buy clothes this year at all, don’t usually since I have enough to rotate. But when I do eventually, I look for something I can like for a long time.

    Also smartwool socks, I thought I was throwing away money because they were so expensive, I got them for running because they are so good and help avoid blisters. I had to replace them last year, looked in my Amazon history and saw they were 11 years old! So I saved money really. Socks that lasted over ten years!

    Of course these are all middle-income tricks. When I was very poor - you can live in your car but can’t drive your house, keep the car if you have to choose. Ask for help from people you know - you would help them, right? Roommates, so many roommates. Splitting rent 8 ways makes it affordable.

    If you have secure housing but not much else - our neighbor used to bring us fruit & veg he dumpster dived because he knew we were struggling. Look for free healthy food like that to supplement what you buy - some community gardens you can harvest from, that’s how ours works, it’s not a grow your own space, everyone grows for everyone. Some farm coops you can trade time & labor for food. We couldn’t get food stamps because Florida but if you are willing to jump through the hoops that can really help get you through too.

    paddirn, in What are your "poor person" money life hacks?

    You can save money if you go without eating at least one meal a day.


    Coffee and half a banana and aim for dinner.

    Eat at work if you can. Coffee at work if you can save time and money.


    It’s probably good advice to eat at least one meal a day

    Quazatron, in How do I stop my cats from eating my plants? avatar

    Stop buying delicious plants.

    Or sacrifice one of your cats to appease the plant god. That should get the message through to the other cats.

    HakFoo, in What inconsequential or surprisingly good thing can I get from Aliexpress?

    Every sort of microcontroller/breakout board imaginable. I’m fond of the nanoCH32V305 (144MHz RISC-V CPU, 32k RAM/128k flash, and GPIOs for days)

    Soldering project kits. I bought a NTP capable clock kit to learn SMD techniques, then discovered that the Chinese market has no need for time zone support, but I had little need for the time in Beijing.

    There’s a surprising amount of miniature stuff there-- terrain parts for model railways, or dioramas or wargaming. The actual model railway stuff seems sort of thin on the ground, mostly resold and expensive foreign brands or toy grade stuff.

    I got one of those ominous looking wire-stripper-cutter-tools and rather like it.


    Wow, China doesn’t have timezones? They’re a pretty darned wide country to pull that off!

    hdnsmbt, in Be honest: if you had the power to stop time, your morals would go out the window.

    I’ve been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

    You know that those were still written by humans to tell a story, right? I wouldn’t derive any universal laws from them.

    Bondrewd, (edited )

    Kind of a misunderstanding. Its not “law” they lay down, its archetypes. If it is realistic it means more like it is more relatable.

    Immortality and immense power is meant to give a sandbox view of the world with lowered consequences. Also the naive inheritor in case of Invincible.

    In case of The Boys, Homelander embodies the establishment that is not only more powerful, but hailed as the hero of all mankind.

    Thats lots of peoples vibes. You are not the hero in shining armor. You are an insurgent at best. You dont just get on a suit and start saving lives, but you have to go up aganist THE establishment and fucking prove yourself first. The very thing that is being actively hailed.


    I think you misunderstand my point. I’m not saying those shows lay down any laws. I’m saying you (the viewer) shouldn’t derive any universal laws from consequences or situations depicted in stories made up specifically for entertainment.

    Gormadt, in Be honest: if you had the power to stop time, your morals would go out the window. avatar

    If you’re honest with yourself about your morals, they wouldn’t change

    Mine wouldn’t

    Honestly, I’d primarily use the power to sleep


    I’m on the same page as you, dude! My first thought was that I could take naps ANYWHERE at ANY TIME. It’d be a dream to never feel tired and always refreshed. Also to have absolutely no pressure from time commitments. I’d just be a happy guy most of the time.


    Honestly I’m having trouble imagining what terrible things others here seem to be considering doing if they had the power to stop time. Hopefully it’s not more than stealing money from a bank vault?

    Iceblade02, (edited )

    I suppose it depends a lot on the nature of said time-stopping power. Using it to threaten some of the most powerful people on the planet into using said power to do good (or at least not bad) would be on the list of stuff to do.

    For instance - a note threatening Putin with the loss of a toe or something (and further escalating consequences) unless he makes a public statement announcing the intent of Russian Armed forces to withdraw from Ukraine.

    Gormadt, avatar

    That’s the fun thing about morals, everyone is operating with a different set of morals. Often similar, but some are drastically different.

    And sometimes the things that fit within their moral outlines would shock other people

    Some people need the threat of terrible consequences to not do terrible things

    leshy, (edited )

    Ah, I think I know who you mean. gestures to sky

    foggy, (edited ) in What hobbies help you minimize or avoid navigating commercialism?


    You can do it on trail mix and tap water. All you really need is a good pair of shoes.


    Hiking is great. Swimming (assuming you live near a safe body of water) can be very cheap. Simple sports like basketball and soccer are popular globally because you need basically anything round that bounces a bit and can play or practice some variant.

    I think overall, any sport or activity can be expensive if you buy the bullshit that x equipment or y must have variant is the best and will increase your enjoyment. Videogames can be crazy cheap and simple considering entertainment time vs. cost but you need to be somewhat aware of the model you are playing in…and basically know how to download good stuff. Cooking can be expensive if you’re trying to emulate bullshit social apps that tell you to follow this expensive trend or you have to eat a certain food this way, but I think learning to cook and prepare in your price range is incredibly satisfying. Spend the same but it’s massively improved quality.

    Reading and learning is often free through libraries and provides many benefits.


    Yeah but some sports, the costs are pretty unavoidable. Like skiing, snowboarding, golfing, etc.

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