Going with a lesser known trick for software engineers: for VS Code, there is a setting to make your tabs go on top of each other rather than going off the screen. So then, you don't have to scroll for the tab you want and you can instead just visually look.
Also, yeah, yeah, I know about Neovim, and yes, I've tried it many times. It's just not a worthwhile tradeoff for me.
Miele, but I think they recently got bought out and enshittified. Their vacuums and dishwashers were built insanely well, sometimes you can still find old stock. They last decades.
Pacsafe backpacks too. Mine has lasted well over a decade. Fuck jansport and all those backpacks that fall apart.
My mom still uses a Miele vacuum that she got gifted by my grandma when my mom moved out. That was almost half a century ago. It’s definitely worth it to check second hand marketplaces for old models
Because it’s a terrible idea? Elections are already heavily weighted towards name recognition. What are people who can’t even be bothered to go out to vote going to offer to the process?
I disagree. You would see a correlation between those people who think they are informed and those who vote.
And unfortunately, people who are smart enough to know they aren’t informed are probably the ones who should be voting. Forcing them to do so will cause some portion to read.
People who are SURE they are informed are either the very well informed, or the idiots who don’t know any better, but who will happily vote for whoever they are told.
And this is the real heart of the problem. I would love to see a ban on all political advertising while providing an easily accessible source to read the policies of each party. Without the branding and cults of personality we could have a system that actually makes decision based on policy
Motivating people to vote, in the US at least, seems like a process of whipping up fear and anger. I would argue that taking away the need to motivate people in tbis way is a positive for everyone. It also results in a more representative and legitimate government.
The fear and anger is to get people to vote for them. That wouldn’t go away under mandatory voting. Unfortunately, unless we can find a way to resolve the culture war that has spread globally now, that will always be an easy exploit
The alternative is voter suppression, which leads to unequal access. Also, given that more passionate individuals are gonna seek out a ballot vs. others, the result is going to be skewed in favor of those passionate people regardless of their understanding of reality or truthfullness.
I admit it might help the current problem, since people less passionate about the issues might be less inclined to vote for reactionaries, but I don’t think the result would be better representation. Most likely the result would be a system that leans even heavier on marketing to get brand recognition for the party to the most people
We already have a system like that in the US. Whoever has a wider reach and/or higher budget gets more turnout. A big reason why Obama won was because of his presence on social media, and Trump won because of the insane amount of media coverage he has. The current system gives prederence to voters who treat elections like simple popularity contests, whereas mandatory voting would force people who somewhat pay attention to current events and not to campaigns to be counted.
It forces politics to the centre. Parties put a huge amount of effort into ‘bringing out the vote’, and do things to appeal to the fringe which is how you get characters like Trump finding success. When this isn’t a concern, parties can focus on policies that appeal to the majority of people rather than fringe groups that they can use to guarantee voter turnout.
Prime only because it’s included. Otherwise my VPN and the high seas. Might consider youtube premium for the family account to get rid of ads but trying to see if I can get Pihole or something working.
I was a bit like you until I canceled Prime because of the price hike. I hate to say I might go back but trying to hold out for a while out of principle.
But I have a Pihole and nothing I’ve done has blocked YouTube ads. It seems to be the case for a lot of people because YouTube hosts the videos on the same server as the ads so if you block the ads, you block the videos.
I keep checking every so often just to see if someone has a blocklist that works though.
I did recently grab one of those ONN android tv boxes and started tinkering (we have 2 Roku TVs and a ooold LCD with a Roku box for the kiddos). I was able to get a new launcher on it, debloat it, and then put SmartTube on it which does omit adds and also has sponserblock on it. Not sure how much space it has but i also installed RetroArch (I think) and see how it does with some 90s gaming. I at least connected my 8bitdo controller to it via bluetooth and was navigating around. Pretty happy with it for $19 so far.
I pay $13/year for a domain (that gets used across many self-hosted services), and another $6/mo for usenet access (provider + indexer) giving me access to anything I’d want to watch. Between Emby, Ombi, and the 'arr stack; I can open a webpage, search for new content, and click ‘download’; 15min later it’s in the library and ready to watch offline.
Currently sitting on a collection of 3500 movies and 35000 tv episodes that’s ever growing.
Sub Zero Fridges, amazing. Toyota, just about any vehicle they make. Vulcan Commercial gas ranges/ovens. Original Penguin Button Up Shirts or Pendleton outer wear. Stihl chainsaws. Festool power tools.
Sub Zero fridges are great, but keep the maintenance up on them.
I personally own a Wolf DF304 range and if you cook a LOT, they are well worth the money. Mine is 10 years old, is used VERY heavily and it is the best cooking stove I’ve ever cooked on.
I’ve got so many old Pendleton wool shirts. They’re back from the '60s when my dad was a surfer. I didn’t think I fit in him at the moment but I don’t want to get rid of them
If you’re not from Finland you’ve probably never heard of them but I’m yet to buy one product from them I’m not satisfied with. They make gear for the Finnish defence forces aswell.
