None. I have self-respect. For example. My own MAGA worshipping Trump-humping father demanded that I apologize for telling him that America sucks (in regards to healthcare). I was told to either apologize or to never talk again.
Smart Home: Everything Smart Home, The Hook Up, Smart Home Solver, Paul Hibbert, Reed’s Smart Home, NotEnoughTech
Popular science: Veritasium, Kurzgesagt, Smarter Every Day, Hank Green
Science: Cleo Abram, Physics Girl, Nile Red/Blue, Computerphile, NumberPhile, Minutephysics, The SciShow, PeriodicVideos, Sixty Symbols, Scott Manley, The Action Lab, 3blue1brown, Kyle Hill, Steve Mould, Fermilab, PBS Space Time
Not really commenting beyond the fact that you have a separate category for Russia/Ukraine and have lazerpig on it? I think he did like three maybe four videos on it. Max. And you didn’t even mention Perun…
It’s funny because I read through that other thread about creators going downhill and (while I don’t know most in either thread) you mention a couple of them here.
Interesting, I just checked it out, and it seemed people really idealize “the good old days” plus they go absolutely crazy the second a youtuber wants to earn some money doing what they do.
Here’s what I think of the individual channels that I saw mentioned:
LTT had a big controversy after the Gamers Nexus video and it looks like they corrected. MKBHD was never super deep, he does reviews after a week or two of using a phone. You never get a full picture with just one review, if you are interested in spending your money watch a few, otherwise it’s just entertainment. I like LTTs server/Linus’ home series and MKBHD for the visuals.
Mark Rober had a few bad videos a year ago and now has a product that he sells, that fits perfectly with his theme “learning engineering by building stuff”. But his videos were never always perfect, people just remember the good ones.
The Primeagen reacting to stuff is the very reason I watch him (actually mostly listen while doing other stuff). He reads articles about programming/It stuff and comments about them. Yeah, sometimes he’s not an expert on the topic, but it’s still informative and very often he admits it from the beginning.
The lock picking lawyer picks locks. I don’t know what people expect him to do, there’s only so much variety. The 100th video about picking locks is not going to be so thrilling as the first one you watched… And again, him trying to monetize by creating products related to his hobby and selling them doesn’t seem like a capital sin to me.
Edit, because I forgot about Veritasium and Kurzgesagt: I completely disagree. Veritasium has gotten better with time and the last year has been awesome. The “Epic Math Duel” (somewhat older than a year, but the channel is 10 years old, so relatively recent), “Franz Haber” or “Sawing Machines” are excellent videos. Kurzgesagt is completely transparent about their funding and cite all sources, if some people feel a video about using stars as fuel for intergalactic travel or about Dyson spheres is “capitalist propaganda”, that is their right to an opinion I guess. If anything I would criticize for being a bit “too dreamy/science fiction”, but the visuals are great and it’s a great watch nonetheless.
Yea that’s gone and they admitted to fault and reimbursed them to the best of their abilities. Sometimes in life you fuck up and you just gotta own up to it and that there’s no fixing it.
As a consequence, they’ll most likely never work together again and LTT knows they lost a company. It also hurts LTTs reputation in the long run too.
I think they corrected, they don’t upload strictly one video per day anymore. I’m hope the working conditions / stress for the staff improved. They content produced is still pretty entertaining.
For factual info about a purchase I would trust GamersNexus, tho. And their content about cars sucks, Alex is a terrible car reviewer.
Perhaps, but like I just said in a precious comment, they “sold” a company’s best prototype and I don’t think that company ever got it back. I was a long term fan and sub of the LMG team, but after this whole kerfuffle, I unsubbed from them and I don’t regret it.
So, people can’t walk around their own apartment? If I pay rent, I expect to be able to walk around my apartment as much as I want, even wearing shoes, this is not unreasonable. This is a building code problem, not your neighbors being assholes.
There’s a huge difference between walking in one’s own apartment and throwing raging parties and stuff like that.
My roommate stomps around like he’s a 600lb land whale. He’s like 140lb. I’m a bigger dude and sometimes people don’t even hear me coming. Be considerate and walk like a normal person
Maybe it’s a bigger person thing to be so cognizant of our walking noise. But I deliberately walk a bit different around my apartment to make less noise and be courteous to my neighbors below.
I always wondered how shit like this worked. My mom’s uostairs neighbors are of normal size, but they stomp around like they each weigh 600 lbs. I don’t get it.
Old European apartments with wooden floors that amplify sound like a fine tuned violin disagree :-)
To OP : talk to your neighbours. We had one old lady who wore her (lady shoes with a little heel) shoes inside and made a racket, she wouldn’t have known if we hadn’t asked. Now the nice lady wears slippers :-)
It really isn’t hard to be considerate of your neighbors. Sure, you have the right to stomp around your house. There is a lot of asshole behavior that is within your rights.
It’s fuckin annoying. The whole time I thought I was Gen X up until a decade ago. Then all of sudden other people are telling me I’m this bullshit.
For fucks sake, I remember using rotary phones and fucking with TV antennas to get better reception. I remember when no one had cell phones or the Internet. If you didn’t know an answer to something, you just made your peace with that.
The annoying thing I’m discovering is people insisting that millennials were all children in the early 2000’s, when, if millennials start with 1980 as I’ve been told (and it does seem to keep changing), a lot of millennials were adults before the 2000’s even started.
