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Attack0fthenerd, in What current U.S presidential candidates are most in favor of legalizing pot?

Technically Biden, but ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh. He isn’t pro-legalisation but is the most likely route. As the cannabis industry gains more money and momentum it’s really just a matter of time, but there are Republicans actively fighting against it. So, do with that, what you will. Also don’t be fooled by libertarians, they will try to draw you in with pot and legal sex work, but that’s a trap.

nevemsenki, in Do you prefer to wear a smartwatch or a regular watch?

Garmin “Smart” watch. It doesn’t do apps but it does notificatios and is great for fitness… and only needs charging once a month. A watch that needs recharging daily is useless to me.


Me as well. I like to track my steps and exercise. Instinct 2 only needs charging I’ve a month. Absolutely love it.


Never understood the issue with daily charging. Unless you need to track your sleep cycle (which I’ve also never really understood, but to each their own), what’s the problem with putting it on a charger each night before bed?


Because it’s a hassle. For example I need to lug a charger with me everywhere I go, which is especially annoying on longer trips.

phorq, (edited ) in What are Lemmy's unwritten rules?

42: Always know where your towel is.

43: Star Trek memes or you’re the next away mission’s red shirt.

Tattorack, avatar

I’m more of a TNG guy so I’ll be fine in a red shirt.


And not on a tip to Risa. Yno what I’m sayin.

EndOfLine, in [solved] What is this new icon we see since yesterday ? avatar

It’s a turkey for the American Thanksgiving holiday.

OhmsLawn, in Am i the a**hole for telling my coworkers no?

No, you’re right to set boundaries.

People will always want you to do stuff that’s outside of your classification. The key is to be “too busy” when it doesn’t advance your career, and willing to learn when it does. Ideally, you don’t have to directly say no. When you hit the balance right, they stop asking.


I like your advice, and it makes me think I’m on the right track. They used to call a lot more. Even for me specifically, but I got tired of it, and it made them mad, and now they call on occasion for small things like the other day.

Just it’s not my job to do. Even if I’m just walking around looking for things to do either for myself or my crew. I am still working and they just don’t wanna do their jobs. I’m only supposed to do it if they are busy or it’s like a 5 gallon bucket of paint that needs to be brought to the front. The heavy lifting and hard work.

If I didn’t love my job I’d probably find a new one. Just with 75% of the store liking me and 25% not… I think I’m good. 🤔

phanto, in What's a sci-fi or fantasy book or series that you want to see adapted as a movie/television series?

Old Man’s War! Pretty green people fighting aliens! What’s not to like?

IonAddis, avatar

I’m honestly surprised none of Scalzi’s works have ended up movies or television series or anything.

But yeah, Old Man’s War would be awesome. It’s such a fun concept.


There was supposed to be a ‘Redshirts’ movie, but it never happened.

IonAddis, avatar

That seems common–books are optioned, then the project never gets out of the ground. Then the options are sold again for X number of years, and rinse and repeat.


May be urban legend, but the story is that ‘Stranger In A Strange Land,’ by Robert Heinlein has been optioned more than any other book, and earned the writer more from options than from book sales. It came out in 1961, and was last optioned by SyFy network in 2016. David Bowie tried to make it, and ended up taking elements of it in ‘The Man Who Fell To earth.’

IonAddis, (edited ) avatar

Stranger in a Strange Land was popular enough and written late enough in Heinlein’s career that I’d be somewhat surprised if movie options truly earned him more than book sales (I mean, “stranger in a strange land” and “grok” both entered common parlance)–then again, it’s possible Heinlein got a shit contract for that book, or there were some heavy-hitters optioning the movie for tons of money even if it never got made. He was savvy enough too that he might have jacked up the cost of optioning the book a lot if it was getting a lot of Hollywood nibbles. So maybe it’s not urban legend.

I bet some sci-fi author out there knows if it’s true or not.


