I used to love both Vanilla and Cherry Coke, but I can’t stand cola flavors (any brand) ever since I got covid last year. So it’s been mostly the cream soda flavor Dr. Pepper if I drink soda at home.
Have you tried Buffalo Rock ginger ale? I’m pretty sure it was a civil war era tonic. They still sell it in parts of Mississippi. It hurts to drink, but mixes well with bourbon.
Second! I always like the strong bite of ginger. Im finding it harder and harder to get good ginger beer or even birch beer, they seem to have the tendency to be too sweet, like Reeds.
Please go to next week and bring me the winning lottery numbers, then please go to next year and bring me a newspaper with the stock market records, then go ten years in the future and bring me a map of what areas are being developed for housing.
Eating pizza, nothing can ever compete with a nice glass of Trocadero, it just feels right.
At cristmas? Coca Cola? Absolutely not! Give me Zeunerts Julmust every time!
Drinking soft drink with friends and watching a movie, give me an Indian Tonic with a lemon slice, lasts long and is very tasty.
Have some dark rum (I have plenty) and want a quick drink with a good mixer, Fanta used to be great, but they have added sweeteners in addition to sugar, so they taste like crap now, so I tend to look for som itallian orange soda, it is works well.
Eating a bruger, Coca Cola is still great!
Having a quiet evening by the computer? Just stick to mineral water.
I am expecting Sprite to get the sweetener treatment as well, but for now it makes a great drink to mix it with some local distilled raspberry liquor I have, tastes like Sprite, but with a really nice aftertaste of Raspberries
I’m partial to Vanilla Coke, IBC Root Beer and Barq’s in a bottle. I had a bottle of Mystic River Root Beer years ago and it still is my favorite. Finally fresh sasparilla yum. Oh an Birch Beer of any kind. I don’t really drink soft drinks often, but those are my favs.
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