I suspect that colonizing Mars (or wherever else) will turn out to be much more than just an engineering problem. If we get things like food, water, atmosphere, and even gravity right, I think we’ll still find an endless list of requirements that we didn’t know were requirements… and some mystery problems that don’t seem to have any cause at all. Those problems will be because of factors we never thought of, or don’t even know how to detect.
There could also be surpluses/deficiencies in our diet or environment that will take years (or perhaps generations) to show up. Again, that would be because of unanticipated, and maybe unsolvable, problems.
I could still see people trying to make it work for generations for some reason, many early colonists in the West died before stable states could be founded.
I remember sitting in on a briefing from the Biosphere folks when they reached out for collaborating institutions. One of the things that stuck with me was that they discovered that trees that were not subject to wind failed to develop a healthy trunk and tended to fall over and die. That’s not something that the researchers had even thought of.
Can I ask what year that was? We’ve known that greenhoused cuttings need an oscillating fan in order be able to hold themselves upright once they start to gain height for the 30 years that I’ve been growing that way. It’s like a little work out for them.
It would have been something like 2005 or so. It may have been a known fact at the time, but they mentioned specifically that they were caught by surprise by the phenomenon. I didn’t fault them for it - the whole project was kind of a mess. I’m a biologist and I wasn’t aware of that, so it wouldn’t have occurred to me, either.
That’s weird though. You’d think they would have had multiple botanists on the design team who could have pointed that out.
Also there’s that documentary where the group that organized it was kind of cult adjacent. They weren’t scientists first. Still very interesting and impressive they did what they did.
I’m sure it was just that no one realized it would scale to trees, since that hadn’t been done before. As far as I know you don’t have to do anything special in that regard with small seed-grown plants in a green house, only cuttings that root from stems, and so have weaker roots at first and stalks that were previously branches. I’m sorry I sounded critical, I was just curious.
Interesting! Plus, that’s exactly the sort of weird, unanticipated thing I’m talking about. How do you plan for everything? You can’t.
The first human colonists (who are just ordinary people) won’t be the rich. They’ll be desperate people who are sold a dream of the future and treated as human lab rats.
It’s rare I find a mobile game that is truly a game and not merely a slot machine with a different appearance. And of those that are decent games, there are far better equivalent games on literally any other platform. For example, Galaxy on Fire 2 is a great little mobile game space sim like Freelancer. But Freelancer is still a better game and could work just as well on a mobile device.
I’d love some console alternatives to certain classic mobile games for me, do you know of any good dual-stick shooters (like Minigore or Guerrilla Bob), or swordfight/strategic combat type games like the style of Infinity Blade/Epoch/Dark Meadow?
I should note I always love 3D graphics and can barely play any 2-dimensional games
Infinity Blade looks like Dark Souls on rails. You could try Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro or Elden Ring. If you want to get more in depth tactical swordfighting, you could try Mount & Blade: Bannerlord which also comes with the RPG, grand strategy and 4X elements in addition to the swordplay.
As for twin stick shooters: I really liked The Ascent which is the most current game of that genre I know of.
I watched the videos of minigore and boxhead someone posted
Looks like a couple steam games i have. Vampire Survivors (which just came out with couch co op mode)
And another one i was gifted that im very much enjoying is Halls of Torment
But they are retro 2d games so you probably arent interested at all. Basically the same genre so should be very relatable if you ever develop a stomach for it. But they will always be there if you ever change enough and start to feel nostalgic
Going back to your original point is phones because of their nature are very limited. From battery life to using half of the screen for the controls.
The types of games created usually have a better version on other devices.
But when it all boils down to it phones arent developed as gaming devices so devices that are designed to be gaming devices will naturally give developers the best tools to utilize that just a phone isnt going to offer.
None of this means you cant have more fun with a mobile game. Your experiences are your own. But when talking about things in a broader perspective rather than a personal one, its gonna be hard to compete with gaming specific devices.
Much like a pc assembled for gaming is going to offer a massive advantage over a literal supercomputer because in spite of the massive advantage in computing power, the latest super computer just isnt designed to play games, or rather, games arent designed for super computers so the superior hardware is not taking advantage of its capabilities.
I would be very interested in what a game designed for a supercomputer would be able to do, probably some VR thing that would blow all our minds, but until enough people have one in their home, whos gonna figure out what to do with all them FLOPS for a game?
