I’ll go for another angle, since the ‘about 40’ has been done to death.
If this is a pill that de-ages but does not de-mature you, go for it at 20. On the way to 20 you are maturing, but also aging. Who knows what mature, but with newborn level ‘age’ health might look like. Imagine the boost from a 40 year old to a 20 year old, but starting from a baseline of a 20 year old.
Sounds like a Black Mirror episode: The mind of a 20 year old in the body of a newborn. Incapable of doing all the things, that a 20 year old would think of. Many years until you are allowed again to do things, that you are actually mature enough to do.
Well, if it ‘de-matures’ then certainly would say older, at least mid 30s.
Lots of wiggle room in the question.
Some assume outright time travel, to repeat your life exactly as it were.
Then there’s the question of maturation versus just the degenerative effects of aging.
Is it just the natural break down or is it also “wear and tear”, and if “wear and tear”, does that extend to damage from disease or injury? Can you reset to before an amputation if one were needed? If that’s the case you’d want to hold on to that pill until you really start feeling things or have an injury. In school a girl was in an accident and got her leg amputated at 7 or so, so I wager for her the answer would have been certainly under 27 if it got her leg back, even if it meant dealing with a preteen body for a while.
Ya know, maybe this explains why I (mostly) don’t like movies and don’t watch many. They are what you get if you take a fairly simple prompt (a short story, say) and run it through a generative AI. I’d rather just read the story directly, skipping the AI bot or Hollywood buffoonery as the case may ne.
In that case I sell it some billionaire for a 100 million. It is quality not quantity of life. It isn’t like I am losing twenty years of life I am gaining a 100 million dollars.
I find it funny that no one else (including me) even considered selling it!
Now feel free to answer if you can’t :)
Edit: although I bet you could fetch WAY more than 100 mil for it. The oldest and richest people in the world would probably give up the majority of their fortune, especially if they were close to death. Auction it off!
Honestly? I’d crank out the fictional settings I’ve been tinkering with for a long time (one a military-political science fiction setting, the other a dark fantasy one).
Part of the problem is that I tend to think and create visually, so I don’t feel writing really captures either very well. I can picture, in my head, how I want to visually frame the most enthralling or emotional moments… but translating them to words never seems to capture it. So an AGI that could produce the media from my imagination on-demand is pretty much a dream come true.
If they can go back to their time and grab things to bring something back, I’d have them bring back (assuming they still have them) a USB portable hard drive (or something similar) that has many petabytes with of data (assuming it exists).
Ask if they wanna play games because I don’t know what else to do with a time traveler.
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