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southsamurai, in Anyone else do "last chance socks"? avatar

I mean, I don’t throw them away immediately, I wash them and put them in the rag bag. There’s always something needs a disposable bit of fabric to handle. Socks are great for dusting, as an example. Pull it over your hand, wipe things down, and Bob’s your uncle.


How did you know that I have an Uncle Bob?

jqubed, avatar

We all have an uncle Bob


Is… is it the same guy?

jqubed, avatar



OP pls we need to know……

southsamurai, avatar

I’m psychotic

humorlessrepost, (edited ) in Is there a sub somewhere between shitty food porn and food porn?

Reddit had TodayIAte

Hopefully there’s an equivalent here.

key, avatar

Reddit also has DecentFoodPorn

Furbag, in So is the US slipping into Civil War?

“Fuck yeah, secession!” Says the Texan from the comfort of their lounge chair, beer in hand.

These people are too comfortable to ever be willing to die for their stupid ideals. All it took was one MAGA idiot to get blasted on Jan 6th and then they all scattered like roaches. As soon as their lives were on the line, it was no longer a matter of grave importance. They all firmly believed that democracy was at stake, but were unwilling to fight for it to the death because they somehow must have known that it was bullshit, somewhere in the back of their pea-sized brains, they knew.

By the time Texas starts asking people to show up to mustering fields, rifle in hand, the facade will fall apart. Biden doesn’t need to do anything. This sideshow of bluster and saber-rattling will fall apart on it’s own.


Also, millions of people living in Texas are not originally from Texas and have no particular allegiance to Texas.


And the economic powerhouses of the state (Dallas, Houston, Austin) all lean democratic. This will just make skilled, educated people leave the state and accelerate the brain drain that’s been happening since the 40s.

nexguy, avatar

Also millions of people in Texas and are FROM Texas don’t want this.


You’re thinking first civil war. This civil war is going to be about bombing and terror. And it will be MAGA idiots bombing govt facilities. But they’ll start first with places like gay bars and libraries.

THEN the federal govt will get involved and it will devolve into a shit show from there.

iquanyin, avatar

texas, or any state, would be crushed forthwith.


The federal government is already involved. The FBI has been a thing for decades. Are we really going to compare the pathetic levels we have now to the 1950s with the KKK?

Here is the truth to any wannabe terrorist: none of you have gotten smarter but the federal government has. You are one guy, the government is a whole mess of guys spending decades studying ways to stop you. No company has any incentive to help you and has a big incentive to report you. Everyone is tracked now, every transaction recorded, every internet post, heck our very movements.

Random acts are going to happen and it is awful but any kinda coordinated resistance will fail.

Plus you know we are all fat now. Successful resistance movements are led by poor people who can live off the land. That Bundy Ranch ordering takeout thing really illustrated it well. Who do you know in your life that is capable of living in the woods as a revolutionary? Do you really see someone like Hannity or Ted Cruz sitting in a cave somewhere to lead his forces?

Alivrah, in Lemmy, is there a treasured piece of content that you stop yourself from going back to "too often" so as to not dilute it?

Some books and mangas, but mostly the Ghibli movies. Specially because when I watch one of them, I immediately want to go on a full Ghibli marathon.

They’re beautiful.

kratoz29, avatar

They’re beautiful.

In which aspects are you finding them beautiful?

Don’t get me wrong I am not a hater whatsoever, but I started watching them with my girlfriend recently and I’m not feeling it completely, I only watched Spirited Away before and I have the same feeling.

We have watched so far (in this order):

  1. The Boy and The Heron
  2. Princess Mononoke (this one was my favorite)
  3. How’s Castle
  4. My Neighbor Totoro

The art design is top notch I can agree with that.

ThunderChunk, in Lemmy, is there a treasured piece of content that you stop yourself from going back to "too often" so as to not dilute it?

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story

MajorHavoc, (edited )

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!

kratoz29, avatar

Some have this one as a guilty pleasure, I say fuck that, this is a masterpiece.