Staggering would be the cost to develop such a game and it just isnt possible to recoup the cost of such a thing.
Again would love to see what the people who could do it would do with it but it wont happen in my lifetime and i could maybe see the year 2100 if science helps me out or im just freakishly lucky
I should note the best game ive ever played is a text based multiplayer game you can play on a telnet program (if it still existed) and was a free game. Nothing like it exists for me today, but i would play it again if i could get ahold of it. Its basically a text based mmo or what is the closest thing to it. It was probably wow that killed it
First day in the dorms at college I see a name tag next to a door that says “Shithead” and thought what a mean joke to play! Turns out her name was shi-thee-ad. Rest of the year she was Thea.
Also worked with a woman named “Noname” (no-nam-ay) and apparently that gave her all sorts of trouble on official forms.
I heard about a guy who got a custom license plate of “NULL” and he ended up getting assigned a ton of parking/speeding tickets for every case where the ANPR system failed to read the plates.
I was hungry once and ordered a lot of stuff from one place at lieferando. I was really looking forward to it and was in a good mood, so I pre tipped through their app. They cancelled my order but kept the tip.
You won’t get a bad service if you don’t tip and in my student time I rarely tipped, but never had a bad experience with this. Now that I have the money, I usually have a batch of 5€ and 10€ banknotes with me, specifically for tips. I try to tip around 10% and the people usually are really grateful.
Do custom without shame! They are bullying you. These card readers with tip suggestions are getting annoyingly coming here too. One time in Berlin I went to a donut stand and the suggested tips started at 10%. I gave them 1 star on Google maps and complained. They replied that that’s just how the machine works. I know perfectly well that’s customizable…
They think the things you’d be surprised to learn people actually think.
Crying makes you weak. They’re with manly men who don’t cry or go to therapy or any of that woke commie bullshit. They’re with strong men who will protect them. Louder = smarter.
If you are voting Republican in the US, you’re advocating fascism. Full stop.
And also lol what a dumb thing to say. Fascism is by definition right wing. It is the terminus of the right side of the spectrum. That isn’t an opinion, that’s it’s definition.
It is not sealioning. You are arguing something cars are blue, to address that I first have to understand what you mean by a car, and what you mean by blue. To me, fascism seems much more contradictory with right-libertarianism than with certain forms of socialism. Hence why I think its more reasonable to say its not far-right. That is unless your definition for right-wing is “bad”, and the badder it is, the further right it is. That’s why I asked for clarification.
What do you mean "again"? You haven't asked me before. And right-wing is another way of saying the side of the political spectrum that conservativism occupies.
The opposite side of the political spectrum, which progressivism occupies.
Also what do you consider the main traits of conservatism to be?
Fundamentally, the belief in hierarchy. Which manifests as support of capitalism, private ownership, and traditional social values.
Opposed to progressivism which opposes unjust hierarchies, and favours egalitarianism. Which manifests in desire for more equitable distributions of wealth and power, and critiques traditional social values.
No not any. But conservativism is characterised by belief in inherent hierarchy. That all people are not equal. That some people are more or less worthy than others.
And note I've said "characterised" and "belief". In reality ideologies are complex, and the humans and organisations implementing them are even more complex and subject to corruption. So it's not a simplistic "presence of hierarchy == right-wing". Some ostensibly left-wing governments fall to authoritarianism. After all politicians are vulnerable to greed and corruption. Though notably those governments begin to quickly abandon their left-wing principles as they do so. For example, the Chinese Communist Party has certainly gone all-in on capitalist ideas of private ownership of land and the means of production.
That characterisation is simply a useful lens for understanding political movements. One can easily see that when there is a push to distribute power "down" the hierarchy, people who refer to themselves as conservative will be more likely to oppose it. They oppose social safety nets that benefit those at the bottom, they oppose transgender recognition, they opposed gay marriage, they opposed ending slavery.
Would a technocracy be right wing?
Depends. If you mean replacing the democratically elected government with a government of "experts" (who gets to be an expert being decided by, you guessed it! The experts)? Then yes. As that is basically just a form of aristocracy.
But if you mean democratically elected politicians relying on expert advice to make policy decisions, then no.
Or leftist states with a leadership structure? Like, any leftist state.
Depends. How is that leadership structure maintained? If those positions are elected, and the elections are fair and representative, then no. Because the power ultimately lies with the people, with one person having one vote.
