I think there are a lot of reasons for this, but I’m in the same boat.
Most games tutotialize you like you have never played a game before
"Cinematic storytelling" is everywhere. I turned off the dialogue in Need for Speed Unbound, and the game is wayyyy more enjoyable without it. And its…a racing game.
There just are more games. Used to be I’d bring a physical copy of a game hope, and that’d be my game for a bit. Now I have thousands of games accessible at any moment. It’s hard to wait for a game to “get good” when I know that.
I’d also say that I feel no need to complete games or get further into them at this point. Especially seeing how people said Starfield is best in new game plus or whatever, that game barely has legs to stand on in a first playthrough. It’s not worth it for me to play a game for 60 hours for it to maybe get better, and I tend to know when I’m done with a game early now.
Yeah for me it’s the sheer number of games, plus the increasing enshittification of games and just being older and having less free time. I literally have like 200 games I’ve got for free across various platforms, so if I fire one up and it’s clearly not finished, or it’s immediately trying to sell me stuff or even if it’s just a bit boring and annoying I’ll dump it immediately and move onto the next one.
Whereas when I was a kid I had a SNES with about 10 cartridges and that was it, so I played the shit out of those even when they sucked lol
I know right! Every time I come back to a game and they’ve changed every thing about it again I wonder why I bother. I think that’s part of the reason Melee has survived for so long, the community establishes the meta more than someone whose incentive is to keep selling you things.
100% agreed with all of these, but I would add one more factor: Limited spare time.
When I was a kid, it was a lot easier to spend a few hours in front of a console undisturbed, immersed and focused on the game. When you’re an adult and come home from soul-crushing work, hungry and exhausted, then your last bit of energy goes into household, pets, chores, family and the like and then it’s late at night already and if you don’t go to sleep soon then the next day will be worse. Where and how do you cram a couple of consecutive, undisturbend hours of playtime into such a schedule?
If a game isn’t immediatly interesting, fun or otherwise a good reality escape, it is not worth sacrificing time on it when you have to strictly ration your limited amount of spare time already.
Yeah totally. I’ve noticed everyone’s bandwidth dropping as capitalism worsens. It’s even more apparent when every live service game wants you to treat it like a job.
Agreed with your last point. I’m at the point where I can call how much is enough for me for any given title, and it makes me a lot happier than feeling obligated to finish games I don’t enjoy.
Yeah, the bar for should I buy this game is higher when you’ll be giving up sleep and/or rent money if you want to play it.
That being the case, truly excellent games can still clear that bar; ToTK easily siphoned a few cumulative months out of me, despite, well…gestures vaguely at everything.
I still have no desire to do the final boss fight at the end, though.
I dunno. There’s an inclusion officer at my kids school who’s sole role is to make sure kids get the help that they need to not get left behind academically. They don’t have “Diversity” in their title, so it may not be demographic driven which I’m guessing is the distinction.
Very controversial statement but really couldn’t be more true. Of course there might be exceptions but most of the time it’s a cushy job where you are paid exorbitant amounts to do practically nothing of value.
This is an interesting one that I hadn’t thought of before. I think the same could probably be said for any sort of corporate job where you’re coming up with stupid corporate nonsense speak. Like whoever’s job it is that’s seems to come.up with a million pointless acronyms for a company that they share with new employees at orientation for some reason.
Diversity and etc. is no doubt important, but should be strived for as a group.
Are you thinking about a community? Because instance doesn’t really need posts, it can be purely a user instance with no communities. If you mean a community, then yeah, it happens for various reasons:
people think they can attract people to it, turns out they can’t
people sit on good community names to be part of the mod team in case someone wants to pick it up
personal problems causing people to have less time to moderate
It’s a substitute for chemical fertilizers which would otherwise go to landfill. It also improves soil quality rather than producing dead “dirt” that is dependant on chemical fertilizers. Plus, no more transportation involved in disposing of the food scraps to landfill, producing and packaging fertilizers, etc.
You can use it for any kind of gardening really, including growing your own veggies and herbs.
Finally, it reduces food waste by recycling food scraps rather than sending them to landfill when they could be used to produce more food or replace more energy-intensive fertilizers.
Pretty niche, but a citrus squeezer. I cook a lot of Asian food and it’s much better to put half a lime in the squeezer at a time than try and hand squeeze the juice out.
What are the odds people actually vote for it though? I’m of the impression that most Americans would rather to pay for healthcare than have it taken out of their taxes.
I mean with all the republicans competing to defend the most departments, 2024 might be our year. Then again there’s a fuckload of people in the United States who still worship Reagan so who the hell knows.
Fuck I hope so this sucks. My mother just fucked up her ankle and refuses to go to the doctor because we can’t afford it. I’m afraid it’s gonna be something bad that ends up being permanent if she doesn’t seek treatment. Makes me feel sick.
That’s not how our democracy works unfortunately. We are a representative democracy, and regardless of the way the majority vote, our representatives can and do act against the general populace on a consistent basis.
It’s more likely an issue with the placement of the stats rather than the data behind it. YouTube probably updated the UI in a way that Return Dislikes is not compatible with.
It’s not even comparable to reddit. Like 80% of posts I see are blatant political propaganda or rants at the system, the other 20% is memes and Linux discussions. Where are the niche communities we all wanted to see? Oh right, they are so niche that they are dead 👍
It certainly doesn’t help that Lemmy had and still has absolutely no sensible way to actually surface niche communities to its subscribers. Unlike Reddit, it doesn’t weigh posts by their relative popularity within the community but only by total popularity/popularity within the instance. There’s also zero form of community grouping (like Reddit’s multireddits) - all of which effectively eliminates all niche communities from any sensible main view mode and floods those with shitty memes and even shittier politics only. This pretty much suffocated the initially enthusiastic niche tech communities I had subscribed to. They stood no chance to thrive and their untimely death was inevitable.
There are some very tepid attempts to remedy this in upcoming Lemmy builds, but I fear it’s too little too late.
I fear that Lemmy was simply nowhere near mature enough when it mattered and it has been slowly bleeding users and content ever since. I sincerely hope I’m wrong, though.
Agree to everything but the doom. Yes, most people will only give 1 chance to a platform, but we haven’t churned through most people yet. Most people are yet to honor Lemmy with their first visit, at some point in the future. We will be better prepared than ever. This wil be true for a long while. So I think we should make (reasonable) haste, but nothing is lost yet. In the long run, we’re still growing.
The original/alternate ending of “I am Legend” that was scrapped for the dumb reason that test audiences didn’t immediatly understand it.
Spoiler:In that ending, the main character realized that the “mindless zombies” he hunted are actually pretty sentient and from their perspective, HE was the monster terrorizing their entire species day in, day out. The main character had captured one of them to conduct experiments for a possible cure, and once he realizes that the zombies attacking his base only want to get her back, he sets her free and the zombies leave in peace. That was such a cool, meaningful “oh shit!” moment and they scrapped it in favor of “main character heroically blows himself up and kills all the zombies in the base” instead
That’s what it should mean, but it usually implies political awareness specifically and has been hijacked by several minority groups and their allies to imply that they are wholly in support of whatever the latest minority issue is.
You haven’t heard of lgbtbbqx+? I have because I’m woke!
i’m gonna assume this post refers to the US’ prices.
it’s definetely noticeable in germany, but i’ll manage. my worker’s union is currently negotiating prices with my employer, and so far it’s looking pretty good.
but i pray for you guys, they really don’t seem to make life worth living over there.
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