Koevoet65, in So is the US slipping into Civil War?

Then keep those comments to yourself


Oh fuck off

morphballganon, in Seeking Perspectives: Trans Athletes in Women's Sports

The solution to this dilemma is actually quite simple. Make a new division for trans athletes.


An equal but separate division?

Sounds good on paper, but you’ve essentially just banned them from all sports. Most schools won’t have enough trans students to form a whole team, and that’s even if they all enjoy the same sport! If by some chance you do get them all to team up, can you do that with all of the neighboring schools? They will need teams to play against.

This is a horrible, prejudiced idea.


People said the same thing about female athletes when the idea of girls’ sports was first considered.

Vanth, avatar

But women make up ~50% of the population and always did. Trans women do not and will never approach those %s.

If every single trans woman high school student suddenly wanted to play the same sport, there would still be schools with 0-1 trans women competing.


You are talking about what is visible on the surface right now.

When the idea of girls’ sports teams was first considered, men didn’t think of girls as wanting to play sports either; sports were for men/boys. There were people making the same argument as you “there aren’t enough girls interested in sports to form a team” etc.

Just because you only know a very small number of trans people doesn’t mean there aren’t more, and doesn’t mean there won’t be even more in the future.

Vanth, (edited ) avatar

Mmmkay. My high school class was around 100 people, say 50 were assigned male at birth. It would take 20% of them being trans to put together a bare minimum size softball team of trans women, and that every single one of those 9-10 trans women would want to play softball. It would take 25% for a full roster volleyball team. 10% for a bowling team. It would require the level of these students’ interest in sports to be a statistical anomaly.

In the most generous of estimates, has anyone anywhere thought that a full quarter of people are trans? And that they would have a higher-than-average interest in sports? It’s ludicrous. But tell you what, if we ever hit 25% of the population being trans and every one of them is an athlete, I’ll eat my words.


I can only conclude that you are being intentionally disingenuous.

Vanth, avatar

You’re arguing rates of trans women playing sports will reach levels comparable to AFAB women playing sports. Which effectively means everyone or nearly everyone identifying as a man today would have to come out as a trans woman. It’s ludicrous. Who’s being disingenuous?

Kowowow, in Any good YouTube recommendations?

Despite him being on the side of the canadian freedom truckers AVE has some of the best power tool teardowns


Yeah, anything with DewClaw was great, the tool breakdowns are usually good, but he’s lost the plot a bit lately.

puppy, (edited ) in Any good YouTube recommendations?

You have mentioned some great channels! In addition to those I recommend,

  1. NotJustBikes
  2. MapMen
  3. Mustard
  4. Climate Town
  5. About Here
  6. Adrian Gray Comedy
  7. Andrew The Arborist
  8. Animagraffs
  9. Casually Explained
  10. cities4people
  11. City Beautiful
  12. 3Blue1Brown
  13. iFixit
  14. Life Where I’m From
  15. Medlife Crysis
  16. Primitive Technology
  17. Rick Steves’ Europe
  18. Snazzy Labs
  19. Strong Towns
  20. Technology Connections
  21. thejuicemedia
  22. xkcd’s What If?
  23. The Acoustic Room
  24. Ted-Ed
  25. JapanEat
JusticeForPorygon, avatar

I love how you just casually included the iFixit channel.

It’s true though. They’ve got teardowns for just about every major mobile device, and then some. As for their store, I bought the screen I’m typing this on from them. The shipping could be better, at least in my experience, but the products are definitely high quality.

stoy, in Any good YouTube recommendations?

I have several excellent YT channels to recommend, in alphabetical order:

Accursed Farms - The source of the “Freeman’s mind” series, Ross also makes excellent videos about other games.

Alasdair Becket-King - ABK is a comedian who makes short but really funny videos.

Anders Enger Jensen - A Norwegian musician making awesome synth songs.

Barely Sociable - Interesting videos about odd topics, focuses on “dark” stuff, has a good voice.

