Even better. Have floating point +ive and -ive votes. You can put whatever value you want as long as the sum of absolute values of + vote and - vote is <= 1. And >= 0 of course
And the CIA pumped a load of heroin into the inner cities to pacify the urban black population as part of their financing of various undeclared wars in the South-East Asian conflict.
Decades later a similar thing would happen with crack cocaine as part of the anti-Sandinista action.
I thought that was still on conspiracy theory stage. CIA’s involvement in drug trade is known and proven, them using it as a tool against black people not so much
In that case you have to say that it was purely accidental that heroin tore through the ghetto while most of white society was unaffected. And then the same thing happened accidentally twenty years later.
And then compare and contrast to the current opioid crisis, which did affect all strata of society because prescription drugs were marketed to doctors as safe.
I mean factors like poverty surely pay a role. It’s often the poor communities that are hit the hardest by drug epidemics. So no surprise that the black community was hit the hardest but the influx of drugs did hit other communities too.
We know drugs were brought in and they hit poor urban communities the hardest. For intention you’d sorta need something to actually show for it imo.
Lights: Switching to light sources/bulbs with lower brightness/warmer light temperature (lower Kelvin/K-value) 3 hours before bed. (Light affects our sleep-wake cycle, aka the circadian rhythm. Our brain processes bright light as “the sun is still up so it’s not time to sleep yet”)
Screens: Gradually dimming electronic screens until bedtime (Computer: using F.lux and lowering the brightness gradually in the graphics card’s control panel. Phone: with a built-in Night/Dark Mode option that you can schedule or by using an app like Twilight). // Don’t take your devices to the bedroom, or keep them far away from the bed and set them on silent/shut them off.
Sleeping in a closed and completely dark room (including covering LED lights on electronics, or using a face mask) with something that makes a white noise.
Food: Having a light meal 3-3.5 hours before bed and light snacks 1.5-2 hours before bed, to not put the body into overdrive digesting a heavy meal or cause heartburn/indigestion, and also to not go to sleep hungry and get distracted by that.
If you sleep on your stomach with your head to the side, you can use a thin and narrow side pillow (but firm) along your torso to support your shoulder on the side that your head is pointing to. (you can also use a thin pillow for your head to not strain your neck/spine - there are ones made for kids if needed)
The same thing that happens to a lot of extremist groups, they refuse to adapt and align with others that aren’t the same as them, but share their viewpoint. The Panthers did not hold women in the same regard as men, and thus, their female membership was non-existent. Towards the end, there are stories of brutality against women, and during the late 70s and early 80s, women were attempting to gain more rights for themselves. Imagine being a member of the Panthers and having a wife that was a feminist. It doesn’t take violence to overthrow a movement, simply reducing their numbers at the street level can be enough to ground them. With fewer and fewer men joining or staying with the panthers, and the issues surrounding Huey P. Newton, the power of the party declined and eventually collapsed under itself with no one to support it.
This is a super simplified and very narrow argument for the downfall of the Panthers. I would suggest reading up more on it. There are plenty of books on the subject. Just remember that the more you read and study, the greater an informed position can be reached. Don’t rely on just one narrative or one viewpoint. Read, analyze, and discuss with others. Knowledge is gained slowly and deliberately and rarely completed.
This one feels a bit off the mark. Women served in key leadership roles as the party grew and evolved (partly owing to the fact that most of the original leadership was either imprisoned or murdered straight out). Is that to say that there were not problematic actions that should be called out re: women and their treatment within the party early on? Absolutely not. One of the things Huey later came to see as detrimental was his insistence on free association early on (i.e., free love) which ended up causing drama and caused a lot of harm particularly to the women involved in the arrangements later on. That being said, here are the words from the horses mouth (so to speak) re: women and other oppressed marginalized groups:
"Whatever your personal opinions and your insecurities about homosexuality and the various liberation movements among homosexuals and women (and I speak of the homosexuals and women as oppressed groups), we should try to unite with them in a revolutionary fashion. I say “whatever your insecurities are” because as we very well know, sometimes our first instinct is to want to hit a homosexual in the mouth and want a woman to be quiet. We want to hit a homosexual in the mouth because we are afraid that we might be homosexual; and we want to hit the woman or shut her up because we are afraid that she might castrate us or take the nuts that we might not have to start with. We must gain security in ourselves and therefore have respect and feelings for all oppressed people.
What truly did the party in was a combination of FBI and police assassinations, too much trust placed in Eldridge Cleaver (which Huey, again, came to regret later on), too much reliance on whitewashed panther satellites and academic-first “revolutionaries,” along with Huey and Bobby spending close to a decade in prison and off the streets, during which time the party had morphed away from their community action roots and been splintered due to infighting.
I highly recommend Huey’s “Revolutionary Suicide” for an insider’s look and opinion (also, it’s just a great read overall from a fascinating individual).
Edit: also, to call them an “extremis group” betrays, imo, bias founded on decades worth of whitewashed government propaganda.
To simplify even more from a general anthropological perspective of many topics…
Tribalism is a reault of conservative values no matter how ethically good the cause or what those values may be. Not adapting to what’s socially going on, or doing things like responding to an oppressing tribe by using the same tactics of that tribe just creates discord. One need simply compare MLK to the Panthers. Same cause at the core, but entirely different values and ideology. And of course, tribalism is rife when there’s in-fighting of those that are ultimately wanting the same core outcome because it’s deteriorated to camp vs camp.
Lastly and most importantly, it gives bad reputation to the core idea and creates social opportunity to instill doubt with fallacy…
“They champion for this. It’s good.”
“Yes. But they also do this, so it cannot be good.”
“This is true.”
It’s not, but the average of our collective doesn’t think hard enough to consider such things. We fucking love a good flag and warcry; tribalism is in our nature and an old lingering detrimental trait that even the most progressive of intents can be snuffed out or tarnished by.
I don’t know the full details of the BP demise, but I imagine this general recipe we see countlessly in all history is not too far off.
You been listening to Behind the Bastards four-parter on Clarence Thomas too? As Miles Gray observes, a lot of people with terrible opinions were able to move civil rights efforts forward into actual policy. (Thomas wasn’t one of those, but he dabbled in with black nationalism and misogyny in his early career.
“all in all it’s just a” - “hol ihn hol ihn unters Dach”
“Fetch him under the roof”. And it has a nice story to go along with it that the sound engineer mixing the song was German, heard that line and then committed suicide under the roof of the studio because he was reminded of the abuse he suffered as a child in an orphanage.
Total fabrication by the German documentary show “Quarks & Co” to demonstrate how one can be manipulated to hear stuff that isn’t there. To this day I can’t not hear it when listening to the song.
Actually I’ve had a bad case of covid for like 4 days now and haven’t been able to breathe out of my nose. While not technically nose drugs, I took one of my wife’s Adderall and like magic I’m breathing through my nose again. Still feel terrible and can’t sleep now but I’m no longer a mouth breather. I couldn’t sleep last night because my mouth would dry out every 5 minutes so bad I’d have to take a drink of water every few minutes then pee.
Working shifts in the aviation industry and living in a city center that can be noisy, my best investment was sleeping earbuds named Bose sleepbuds (v2).
It’s just earbuds that you don’t feel and can sleep on your side without pain, they only play white noises.
Now I’m waiting for the Ozlo Sleep which are basically the v3 of the Bose sleepbuds.
Those things saved my sanity when working night shifts.
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