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Pratai, in Is Sync for Android worth the cost?

If you feel you need to burn your money on something that is available elsewhere for free…

Do you.


Is there another client that allows you to sync communities across accounts for free? That has been a huge pain with instances failing.

Tier1BuildABear, avatar

Sync, with adblock


I’m using Sync with adblock but it has these features locked behind a paywall.

Tier1BuildABear, (edited ) avatar

OH sorry I read your comment too fast lol. For that I used lemmy migrate on GitHub, I have about 5 accounts across different instances and they all have mostly the same communities subscribed. I just go in and resync if I’ve subbed to any new ones lately, and it’ll tell you which ones don’t sync (like if one’s defederated or blocked or something in other instances).

Just always be careful before throwing your credentials willy nilly into tools like this

Edit: I see the other guy responded with lasim which I’ve also heard is good

Rhynoplaz, (edited ) in Was stalking your EX boyfriend normalized during the last decade?

I can’t figure out if you are an idiot, not funny, or a little bit of both.

I_Fart_Glitter, in The transition from the holiday season back to the normal drudgery is so depressing. Is there any way to make Jan / Feb less depressing?

Celebrating the quarter and cross quarter days can work for atheists, science fans and Pagans alike. You get a holiday every month and a half. You can simply celebrate the changing of seasons/Earth’s relative position to the Sun or get all magick with it, as you like. The quarter days are the solstices and equinoxes, the cross quarter days are the points in between. Halloween (Samhain) and May Day (Beltane) are the famous cross quarter days, but they happen in winter (Imbolc, Feb 1- also known as Groundhog Day) and summer (Lammas/Lunasa, Aug1).



weariedfae, in Why was Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan so bad for the American people?

In addition to all of the above they would literally consult their “psychic/astrologer” on policy decisions.




Yarp. Her name was Joan Quigley.

2 important excerpts:

Joan herself in her memoir:

Not since the days of the Roman emperors, and never in the history of the United States presidency, has an astrologer played such a significant role in the nation’s affairs of State.

The chief of staff dude who found out and got pissed:

Virtually every major move and decision the Reagans made during my time as White House Chief of Staff was cleared in advance with a woman in San Francisco [Quigley] who drew up horoscopes to make certain that the planets were in a favorable alignment for the enterprise.

There’s a Behind the Bastards episode about it. Highly recommend.

FartsWithAnAccent, (edited ) in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash? avatar

I rarely throw gifts away, if I don’t like them, I try to donate them to an organization or individual.

However, many years ago, someone got me “snow paint” which was, I’m pretty sure, literally just food coloring. You were supposed to use it to color in snow sculptures but I’m pretty sure that one found its way to the trash.



vivavideri, in Is there a forum for people who are lonely and sad but specifically not incel sickos?

I’m glad you’re not an incel sicko. I hope you find what you’re looking for<3

DudeImMacGyver, in After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice? avatar

You’re on social media right now, but personally, I don’t care if there’s nothing when people look me up: Seems like a bonus, I barely get spam calls anymore.

lemmie689, in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong? avatar

pretty interesting wiki page, is their 60 base math the reason we still have 60 base time?

Hyperreality, (edited )

Basically, yes. Time, angles, geographic coordinates.


round things! time being a flat circle, obviously. ;)

Jahuffine, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

IR blaster. I could control just about anything in my house with my old Galaxy S6. Made it so convenient to have a universal remote built into the phone. Especially when you end up in a hotel or at a friend’s house and can’t find a remote.


Oh, my HTC One M8 had that. Really miss it for the IR Blaster and the air pressure sensor. You always had a really good weather station in your pocket.


I used to love having one of these while I was in college. I would use it whenever I went into the cafeteria for lunch and they had Cartoon Network on on the TV and Teen Titans NO was on. Yes, I know what I did. It is the only appropriate title for that steaming pile of radioactive waste.

It was also fun to mess with other public TVs when they thought that nobody would have the ability to change the channel.

Cornpop, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

IR blaster in phones


Xiaomi phones have IR blasters on new models. Good thing when you lose remote somewhere between wall and sofa 😊


If you are looking for something to set up at home then you can buy one of those hockey puck looking things. They connect to Wi-Fi and you can teach them a set of IR commands that they can repeat.

danileonis, in Should I wait for the "Snyder cut" (director's cut) of Rebel Moon? avatar

The better experience is a film without Snyder. The Owls of Ga’Hoole is the only decent work in his (artistically) shitty career.