Savotta is bombproof. I have their Jääkäri S,. M and L, as well as their Keikka 50L and 80L. Used the Keikka duffle bags as check in luggage for international travel, and they’re still as good as new. They use stainless steel hardware on the Keikka duffles on the stress points. All their bags are made from 1000D Cordura with a rubberized liner, so they’re quite water resistant.
I really like Osprey. High quality and very functional. I used a kid carrier for both my kids and it was great. I also have a day pack from them that I love. My main backpack that I don’t get to use much these days is a snow leopard II by North face from 1992 I think. That’s a pretty good run.
Voyager has been working great and the developer is very active.
This is my biggest problem with Sync. The dev regularly disappears for extended periods of time. It’s one of the reasons I have avoided dropping the money to get rid of the ads and pick up the lifetime ultra. If they were more communicative about what’s going on in the dev cycle, I think more people would be okay with it, but disappearing for months makes people frustrated and they come off rather entitled, which I’m certain frustrates the dev, and makes them not want to work on Sync, continuing the cycle.
I mean, I have no qualms with this, unless there are bugs and stuff waiting to be resolved. But I’ve not run into anything at all. I’m guessing the dev has other things going on in life and looking to make Sync sort of a passive income kind of project. I respect that. They might be working quite hard to make ends meet and do this in their spare time, however much that might be. I’d gladly drop the ad removal money if I thought the app was worth it. Which I’m starting to think. It was when it was for Reddit, but in those days it was cheaper.
Actually, there is one bug I’m experiencing. Ads will not load. There is just an empty square where an ad would be. But… I’m calling that a feature.
For me it’s that I don’t get ads in the first place. I always wondered what was up for that but the ads I’m supposed to get? Never showed up anywhere in Sync.
It’s weird and makes me think the app is poorly maintained
There’s no one single answer to this. Some have been mentioned in other comments, but it’s a combination of a few different things:
Control: They have much more control over your experience as a native app than a web app.
Ad revenue: It’s significantly harder to block ads coming through the built in web views, and/or they can just build them in natively which is even harder.
Integration: it’s easier to do IAPs or subscriptions through native controls, which means less resistance, which means people are more likely to end up doing it.
Data: it’s easier to hoover up user data via native APIs than through the browser. There’s way more accessible, especially if you can ask for a bunch of permissions and people don’t notice/care. This makes any user tracking they do way more effective and any data they sell way more valuable.
Notifications: Recently browsers have started adding support for this but it’s not as effective. Push notifications are a huge boon to user engagement and this is a huge money maker. Having native notifications is a huge sell in this equation.
Persistence: If you have your app on a user’s phone, it ends up in the list of apps, meaning they pass by it very frequently. It’s basically free advertising and living in their head without them even noticing. This is especially true on iOS where basically all of your apps are in your face all of the time.
Performance: Native apps run way better and can look way better than web sites. If you just use web views this is mostly moot but still may make a small difference.
I’m sure I’m forgetting a few but you get the idea.
Websites are basically just inferior versions of native apps, and even if you use a hybrid/web view approach, you get many of the benefits and have the option to “upgrade” to a real native app later.
That being said, I fucking hate this shit. I don’t agree that companies should do this, but it hands down does make financial sense. In a society entirely driven by capital and profit, it makes sense, but from a consumer perspective, it fucking sucks. I don’t want to have to install the Facebook app to see some small businesses “web site” that’s really just a Facebook page. I don’t want to install reddits shitty native app to read more than 2 comments off a post about a solution to my problem.
It’s legitimately consumer hostile, but company profits are more important than people in our society.
This is spot on. We recently had to do this to one of our products and I didn’t want to at all, but we could do push notifications reliably that worked for both Android and iOS.
I think there’s a big one that you’ve missed and it’s that most people are not like most people here. Believe it or not there are many people out there whose first instinct is to search their app store for what they want. They walk among us.
If I’m McDonald’s, and a significant number of my customers search for me and instead get KFC and Burger King as top results with no McDonald’s app in sight, it’s seen as a marketing problem.
We have a website application and we don’t have a mobile app. At least once a week we get a support ticket from someone asking why we don’t have an app.
We reply that the site is fully responsive and to just use the site through their mobile browser. But people don’t like this. They want an app.
People are morons but some non technical ones seem to genuinely prefer an “app” even if it is just a web view hybrid one.
We’ll probably have to cave and provide it eventually.
Hulu, Spotify, paramount+, peacock, Netflix, hbomax, disney+, prime, for media that’s all I think. Many more subscriptions in all though, for cloud storage and compute, various apps, minecraft servers and realms, honestly I need to take stock of it all
I was like last month old when a cover performance finally suggested it could be “deuce”, like the coupe, instead. I knew “douche” was wrong, but I never had the presence to ask.
Deuce is correct. The tune that everyone knows is actually a cover by Manfred Mann of Springsteen’s original (yes, Bruce Springsteen). The lyrics were tweaked a bit. Springsteen’s lyrics are “Blinded by the light, cut loose like a deuce, another runner in the night”.
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