I’ve since learned it is a fairly common one. But we got a lot of laughs out of it with him. Just out of the blue when he’d come to his desk someone would break out singing it.
For shoes, take a look at Arcopedico. Portugese made and kind of hard to find in USA, but without a doubt the most comfortable. They weigh almost nothing, and they seem to be undamageable.
Sinfest was the bee’s knees. I still have 2 of the first printed comic books, treasure them and the memory of fun times with early sinfest. But it should have ended many years ago already, author ruined his legacy.
Used to be a fan of Benchmade; kinda seems like they went cheap more recently.
For footware, I’ve had pretty good luck with Danners - they had an ABU compliant stitched sole boot that was super comfortable; one pair got me through 4 years of active duty, and remain my go-to pair of work boots. The ABU uniform was phased out since I separated, so if you’re lucky you might be able to find a crazy good deal at at military surplus store; otherwise I’m sure they’ve got a newer OCP boot now.
I didn’t think about military surplus stores. There seems to be some items that people really enjoy, like the army poncho liners or old ammo canisters for containers.
I’ve been looking for a genuine army poncho liner but can only find knock offs online and cant find a reputable surplus store online if it exists
I was Air Force, so no idea if our rain gear was comparable to the Army poncho. Ours didn’t strike me as anything special, but then again the one I was issued was several sizes too large, so I kinda hated that thing by default.
The best military surplus stores are going to be the ones near military bases - they have constant stream of new inventory coming in from folks who separate and want to make a quick buck pawning off their issued shit.
And while there are definitely a few gems among military inventory, don’t make the mistake of thinking military = high quality or even high durability. To the contrary, most of it’s the result of bidding wars for a government contract, resulting in the absolute cheapest shit available.
Idr the brand, but sticking with the boots example, the ones I was issued in basic training barely made it to the end of basic training. Those things were absolute trash.
The poncho liner is often referred to as a woobie if you know that name. Afaik the “on brand” ones are made by the blind kids. Something something school for the blind or whatever it is.
I’m actually having a hard time finding a shot the ABU rain gear liner that I was issued… closest I’m seeing is the pic below, but that thing actually looks decent.
Ours was a material that looked similar to that, but shaped more like a vest - nothing went over our arms. It was completely nonfunctional outside of the actual raincoat shell though - you couldn’t just wear like a vest or put it under the ABU top for a little extra warmth. It was cut in a way that it’d just fall off without being buttoned into the shell.
…I wonder if there was some supply issue, and the ones we were issued were a shitty backup. /shrug.
I also used to say stuff like that as a kid! I think I said, “thunder Jeep.” My dad thought it was hilarious. But he did show me that the album included the lyrics. I’ll still do it my way if the song comes on when he visits.
Going through this exercise, I really like jazzy, hip hop, and, sometimes, heavy metal openings. (Still get chills from Attack on Titan’s “Rumbling” OP.) I’ve hyperlinked each song below for specificity (and nostalgia).
I will paste what I answered in a similar thread from !anime a little while back that might be of interest to you:
I usually watch an OP once for a show and then skip it each time afterwards. That being said, there are a handful that I remember making the choice to always watch each episode. In no particular order:
I wrote a little bit about it a while back when I posted a clip for Thanksgiving. Overall, it is a piece of lighthearted fun that was perfect for watching an episode before bed. It also tried to be educational about how to properly work out, while at the same time using those educational segments as an excuse to include a bit of ecchi.
I believe German comedians have to complete a Bewerbungsformularfürakzeptablenhumor before every show and every audience member must complete a Formularzurhaftungsfreistellungfürhumor and hand in to the comedian before the show can begin at the precise time stated as detailed in the Regierungsgesetzüberhumor in Deutschsprachigenortenindeutschland
That would be “Scherzereibewerbungsformular” nowadays. The old Bewerbungsformularfürakzeptablenhumor was abolished in August 2020, along with the Clownpolizei.
If a Sherzereibewerbungsformular is approved, you get a Scherzereigenehmigung for the next 30 days, starting at the next non-holiday calendar day, good for 1x (one) Scherz per day. If you exceed that quota, you have to pay a fine to the Humorüberwachungsamt (HUA) or face jail time. Professional Scherzemacher and Sprücheklopfer are exempt from this and may get a Witzelei-Lizenz for up to one year at a time, but you need an official Dummfugdiplom for that.
We bought a bag less vacuum 4 years ago. The turbo brush for pet hair stats showing some wear but the whole thing works solid to this day. Even the flimsy feeling handle is still fine Edit: EU - Germany
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