To be fair the first book is so much better than the rest that I think it should be a movie, not a show.

TootSweet, in Which books have the worst video adaptation?

I’ve heard nothing but bad things about Amazon Prime’s “Wheel of Time” adaptation.


I really like the second season. And did like the book series. I think a TV show has to move faster, it’s an adaptation not a recreation. So it’s a different story but it works. Not the first season, that was not good but the next one I enjoyed so much.


The first episode was enough for me.

CalamityBalls, avatar

I've hate-watched all of it. It's not good, some things are wrenching departures the books, but there's also been parts of it they adapted well I think.


How far did they take the teen drama aspect of it?

HubertManne, avatar

I think anyone who has never read the books would enjoy it.

teft, avatar

I watched the first season, loved it, read the books, watched the show again and was a bit disappointed by some of the changes. I’ll watch the whole series though and think of it as a different turn of the wheel. It’s a decent series imho it just isn’t a one to one translation.

HubertManne, avatar

yeah I find I can enjoy it if I just try not to think about the series. The big issue is the way gender worked in the universe (fictional universe for anyone who is going to get triggered) with magic. By having her search for boys and girls it discounts a pretty large plot point later. Not sure how they are going to deal with it when it comes up other than gloss over it.

Kolanaki, avatar

I almost hear nothing good about the books themselves these days. Everyone liked them when I first got into them… 😥

Bitrot, (edited ) avatar

Braid tugging and poorly written female characters aside, a very large number of the interpersonal problems in those books could be solved in anybody ever talked to each other. The nobody ever trusts anybody or talks about an issue gets kind of irritating. Even if he was going for realism it is pretty over the top.

Kind of like how a large number of Seinfeld episodes would be over in five minutes if they had cell phones.


I actually find one of the interesting parts of the books being the kind of way that misinformation can spread across the country.

Like a character does one thing and that action gets attributed to a whole bunch of different people by different characters.

But yea, I’m on book 9 now and definitely a bit frustrated with nobody just talking about things.

seaQueue, avatar

Imagine taking a beloved classic fantasy series and handing the material off to the CW for adaptation and you’ve got the gist of Amazon’s WoT series. It’s pretty, it’s vapid and there’s a whole pile of extra teenage soap opera drama thrown into season 1 for no real reason.


Same thing that happened with the Shannara TV show. MTV wanted a kid friendly fantasy romance competitor to GoT, so they butchered a series that’s basically none of those things. They also started with book 2 for whatever reason.

Bitrot, avatar

I imagine they couldn’t get the rights to The Lord of the Rings in order to adapt book 1 of Shannara.


What? No it’s totally different, our Gandalf is named Allanon and he’s a Druid, not a Wizard. Druids get a d8. And the Warlock Lord’s Skull Bearers are definitely not Nazgul, they fly with wings not horses.

leraje, in Americans - I Need Help Choosing A Bourbon avatar

Thanks to everyone who suggested something. I’ve settled on a bottle of Angel’s Envy.


This was going to be my suggestion, it’s such a delicious bourbon.


I’m late to the game but I just wanted to say that that is a solid choice.

BeefPiano, in Americans - I Need Help Choosing A Bourbon

Some great options in this thread but I can’t believe nobody has mentioned Blanton’s.

The bottle makes it feel like more of a gift, and the taste is sublime.


Blanton’s is very good at MSRP, but it’s hard to find at a good price and the second hand market value is pretty high.


No one can afford it.


Blantons is so unique, lots of collectability with the different horse/jockey poses on the cap.


Are you telling me I shouldn’t have tossed out the complete set of tops?


Well, they will sell you just the tops now but whatever that msrp is would be about what they’re worth.

cole, avatar

yeah that one’s hard to get. Gotta go camp out at their factory sometimes and they limit you to once every 6 months!!

Very_Bad_Janet, in Lighthearted, upbeat shows for adults?