Brick Experiment Channel - Remote controlled submarine made out of Lego and other Lego stuff, need I say more?

Calum - A guy from Scotland making amazing videos about stuff like: Rescue buoys from WWII, WV Beetles at the south pole, Flying homes of the past, Jerry Cans, Secret WWII Bunkers, and much more. This is awesome.

Code Bullet - Chaotic AI programing, very fun and cool to see.

DankPods - Started with iPod Repair videos, reviews random crappy MP3 players, has insane amplifier to blow up headphones, mostly talks about weird nuggets of technology. Well worth a look.

James Channel - Do you want a portable Super Nintendo, but are worried about not breaking it? DankPods oldmate will show you how to do it with some random components, duct tape and hot glue.

Jet Lag: The Game - A game show where the planet is the board, they have played connect 4 across the US, Raced around the world, played Tag across Europe, made New Zeeland into a board game, played CTF across Japan, and more, really good!

Mustard - Exellent transportation documentaries, with great CGI.

Paper Skies - Son of a Soviet air force pilot talking about how life and work in the Soviet air force was.

Paper Will - Documentaries about “dark” topics like “The ugly side of kids TV”, “Entertainment made by cults”, “Games about 9/11”, really interesting stuff!

Peter Dibble - Want to learn about the bus running on the wires of a ski lift system? You can here! You can also learn about that time that Amtrack brought a Swedish and a German high speed train across the US for tests in the 90s.

Ringway Manchester - Videos about two way radios, amateur radio and other things on the airwaves.

Side Note - North Korean cruises? Hitler’s Birthday? US presidential yachts? An ice block in Sahara? Mysterious Egypt/Israel flights? A floatibg hotel in North Koera? What do all of these topics have in common? They all have videos on the Side Note channel.

JusticeForPorygon, (edited ) avatar

Only real homies watch Dankpods.

Got some open backs because of him. Prized possessions, they are. Even got myself the Frank Longboi

linearchaos, in So is the US slipping into Civil War? avatar

At current, this is all posturing. If Biden does engage the military to stop them. Perhaps lock up the governors for treason, maybe it could escalate somewhat. If something did happen that was in the line of being more serious, it wouldn’t be a long incursion as long as the military obeyed the commander in chief. The national guard is absolutely no match for even a small slice of the might of the US military.

If something does happen, hopefully they’ll shut it down quickly and bloodlessly, maybe finally gather enough strength to enable some Germany type of anti-fascism laws.

We need to fix gerrymandering, we need to fix people screwing with elections. We need to put some strong protections against the propaganda and opinion pieces flowing out of all the news outlets. We need to force free non-political basic education to the entire f****** country so people can make some informed decisions about s***.

I’m tired of everybody looking at politics like it’s a f****** football game.

jabjoe, avatar

And if Trump gets in again? All the people not crazy going to along with him, or will he be to deploying the army? At what point does the apparatus of state start to split as people within it don’t all go with crazy orders?

If I was Putin, or CCP, helping the crazies is the best money spent.


What are the chances of China attacking us during the civil war? Or taking Taiwan (we NEED Taiwan for our silicon production)

thereisalamp, (edited )

Us, never. Just like with China you can’t win a land war over here, and a home attack has a greater risk of uniting is against a common enemy.

Taiwan possibly. Though I don’t think so. Taiwan is much more useful as a political chess piece that China can beat their chests about. They can invoke the island and be offended about support for it whenever they need leverage right now.

Not to mention it isn’t just the US alone that needs Taiwan and movement there risks a global response.


IDK if any other foreign entity actually supports Taiwan other than US


Define support.

They’re not devoid of allies beyond the US and in general have vocal support of most of the western world.

But only 13 countries recognize them as a country, but not even the US is on that list of 13. Interestingly however, the Vatican does recognize them.

Which is why, they’re remain a nice political chess price for China.

CosmicCleric, avatar

We need to put some strong protections against the propaganda and opinion pieces flowing out of all the news outlets.