But, do you have a point that you are approaching? Because at this point it seems like you are just asking endless questions. In which case I kinda agree with the other person, you're sealioning.
“don’t touch my junk” - “not bad for a first date” - “any message for the other side?” - “I’ll let you know what the old man says” - “delete my browser history” - “I forgot the stove on”
Thank you <3 I never thought I’d actually have the chance for anything like this but I managed to luck out at a tech job with good insurance. It’s all still a bit wild to me that it is even an option
Speaking as an American - an electric kettle. Just a thing that plugs into the wall and boils water.
I use it for tea, of course, but I also use it any time I need boiling water for something, because it’s faster than a kettle sitting on the stove and it doesn’t use gas.
As a Brit, it’s always weird as fuck to see people in American movies boiling an old tin kettle on the stove like they’re stuck in the 1950s.
Even if you’re living in London’s smallest flat, and all you’ve got is a microwave, a mini fridge, a bed and a cupboard with a toilet in it, you’ve still got an electric kettle.
power determines the boil time. power is voltage times current. its usually said current kills and not voltage, which is what you’re thinking. (which is not even entirely correct)
Overall power would determine boil time, but the issue is that at 120V you need twice the current of 240V to deliver the same power. The wiring in American homes isn’t rated to handle the amount of current it would require to deliver the same amount of power as most 240V electric kettles.
There’s a relation between voltage and current you don’t quite understand. They both matter. If you’re interested check out ElectroBoom, learnelectronics, and Great Scott on YouTube. Watch enough and you’ll get it.
Also remember that American homes are quite literally wired different, and kettles aren’t as efficient fast as they are on the UK’s electric grid. They’re still far better than the stovetop, but the combined one-two punch of less need and stoves being “good enough” for most people most of the time just kills the idea in its tracks.
As a Canadian I now have 2 Electric kettles. Replaced my traditional electric kettle with a Gooseneck kettle for my pour over coffee. Still works great for tea. Also have a stove top gooseneck kettle for the camper when camping.
Without looking, I’m going to take a wild guess that the opinions they allow are predominantly pro-Palestine.
Any discussion about Israel-Palestine is a complete waste of time anyway, because people are so entrenched in their views that even if you showed them they were wrong on something, they’d just dismiss it anyway. What’s the point of getting involved in a discussion that’s not going to go anywhere?
I read the modlogs from time to time yesterday. There are people literally advocating for, and up to describing in gruesome and sadistic detail, ways to genocide every Palestinian in Gaza, the West bank and the whole world in general. Some classy fellows extend it to every Arab and Muslin in the world.
I have not read, neither on the modlog nor the posts comments themselves saying anything remotely as bad about Israel. Maybe they are, but I haven’t seen them. The worse was someone saying that Israel needs to not be recognized as a state by the UN. That threw a few people off the deep end, calling the commenters anti-semites along with some other less savory epithets.
A couple of users were also harassing others and flaming on every single top level comment with some colorful language towards Palestine, not Hamas, Palestine.
So, I would say that indeed the allowed opinions were predominantly pro-Palestine, but that’s because they weren’t the ones breaking rules left and right and being uncivil overall. Level headed pro-Israel comments abounded, they were just downvoted to oblivion. Welcome to the internet.
They also have a moderator who told me that Ukraine probably blows up their own buildings, and deleted all comments in the conversation when evidence proved otherwise.
This time I landed on this cute little page for a married couple that posted newsletters and stuff for family and friends. Basically, they made their own Facebook page and bought a domain with their name and everything, been running it since like the mid 2000s it looks like. Even a whole ham radio section the husband put together. I was enjoying it till it became increasingly clear these two are fairly wealthy and I lost interest.
I can’t even begin to describe how amazing Boost is. It’s the only android Reddit app that I will acknowledge, and it’s the only client that got me into Lemmy.
I don’t get it. Do you expect him to work for free just because others do? If Boost for Lemmy was completely a paid app instead of free with ads, it wouldn’t see as much adoption. That’s how Sync, Boost and Relay (for Reddit) used to work.
So…. There’s tons of free options that are just as good, if not better. So, offering a paid version of something people can easily get for free is duping the ignorant.
Now if Boost offered some premium option that was not offered in the free apps- that’d be entirely different. But that’s not the case.
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