300 is good if you interpret the story as the oral history of the fight by the only survivor to recruit more spartans for a hopeless but ultimately existential fight.

sxan, avatar

I liked the quote from the historian who said, 300 wasn’t historically accurate, but the Spartans themselves would probably have loved it and approved of the representation.

danileonis, (edited ) avatar

300 is one of the ugliest and most pretentious film of the century: pectorals made in computer graphics, pompous advertising shooter direction (which is in fact Snyder’s “cultural” background) and a completely idiotic use of slow motion like we’ve never seen before.

I can partly agree with you if we talk about the graphic novel but I still regretted purchasing that comic, a pro-fascist and forgettable work.

fadingembers, avatar

I’ve found my people

Rhynoplaz, in Corporate Censorship Bring You Here?

Censorship had nothing to do with me leaving. I couldn’t use my app anymore, and I didn’t like theirs, so I found something else.


Yeah, same here. I find that the quality of posts, comments and culture is significantly worse here than on reddit but I don’t want to use reddit anymore because of the API stuff.

jelloeater85, avatar

Can you give any examples? We’d definitely like to know where we can improve things for the better ❤️

notannpc, in Corporate Censorship Bring You Here?

Spez killed third party apps so he could track people and sell ads. First party apps were bad and getting worse. And the whole way it went down was just dishonest and shitty. I don’t wanna support that.

I also really enjoyed being able to see new content AND comment on it/interact with the community. That was the reason Reddit was cool to me. If I didn’t channel that energy towards something else I’d have ended up back on Reddit.

And the cherry on top, I love the idea of decentralized social networks. It’s better for the internet.

ada, avatar

This was pretty much my experience too

Remmock, (edited ) in What are your best flight tips and tricks?

If you don’t like flying, then the best thing I can recommend to relieve the stress is that when you get where you’re going, you take off your socks and shoes and then, on the carpet, you make fists with your toes.


Interesting, haven’t heard that before but I’ll keep it in mind :) thanks!


Please don’t take me seriously. It’s a Die Hard reference. <3


Oh THAT’S why it was mildly familiar 😄


Very timely quote considering its source is a classic Christmas movie.


This turned out to be terrible advice for our hero_narrator voice

Commiunism, in What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all?

IQ score is a sham - the tests are quite fallible, and historically they were used as a justification to discriminate against people who are poorer or with worse access to education. Nowadays, I see it quite a lot in the context of eugenics, where some professors and philosophers attribute poor people being poor due to their low intelligence (low IQ score), and that they can’t be helped while rich people got where they are due to their intelligence (as in they have a high IQ score on average).


IQ testing is reification fallacy. If I told you I had an instrument that could objectively measure every human by how beautiful they are, you’d see the problem immediately.

IQ depends on their being one kind of intelligence. You only get one score and it’s the supposed measure of general intelligence. If street smarts vs. book smarts is a thing, IQ cannot be.

IQ measures racial difference that cannot be biological. Race is cultural, so since the test measures consistent difference between racial lines, it’s proof that it’s not measuring something biologically determined. It’d be like if IQ showed blondes really were dimmer than their peers, but you found out the effect carried over to bottle blondes.

I recommend the book “Mismeasure of Man” by Gould. His thesis shows the historical folly and logical impossibility of not just IQ, but biological determinism. I’ve just posted the common sense arguments against IQ, Gould brings the receipts.


In adults its well correlated with ability to learn and perform. If don’t care why and just want to hire the best candidate its a good test.


But it doesn’t necessarily show if they have common sense. If you have many low complexity problems then maybe, but it can’t predict the best performers

irotsoma, avatar

Not only that, but a lot of developmental disabilities are only recognized as needing accommodations if the person scores low enough on an IQ test. But many score high on these tests, but do poorly in school because they are stuck in a system that only values people who learn from lecture, repetition, and regurgitation. So they are considered lazy rather than needing help.

Xtallll, avatar

My favorite argument agents IQ is that every thing it claims “inherent quality”, “can’t be studied for” ect were exactly what the SAT used to claim.

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