I love sitcoms but beneath their light exterior they always have a heart of darkness, or at least a trace of one. But given your OP, I figure you can handle a teensy bit of a shadow side. Here are some generally upbeat shows with lots of laughs.

Catastrophe- I think it strikes the right balance of optimism in the face of doubt. It's light but not saccharine. It's my favorite sitcom.

It Crowd

Black Books

30 Rock


Adventure Time

Mentioned in lots of other replies:

Parks and Rec

New Girl (extremely underrated)

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Brooklyn 99



sailormoon, avatar

Wow we might be the same person, except I haven’t watched Black-ish or Black Books. I’ll have to look into those.


Please watch them - they're very different but both great. What shows not on my list would you recommend?


Well you didn’t mention The Good Place, but from your username I assume you’ve watched it :) .

Ted Lasso is really great throughout and has a really positive viewpoint while still dealing with tough subjects.

Starstruck (you’ll recognize Rose Matefeo) is a great lightish comedy.

Crazy ex girlfriend

Santa Clarita diet

For animated stuff, these are all top-tier:

  • Over the Garden Wall
  • Gravity Falls
  • Steven Universe
  • Avatar The Last Airbender
  • Legend of Korra

Thank you - I'm adding these to my list! And yes, I'm a Good Place fan. I didn't mention it because OP mentioned recently seeing it.

hperrin, in What's an amusing thing to say before going under general anesthesia?

Thank you for asking this. I’m going under day after tomorrow for knee surgery, so I’m going to pick one of these to use. :)


Good luck with your knee surgery, buddy 🙏


I’d go with “I used to be an adventurer like you.”


I like that a lot.

CosmicCleric, avatar

You have to slip in some kind of line about taking an arrow to the knee.

BigBootyBoy, in Go through your saved posts on Lemmy, what's something cool that you saved? avatar

Everytime I finally go through my saved posts again it’s like uncovering a treasure trove of cool stuff


Same! I just need to remember to go through it more often

maegul, avatar

I think it’s an underrated practice in general.

Writing notes, saving notable/interesting things or highlights from articles/books/films etc and then going back through what you’ve saved.

flop_leash_973, in Tech workers - what did your IT Security team do that made your life hell and had no practical benefit?

Ours is terrible for making security policy that will impact technical solution options in a vacuum with a few select higher level IT folks and no one sorts out the process to using the new “secure” way first. Ending up in finding out something you thought would be a day or 2 task ends up being a weeks long odyssey to define new processes and technical approaches. Or sometimes just out right abandoning the work because the headache isn’t worth it.


Ours does this too. Except they stick to their guns and we end up having to just work around the new impediment they’ve created for months until it happens to inconvenience someone with enough pull to make them change it.

jaspersgroove, in What's a secret that you're keeping from your partner/significant other that you're taking to the grave with you?

When she snores I pinch her nose shut until she stops.


Oh that I tell her in the morning

umulu, avatar

Your wife must be a deep sleeper. Mine would be awake in an instant.

MyFairJulia, avatar

You could try to fix this from a very different angle by buying those strips for the nose against snoring. Those strips can temporarily unobstruct the air flow in the nose.

Donebrach, avatar

Snoring is often a sign of sleep apnea, which is easily treatable. Your wife should take a sleep test to see if she has it. Can take years off your life if left undiagnosed.

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

So can stopping her breathing.


For her it’s usually a sign that she had 3 or 4 too many white claws before she went to bed.

SHITPOSTING_ACCOUNT, in Tech workers - what did your IT Security team do that made your life hell and had no practical benefit?

Endless approval processes are a good one. They don’t even have to be nonsensical. Just unnecessarily manual, tedious, applied to the simplest changes, with long wait times and multiple steps. Add time zone differences and pile up many different ones, and life becomes hell.

RozhkiNozhki, avatar

It took them three weeks to have my super secure voicemail PIN reset, only for me to set it to whatever I wanted.

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