Something tells me this one is a non-starter, as any new laws will slam up against the Constitution, over and over again.

Having said that, I would love to at least seen a real-time label, in a large font size, on any monitor/tv that specifies that what’s being shown is an opinion piece, and not a factual article/show.

linearchaos, avatar

If we go into a civil war, the Constitution’s going to slam up against a lot of changes.

GOP is ignoring the shit out of the Constitution already why should it protect them? They already tried to dismantle the executive branch and turn the presidency into a dictatorship. Now they’re going after the judicial branch. Nah, they’re going to game the Constitution until the US is forced to change it. It’s either going to happen slowly over time, or quickly after a pretty substantial bloodbath.

We can’t just sit here and go oh look It’s Hitler incarnate, but you know first amendment, oh damn, they ignored some laws and found some loopholes I guess we had just better conform to oppression by the minority. We better all get some swastikas.

This country isn’t going to go quietly into dictatorship for fear of failing to make everyone happy. The Democrats are weak because they try to follow the rules, They try to give breaks to the people that f*** them over because they don’t want to hurt the other people, but like everything else there’s a line. When Americans are shooting each other over propaganda, The propaganda’s going to have to f****** go.

LarmyOfLone, (edited )

Something tells me this one is a non-starter, as any new laws will slam up against the Constitution, over and over again.

The first amendment states that congress shall not abridge freedom of the press. In reality it needs to be strengthened because speech and press isn’t free anymore, it’s overwhelmingly controlled by interest with huge amounts of economic power. The reason for freedom fo speech and press is that dissenting ideas and thoughts are heard in order to have accountability. Which the current interpretation is doing the opposite of.

For example you could pass laws that any journalist has the right to voice his own opinion and not be fired or discriminated against by his employer (as long as he doesn’t discriminate himself or uses hate speech). That would not abridge the freedom of the press. Basically give the journalists more freedom from their owners.

Or you could make a law that forces owners to sell their media empires into trusts that are democratically controlled by the journalists / workers, and finance it through a bank. This would not abridge the freedom of the press (which is not the same as the owner).

Of course this is unthinkable and the current supreme court would never allow it. But we shouldn’t accept the degenerate view that freedom of the press is the same as turning speech and news into a commodity that is owned by the elite. And especially in a plutocracy that basically is state owned media.

You could appoint a 100 young people as new supreme court judges and then pass these modern laws and election reform also limiting the future excesses of the supreme court. There isn’t really anything stopping the Democrats from doing that.

retrieval4558, in How do I stop a crush from developing further?

Time. Crushes are naturally a temporary infatuation. They pass given time. Have fun with the fantasies, but I personally would not suggest trying to actually hit on her.

It’s poor form to hit on people in their work places. If she initiates, that’s one thing, but I wouldn’t try anything otherwise.


To be fair, it would be unprofessional and in poor taste for the instructor to advance on a student/client.

AnomalousBit, (edited ) in Any good YouTube recommendations?

Forget YouTube and Google by extension. Imagine if you spend all those hours watching something that improves your mind and capabilities:

Work on yourself, friends.


There are plenty of self improvement videos.


Laden with ads and an algorithm to keep you watching as long as possible. A decade ago you could look something up on YouTube and find a quick video and be done. Now even the most basic answer is a ten minute video, which is required for monetization.

Get off of YouTube, it’s junk.


Sorry I was joking. It didn’t land.


I know better vibes going on here


Yeah, what was I thinking suggesting people try to improve themselves 🤷


Oooh! I think I’m gunna learn me some Machine Learning for Inverse Graphics.

Pistcow, in What are the best steps to reduce the wealth of billionaires?

2nd amendment


The Rupert’s Land Act?

GroundedGator, in How do Hue Bulbs do millions of different colors, what sorcery is this?

Magic smoke.

Can’t convince me otherwise. Anyone that disagrees is a dirty communist.

ook_the_librarian, avatar

I hate when the magic smokes leaks out. Never works right again.

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