Lately I have been playing Crypt of the Necrodancer. It was quite chill until I reached zone 4. It doesn’t get me worked up or anything, but the last level of zone 4 does get me a bit tense with the speed.
In general, Deep Rock Galactic is pretty chill. If I really just want to take it easy I can pick up a mission on Hazard 3 or 4.
I’m almost 40 and the CW had the same shit back when I was a teenager with shows like Smallville. It’s crazy they’re still following the same exact formula today 20+ years later.
Repetitive meme posts can get annoying, and mods should intervene in some cases, but I’d prefer if the rules were more open. It’s hard to determine what is “low effort” and “thought-provoking”, and Lemmy is small so further limiting content isn’t that productive
I think people using this community are looking for something similar to AskReddit, and it’s totally ok if you want to be different from that since the Fediverse allows for more communities to be made.
Personally, (and you don’t need to run the community like this), I’m looking for a community for open-ended and discussion provoking questions, not necessarily thought-provoking questions. The stick one was fun and lead to fun discussion
The most fun part of the early internet was the feeling that it was the Wild West. Lawlessness and fun. Obviously, rules are needed to keep things under control, but I agree that erring on the side of having fun isn’t a bad thing. It’s more inclusive and it lets people express themselves.
One of my favorite things to see on Lemmy is people who lurked on Reddit but feel free to talk here. Being too heavy-handed with rules might discourage those people from contributing.
Both should be welcome. Especially with the current state of Lemmy (low user base), over moderation can be a real thing.
More narrowly tailored communities have narrower appeal and Q&A communities function off of their number of users.
This is one reason why on Reddit r/AskReddit (44M) has more users than r/AskMen (5.8M). And why r/AskMen has more users than r/AskMenOverThirty (458K).
I sort of agree, mainly with the lower population of Lemmy concern, albeit I’ve also seen other questions that, while not low effort necessarily, have made me wonder, “Wouldn’t this perhaps be better in a more specific community, or in a different style, like NoStupidQuestions?”
However, low population, not a moderator, so the mixed thoughts have left me refraining from asking or saying anything as I kinda think we already have an abundance of communities sparsely populated as-is and I’m not into backseat moderating. Still, the thoughts have been there and this thread’s given a nice opportunity to voice them.
I’ve also seen other questions that, while not low effort necessarily, have made me wonder, “Wouldn’t this perhaps be better in a more specific community, or in a different style, like NoStupidQuestions?”
Yea I’ve seen a few of those too. Questions that are too specific to a particular app/program or a specific personal problem. Those don’t really belong here
"How do I do X on program Y" (bad) vs. “What’s your favourite program that does Z” (good)
Wouldn't the charter not be more appropriate for a "DiscussOnLemmy" group? And leave "AskLemmy" for proper, answerable questions? That mistake was made on reddit before.
A little cat iron puck was introduced in an Asian region with high iron-deficiecy in the poorer population, but nobody used it. So they did some research and changed it to resemble a fish instead and it took right off. Turns out the local culture considered fish lucky or something.
I actually teach my students about this strategy that the WHO employee in Micronesia in my sport nutrition class. It’s less about the iron fish, and more about that dietary iron can come from cast iron cooking sources instead of supplementation (as the latter often causes digestive distress).
I wonder if foundation would qualify? If you were a fan of the books and expecting something remotely similar you’d be wildly disappointed. But the visuals in the show are really good and one of the storylines (Not even remotely found in the book) is really entertaining with one of the actors (Lee Pace) putting on an absolute clinic.
I remember reading that the creators were not interested in playing the games at all, but I kind of get the feeling that they had pure distain for the source material and were actively trying to ruin it as much as possible. How many god damn times did Master chief get hit in the head after taking off his helmet in tactical situations?
I enjoyed the show also, but it’s sort of like a fan fiction set in the first couple chapters of the book? The book quickly moves from generation to generation, crisis to crisis and leaves empire and these characters far behind
I play high intensity first person shooters, mostly Battlefield, to unwind.
The faster paced the better because it allows me to escape.
It used to be I’d get so worked up over competitive games. I had to be doing PvE to relax. Not so any more.
Weirdly, this happened after I had a completely horrible medical experience that left me with permanent (figurative) scars on my nervous system. Like, I still have stress problems four years after the event.
But at that moment, suddenly competitive games became refreshing to me.
cyberpunk is actually great for that. Sometimes if I don’t wanna do anything in particular I’ll just… fight the police, lol. Or just randomly do some open world stuff, like drive around the badlands. Then if I’m feeling like doing something more “meaningful” I’ll jump into an actual story quest
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