I use the MTV demarcation line. If you were born before MTV came on the air (1982) then you’re GenX. But the whole Xenial thing is also legit.
PS the hidden secret to knowing anything before the internet was librarians. If it was really obscure the NY public library would take calls from all over the country.
No GPS, no map Quest, no internet on cell-phone. You just got lost in the smokey mountains for hours, about to run out of gas, hoping there was an open gas station at the next exit. Just raw-dogging those road-trips for the most part
Man, those were interesting times. It’s funny, elsewhere in these comments I remarked about a question people didn’t ask back in the day. “Where are you?” was hardly ever asked because of landlines.
Your response reminded me of an inverse question, one that’s rarely asked nowadays.
Indeed, they were always perfectly acceptable. I was just commenting how you usually knew the location of the person you called because you knew to call that locations landline. You still wouldn’t know receiving calls off the bat, at least until caller ID.
The best gift ever is that my family all agreed not to buy unneeded things for each other. The gift of not stressing, not having to go shopping, and not spending money just keeps on giving.
We have a secret santa where the rule is the gift has to be unneeded. We are all adults with jobs who can buy ourselves things we need. The best gifts are things people want but wouldn’t buy for themselves. If it’s not frivolous, it’s something they probably will get themselves.
These two meals kept me more or less healthy as a student, even through “omg I have 10 eur to last me 2 weeks”.
Lentils and rice form complete proteins when eaten together. Lentils are a staple, and very cheap. They should be bought dry. Look for Indian recipes for daal for inspiration, or just cook with some broth and fry up some garlic and onion to throw in at the end.
Fill up a casserole with potatoes to boil, but leave some room on top, use a lid and don’t fill up water so it completely covers your taters. Mackerel wrapped in aluminium foil with some aromatics inside like bay leaves, lemon slices if you’re not a fan of fish. Place the fish on top of the potatoes when there’s 25 min left on them. This dish also consumes very little electricity, but most importantly it will provide you with plenty of omega 3, vitamin d and all macros you need. Super important for those who live places where you get little sunshine through the winter months!
Because it’s not “real” work. You gotta get paid up front and put a limit on changes. You’re either good, or you’re not. Let the market sort it out, but don’t work for free.
The best thing you can do is bill by the hour, give a quote and get half of your quote up front. It works for pretty much anywhere customers suddenly disappear after the job is started.
I was the service manager at an Apple Authorized Service Provider and some rich fuckwit brought in his top-end MacBook Pro he bought a few weeks earlier that he’d spilled water all over. It was completely unresponsive and all the water indicator stickers were flagging, so he’d have to pay a large fee and he opted to just buy a new one. I had him sign a release form, I removed all the water indicator stickers, disassembled and carefully cleaned the entire thing and put it back together. Sent it in to Apple for a warranty replacement and they replaced the entire unit except the display and sent it back to me good as new. That was 10 years ago and I still use the device daily for 3D modeling and rendering and it’s still an absolute beast.
I’m an Aussie and took on my first management role in 2011. In 2012 I was voted best manager of the year and my employer rewarded me with an all-expenses paid trip to America for two weeks to visit San Diego, L.A, and Las Vegas.
Then in the same job in 2017 I entered my business into a national sales competition and amongst 400-something businesses nationwide, I won it. The prize was an all-expenses paid trip for two weeks to Texas, Kentucky, and Indiana, and they sent me.
This year; new job, two weeks in, my boss tells me the company want to start sending management to the U.S for integration, so as the first employee to ever go in the company’s 40-year history I was sent all-expenses paid to New York.
Three trips to America, three completely different, blindside reasons. Six states - east, west, south and mid.
I ONE TIME bought a Camembert with the plan to bake it. I very seriously thought that something was rotting in my kitchen and actually cleaned out the fridge. When I discovered that it was the cheese, I put the whole thing into a sealed container and the kitchen STILL smelled rotten.
Don’t get me wrong, that baked Camembert was amazing. But not worth the smell lol.
The French secret for brie - leave it out before you eat it. I’m talking like a day or two. It’s bland otherwise but takes on a camembert quality as it rapidly ages
RimWorld. It’s so fun watching your colonists at work, peacefully farming, and suddenly one of them gets hit by a chunk of steel followed by a hundred bear raid.
Their health. I’ve reached the age where most of my friends have something to say about their health. It becomes a sort of one-upmanship game, where everyone has to top the person who spoke last with their afflictions. What is this, the misery olympics?
I don’t really mind, but don’t need the intimate details. People talking about it is better than having it be secret and shameful, and is something going on in the person’s life, but say what you need to and move on!
Medical topics become more and more important as we age. You never know when you might learn something helpful. “That happens to you too? And did the fix work?”
Hell, you might learn about something that doesn’t affect you, but you can pass it on. For example; Dad didn’t have hairy legsm but a guy in bootcamp showed him how to put on socks if you do. :)
ive recently gotten really into diet and fitness and i admittedly talk about my health stuff alot but not negative stuff. i just spew new stuff i read about or watched/actually applied to my life.
“wow i sleep all day. gee i just woke up and its 4pm i guess i definitely have a disorder or smth, therefore its out of my control so im not gonna do anything about it except leverage it for pity”
a lot of my friends and peers do this shit. like im the weird one for eating like i do, yet im shredded and sleeping ok while yall out here struggling and tired.
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