Being german, I’ve already heard this joke a thousand times, but it’s so true that it makes me laugh every time. I think many germans are big on sarcasm, where arguably the main part of the joke is the complete seriousness of whoever makes the joke.
FINALLY, something I can meaningfully contribute to.
I could give you a ‘boo-hoo’ story about how i failed to get into medical school the first time. Well I am. It was absolutely soul-crushing and morale-decimating. It was one of the hardest struggles I’ve ever had. It threw me into an identity crisis and compounded with my in-progress imposter syndrome in ways that would spark nothing but self-loathing and depression.
For months I agonized and isolated myself in my room until I realized that If I don’t try for my own future, no one else can or will. Took a bit of self reflection to realize the fault lied with me. Took me an even longer time to figure out what mistakes killed my application, how, why, and formulate a plan to avoid repetition. The process took me 3 years. I won’t tell you exactly how old I am, but people my age are getting married, buying houses, making 6-figure incomes, etc. By contrast, I am barely making minimum wage and banding together couch surfing and splitting rent with my friends.
It’s tough not to compare myself to everyone else’s situations. This was made worse by the fact my family and friends (maybe 45% of them) constantly shit talk me behind my back. Sometimes wine comes back up the grape-vine. Sometimes it isn’t a sweet Rosso. I kept chugging along despite some of my friends and family acting as headwinds against me.
I kept up this process for 3 years, believing that I could actually do it. That maybe one day I won’t be earning 10 dollars an hour working 50 hours a week. Most of all, I felt that I had a real purpose and goal to work toward. Medicine.
I am very proud to report to Lemmy that I actually got accepted to 5 different medical schools so far! I felt bad even turning down one offer for another.
How I got over my failure and crisis of identity? Maybe it was ego. Maybe it was my hurt pride. Maybe it was selfishness. Maybe it’s because I am too stubborn to take “no” for an answer for something that means so much to me. I choose to believe that I worked hard for it and was able to swallow my pride and keep on chugging along patiently working for the light at the end of the tunnel.
Don’t get me wrong, the light at the end of the tunnel is still an on-coming train. Medical school is hell. I realize it is nothing but hard work and suffering. Nothing would make me happier than to go into a field that makes a direct difference in people’s lives.
TLDR: Medical school :D -> rejection D: -> depression D: -> epiphany :/ -> hard work :( -> a brighter future perhaps :).
This isn’t a general formula or anything. I just haven’t been able to talk to anyone about any of this. I feel that emptying out my feelings into the void of the internet might be kind of therapeutic. I never thought I’d share any of my deepest feelings on the internet, let alone reddit. Here, I feel comfortable to do so.
Plant the seed. Keep on watering. As long as the soil you choose to plant isn’t salted, you will reap the rewards your past self has sown.
I just read into it. Interesting. I thought resilience or robustness covered that, but it is an entirely unique term.
I’m honored you think so highly of me! In truth, I am a pretty fragile human being. My feelings are easily hurt, etc. (though I know this is different than you mean) I am working on being a little more thick skinned and such.
Congratulations!!! Yeah, it’s a long road ahead, but you’ve got the in now. You’ve passed the biggest barrier to entry. After this, it’s a marathon, but an exclusive one that you managed to get a spot at. I know you’ll be a great doctor, especially because you have humbler beginnings than some and know how it felt to struggle. Humility is a big part of being an empathetic human being and a good doctor. You got this!
I know it’s way too early to say, but what field do you think you’ll end up in?
I was thinking of psychiatry or internal medicine!
Mental health is at an all-time low nowadays. I think it is a field I can make a more significant difference in. Speaking of higher ambitions, If i do choose psychiatry, I aim to become a lobbyist for mental health as well.
That’s a very admirable goal! Definitely a field that takes a lot of mental fortitude!
Good luck and I hope you enjoy whatever field you end up in. I’m not a doctor nor am I planning to become one, but I’m partial to pathology myself…although it isn’t patient facing.
oh this looks really interesting. Thanks! I’m seeing a lot of negative reviews, people saying the messages are sporadic and unreliable… Is this just a few squeaky wheels that leave reviews?
Compared to more traditional messaging protocols it could seem that way depending on various factors like time zone differences and how often devices can be online.
It seems like in general, 1:1 conversations will require both participants to be online simultaneously to communicate. Group conversations can have any online participant act as a relay for new messages to offline participants, more or less.
Check out their documentation, particularly the article on how the distributed network works. Also the FAQ is massive! I wish I had the time to read about this in more detail right now
interesting. thanks for the extra info! I’ll definitely check it out. I might go with Discord for the short term just because the rest of us are already on it, but if I want something more “texty” this is a high contender.
Ah, good old broken YouTube app. I don’t know if this is true for everyone, but on my phone at least that link just took me to the beginning of the video.
Always the combination + some shit like ‘the wife’ … guys you have heard that your partners are actual persons, not some abstract, always present, overly emotionally behaved construct like ‘the wife’?
