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Mr_Blott, in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen?

Eggs with multicoloured yolks


RGB egg

LdyMeow, in Court documents naming Epstein associates are to be made public this week? Who do you think will come out the worst?

The American public. Because it will be yet another in a long line of ‘leaks’ that seem to go nowhere. Powerful people will continue getting away with it.


Panama Papers 2 Electric Boogaloo

some_guy, in Why was Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan so bad for the American people?

Sabotaged Iran hostages being released during Carter’s administration. And the stuff others said. Check Hell of Presidents on the Chapo Traphouse patreon feed. I found it super interesting (I’m a history nerd).

Tylerdurdon, in Why was Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan so bad for the American people?

I think Iran (let’s leave the contra side out) was pretty bad. The US had been helping Sadam Hussein fight Iran by selling them weapons for years, only to discover they also started selling them to Iran too. Talk about hateful… Supplying weapons to both sides so they can go kill each other.

It’s why Sadam was so distrustful of the US, especially when Shrub (Bush Jr) came knocking a couple decades later.

Crackhappy, in Mickey Mouse is now public domain (Steamboat Willie specifically). What do you think we will see this year? avatar

Massive amounts of rule 34

ook_the_librarian, avatar

Ahh. It was copyright keeping us safe from that.


Steamboat Willie’s steamboat willy

kingaloo, in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong?

Drowning women to determine if they are witches.


It still works now.

100% of people drowned are absolutely not witches!


Are you sure? I don’t know if it has ever been definitely proven that witches float. We might have accidentally drowned a few witches.

Kolanaki, (edited ) avatar

If you had magic powers, would you let a bunch of dumbshit muggles who believe in witches drown you?

jflorez, in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong?

That there is a god (or gods)

TheSlad, in I am to celebrate new years eve alone. How can I celebrate solo?

Eat a healthy homemade dinner, go to bed early, sleep well, and wake up the next day feeling great and ready to take on the new year.

aeronmelon, in After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?

You owe the internet NOTHING. You do not owe it posts at a certain interval, you do not owe it media, nothing. Only post what you want to post, when and how you want to post it.

Social Media should serve you. It should make you happy, it should make it easier to communicate with people you care about or share interests in. If it doesn’t serve you or makes you unhappy, you should not feel any shame or regret in just walking away.

If you don’t know whether or not you want to use “insert platform here”, go ahead and sign up for a free account to reserve your name then just leave it until you find a need for it. If you end up not needing it, you can delete the account or just abandon it in place.

I would also say something like ‘don’t be afraid to ask questions’, but you’ve already got that one down.

Have fun! :)

shyguyblue, (edited ) in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

The Nexus One had so many features I miss:

Trackball for scrolling

Notification light built into the trackball with customizable colors depending on the app

Back plate came off, replaceable battery

Small and a one handed wonder, the trackball kept my fingers off the screen

It was a replacement for my jail broken iPhone OG, such a better interface for me than the iPhones and it had very basic multitasking when the other guys could only do one app at a time

Edit: Formatting

frunch, (edited )

For real, you sold me on that trackball. That sounds like the coolest feature a phone could have, right down to the multi-color led built in beneath it. I really really hope we see a return to something like that! Touch screens are very useful and have their place but physical buttons/controls are usually preferred when done properly. Here’s a pic of the Nexus 1, that trackball indeed appears to be cool as fuck:

Enkers, (edited )

Oh hey, it’s my 2nd smartphone ever. How nostalgic! This phone was built like an absolute tank. It really was a great little phone.

That said, the problem with physical controls is that you either need a larger device or smaller screen to accommodate them. For most people, the tradeoff just isn’t worth it.

For a while, I bemoaned the loss of the physical button bar. Having four (!) indicator lights was really useful to boot. Now I happily use gestures with no looking back.

Would be nice to still see some phones offer this for those who want them, though.


If they can do holepunch cameras they can do holepunch trackballs. That would be the greatest thing ever 👌


I loved my Nexus One, definitely one of my favorite phones ever. I too got one after being tired of Apple’s iOS restrictions and the “you’re holding it wrong” scandal with the iPhone 4.

I still have it in storage and take it out every one in a while. It surprising how small it is and hard to believe that cell phones used to fit in the palm of your hand.


I thought the digital trackball of the HTC Incredible was cool as shit. It was my favorite phone and I would still be using it today (not as a phone) if it didn’t have a restart bug that HTC refused to acknowledge.

sagrotan, in So, who or what ruined Christmas this year? avatar

My father dying. Haven’t had very much contact, but the rest of the family expected some things from me apparently, still don’t know what exactly, I just left the hospital silently, like my father left my life when I was four. I’m not really affected by the whole ordeal, but it really really annoyed me over Christmas. That guy couldn’t even die without making a fuzz. 🙄

Prethoryn, avatar

While I am a stranger and me saying sorry probably doesn’t help much. That stuff sucks and I am sorry you had to deal with it. People have it in their head that we are all supposed to love our family and just get along but people don’t realize that families are sometimes just people who didn’t love us or loved us less than we loved them or vice versa loved us more than we loved them. Family is tricky. It doesn’t sound like you were close and I don’t know your entire story but either way it is a loss and regardless of him not being there for you it says a lot that you were at the very least there for him. Which, in my opinion, is the most you can do.

I hope you are the person that carries that forward and uses that as a means to not walk out on others lives when they need you most and I hope in return they are a part of yours when you are on your way out of this world. Enjoy your holidays.

Pratai, (edited ) in So, who or what ruined Christmas this year?

Lost my best friend of 35+ years to an overdose back in July, then my 15 year old dog on Halloween. Then my mother got sick a week later and was in the ICU for over a month. Turned out to be a severe liver disease but she doesn’t qualify for a transplant, so she moved to Australia for better healthcare and to live her remaining days with other side of family….

Then my girlfriend lost her job.

So, we didn’t do Christmas this year. Not even a tree. Fuck it. Maybe next year.

PopOfAfrica, in What search engine do you recommend that isn't Google or Bing?

Kagi is by far the best search engine I’ve ever used. It is paid though.

BallShapedMan, in Those who chose "never" in a "now or never" moment. How is it going for you? avatar

When I was in my 20s a guy wanted me to maintain his website that sold do l delivery service of food to college kids and it would have been my first paying gig doing it but he wanted to pay me in “equity” which at the time translated into he wanted free labor and I ghosted him.

About 10 years ago he sold his company to Grub Hub for a few hundred million. Fucked that one up.


He would’ve screwed you anyway. “Equity” is so laughably easy to dilute to nada in startups through various means that there are numerous articles and parodies of it out there.

I worked for a startup that didn’t meet its VC’s “valuation” goal even though we were stupidly profitable nearly from day one. Market-forces driven downround. When I left, the options I had were previously promised to be worth hundreds of thousands but because of dilution, weren’t worth the paper they were printed on. I didn’t let them give me options “in lieu of base comp” though, so I ended up ok but not everyone did.

BallShapedMan, avatar

I’m sorry it worked out that way for you. Sucks seeing hard working people get screwed over…

And that’s a good point and not one I considered. With how financially savvy I wasn’t I wouldn’t have even seen it coming.

Sabata11792, in Hot tub owners: any tips? any regrets? avatar

My parents owned one when I was young. I remember it working only a few times and almost never getting used. They spent thousands to repair it to only use it a few times before it broke again.

One of the highlights of their life was getting rid of it and reusing the space.

LemmyKnowsBest, (edited )

did they have a used hot tub that a previous owner had already used to death?

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