Let her fuck it up. It’s XL, you can sand and refinish. It’s also just a board. You replaced the old tool due to mistakes probably made by both of you over time, intentionally or accidentally. In 1 year the new board will have similar scars, and the trivial nature of said scars will also haunt your own memories of past strife taken too seriously.
We can’t tell how OP broached the topic with their wife, so maybe they came across as condescending and accusatory, but I see nothing wrong with taking the old cutting board as the lesson learned and trying to do better at taking care of the new one.
Sounds like OP is prioritizing their relationship over the piece of kitchenware, but let them vent over it a bit! Definitely an overreaction on the wife’s part.
We have an old bamboo cutting board that my wife bought and it’s been through Hell. It also bears no known emotional or sentimental value (which we’ll get to). Now, it’s all scarred up and soaked in all the odors and stains from years of abuse and neglect. It was also too small, and I always wished it was bigger.
I received a new, XL bamboo cutting board, which was at the top of my wishlist. It was perfect! I bought a fancy oil for it and everything. Then, I tried to lay down some ground rules with the wife for proper use and care of the board to prolong its usefulness by years.
My wife took it as a personal attack that everything she does is wrong. The replacement of the old board was emotionally taken as a replacement of some part of her. Then, she cried. The matter remains unresolved and the board will eventually make its way to either the trash or a new home because it’s now associated with some level of perceived scorn. All I wanted was something nice and to keep it nice. Fuck me, right?
Seriously I kind of miss the “Internet playground” era of 10 years ago. It felt like you could easily find not just one but multiple close knit groups for ANYTHING you might enjoy. It was easy to engage with people without huge effort.
Nowadays it’s monolithic corporate groups. Soulless without the close interactions. Content is at an all time high yet simultaneously true interactions are dead. Forget about trying to find multiple groups, they all have been cannibalised into a singular Uber corpo group if it exists at all.
Where the internet was a curiousity, not yet exploited by companies and advertising, where to find new websites you had to click next on ring networks or find a website directory cause search engines werent even a thing yet, but every website you found was someones passion project and rife with the interesting and bizarre
For me it’s the early 2010 internet. Where technological advances made navigating it easy and you could with no effort find several groups chatting about topics you liked. Information was easily available yet it felt extremely personal too.
That was before everything became ultra monolithic and corporate. You’ll be lucky if you find even just one active forum for something you like and more often then not it’s been cannibalised by one of the megacorp pages like YouTube or reddit where interactions are all dull and dead, soulless posting only for menial engagement instead of making friends
Our cat got a full urinary blockage, so we’ve been at the vet dealing with that. My mom’s horse got colicky, and seems like she’s got twisted guts, so she’s been dealing with that. Dad broke his hip last week, and has developed a foot infection that he can’t deal with properly, so he’s been at the emergency clinic dealing with that. I got socks though, and I’m super jazzed about that. And donated a bunch of money to the food bank, so at least some people can eat today.
Well done for giving despite all the crap you’ve had to deal with. Sorry about all the bad luck. I am also pleased about your socks. Nice socks are far rarer than they should be.
Thanks. It’s been a hell of a year. We went from pretty financially secure in July to basically unable to pay bills in December, and we haven’t changed anything. Then the food bank put out a call that they have 5000 new visitors this year, on top of the 12000 regulars. If we’re in the shit, then everyone below us is deeper in it, and need cash more than we do. Not sure how we’re gonna pay for our little guy though, that set us back two months wages.
If your release contains a single change and something goes wrong, you’ve got a pretty good idea of where the problem is before you even start to look.
If the friction of creating a release is low (with automated tooling) and updating is (typically) automatic there’s not really a good reason to not release as often as possible in most cases.
I tend to take things very literally so I will say: it’s got a lot more hoops than that comparison. Anybody can become a writer if they have the bare minimum tools, imo. They can’t all be good writers but that hardly matters given the low risks.
To play the devils advocate, almost everywhere these days regulates chiropractors requiring licensure with an organization who themselves require degrees and comprehensive knowledge testing.
For example, Doctors of Chiropractic (admittedly a 3 to 5 year program just like most entry level Engineers) are licensed in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and many U.S. territories. They are also regulated in many other countries throughout the world. Just a random specific organization, the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners require:
The Aforementioned Degree
NBCE. Chiropractic students must pass parts I, II, III, IV, and physiotherapy of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) exam to be eligible to apply for a state license.
A full criminal background check with fingerprinting
CCLE. The California Chiropractic Law Examination (CCLE) is administered through computerized testing on a continuous basis. Once the board determines the applicant is qualified to take the CCLE, the applicant will be notified by letter.
As well as a bunch of associated fees and insurance requirements.
So, no, it’s not as easy as publishing comments on Lemmy.
Do I think there should be non-medical doctors twisting people’s necks and giving X-Rays? No, I goddamn don’t, but we can say that without bullshitting.
That probably should have been more obvious to me then it was. I’m really sick and taking lots of cold medicine. Should probably stop commenting on anything for a while.
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