Only debt we have a mortgage we owe 226k on. Cars are owned outright and were paid off early. Student loans we paid off early. We generally live below our means. CC’s are used for general purchasing and paid off in full each month. They are basically a stop-gap for fraud protection.
None? A lot? The concept of debt is confusing to me because there’s a moral way to look at it and a legal way. Have I ever asked for a loan or favor I later didn’t pay for? No, I owe nobody anything. But legally, you have economic principles, like unnecessary medical expenses or ones which you didn’t know an action of your were accumulate, which are only debts in the sense that the law says so. I owe medical providers something like a few thousand dollars (which my legally recognized debt can be rounded down to) for things like this and this, and an online course I take decided to say I owe them without telling me, though they haven’t dropped me (yet).
I tried to order “freedom fries” at a burger restaurant once. My mom looked at me like she didn’t know me. It was a tough afternoon for 13-year-old me. My face is heating up just remembering.
Always reminded me of the Battle of the Frogs. Talk as much shit about French military success, but one night a bunch of actual croaking frogs sent the residents of an entire New England town screaming into the night because of the mere thought that French soldiers were approaching as they slept. The cunning and brutality of French soldiers was practically mythical.
I don’t know they were fighting about Canada or something. /s
If someone offered you a loan right now at 1% interest, you could take it, put it in a savings account, and get 4% interest. For a net gain of 3% on whatever the loan amount is. That’s the most basic example of good debt.
Investment mortgage debt is good if it contributes to tax deductible claims. Owner-occupied debt is good if it’s managed properly. Both are good because you own an appreciating asset.
Credit card debt is good if you don’t hit payable interest, leaving your money to work for you in other ways.
Commodity debt is good if the market swings in your favour.
Business debt is good if it results in surplus revenue generated.
Education debt is good if it’s contributing to future and higher employment gains.
Basically all debt is good if it’s managed properly and results in a net gain somewhere.
…you’re claiming that because some debt is good and some debt is bad, all debt is bad? Your first statement quite literally negates your second statement.
Debt free, own two paid off cars old enough to be cheap but new enough that the maintenance isn’t too bad, and also they get good milage. We don’t own a truck or an SUV. We rent, cook at home 90% of the time, and we’re only just making it.
Honestly at that point it might be worth mortgaging the home all over again just to get rid of that debt. Even at that admirable pace and taking today’s higher mortgage interest rates you’d probably end up saving $2000
Bad, as a % of annual gross pay is about 25% of one year’s pay. Mostly the deficit accrued from when my ex was not working. It’s smaller than it was, but not by much. But moving in the right direction at least.
Plus mortgage on the house and a separate loan for the roof we had put on when we bought it.
Don’t skip your post surgery PT. Your PT sessions have a huge impact on the outcome and can mean the difference between full recovery or being a gimp for life.
Eat lots of protein while you’re healing. Your body needs protein to repair the damage caused by the accident and the surgery, without it you will be so devoid of energy, you’ll wonder if you’re dying after simple tasks like tying your shoes.
Don’t lose heart, recovery can be long, but it does get better.
I have pets that depend on me, so I gotta take care of myself so I can care for them. PT is essential. I’m actually having a physical therapy consult today or tomorrow to figure out what mobility devices will work best for me when I go home. I can’t have surgery until the severe swelling goes down in my leg. I’m looking at getting the operation early next week.
I’ve been given protein-rich hospital food and it has been so refreshing.
The knee scooters worked the best for me until I was strong enough and the pain had subsided enough for crutches. They’re not great in small rooms though.
Good luck to you!
Edit: you can often find those scooters at the thrift store or on Craigslist. Of course that won’t work if it’s your femur that is broken.
I can’t use a scooter right now because I have a fracture just below my knee. I have no idea what I’m going to get in regards of mobility aids pbecause I can’t move the entirety of my right leg on my own. My thigh and hip and groin muscles are working overtime right now (presumably to compensate for my lower leg being broke af?) and it has me pretty much crippled.
If I’m ever cleared to use a scooter, my mom has one from when she had foot surgery.
Yeah you’ll end up with some muscle imbalance. I couldn’t walk for about 3 months after shattering my ankle and when they finally took the cast off, my leg was super atrophied and one of my shoulders was all fucked up from 3 months of having to compensate for half my lower body not working. The good news is all that shit is temporary, as long as you do your PT, and then focus on fitness after you’ve recovered enough. Ask the physical therapist, or the surgeon what mobility aids to use, they’ll know. Also make sure to get the handicapped placard, you’ll need it for awhile.
I’m getting a PT consult for mobility aids to use tomorrow. I will hopefully be going home until the swelling in my leg goes down. I can’t have surgery until it isn’t as swollen as it is. I expect to be in PT for a long time just because of the extent of my injuries and the fact I’ll be getting hardware installed. Hopefully this whole thing can help me work out my upper body a lot until I can walk on my own again. I’ve already been using my arms so much to help me get comfy on my hospital bed. I can’t move my whole right leg on my own, so I have to use my arms to shift my whole body around. The medical staff were moving my bad leg for me, but it caused excruciating pain, so I’m trying to do as much on my own without injuring myself more.
Also, my bad leg is my driving leg. I won’t be driving for a while :(
Ouch! Sounds familiar, since I went through much of the same. Hang in there! If they don’t give you pain meds before you leave, ask for them! I didn’t ask for any and so they didn’t give me any. I wasn’t able to get any for another 36 hours of excruciating pain.
It really depends. Autographs can seem very tangible, but photos are a better option IMHO, because I can show them off as “See, I was there, I didn’t buy this off eBay,” or something. But it really depends on what you want. IMHO? Neither appeal to me. Now, it may be because I used to run these things, and have met celebrities on and off the show floor. I see them as people in a weird profession, and feel a little… skeevy? Like I don’t name drop until it’s vital to the story, because I feel like I am using them. I have friends among these ranks to this day, and sometimes we hang out and shoot the shit, because they know I won’t ask them for anything. And they know I won’t spread gossip. Now, some people have wanted to take photos with ME, as “omg, that’s the president of Katsucon Entertainment” when I was that, but it was rare. I think celebs did it more than my attendees. Maybe as a scrapbook thing for them. So there are photos out there with some of the Power Rangers, for example, that I don’t have a copy of, but one of the actors has in his or her personal collection.
Embarrassment: I am in some of these people’s photo albums, and I don’t know who the fuck they were. Just a selfie in the green room. Because when I am at the con, I am working, not schmoozing. So the photos are probably pretty bad: just sweaty old me with a confused “uh, okay” stare in the photo.
I know with Stan Lee, and I name drop him because of the controversy of people taking advantage of him in his later years, I saw him at a Comic Con, practically being dragged to imbalance by a staff that was churning through attendees like an assembly line. This was about 4 years before his passing. He looked so old, tired, and frail. I was not working that con, I was working my table, but I just… felt so bad for him. And they were so strict about the rules. They actually walled him of with pipe and drape over 6 feet high so people couldn’t snap a pic of him while in line. You got something like 15 seconds with him, he was allowed to sign one thing, one snapshot, and answer one question. Then ZAP you were ushered out of the area. I recall it was something $210 for those 15 seconds.
One guest I worked with said the Marvel booth was terrible about how long she could spend with attendees. That’s why she often had her own table, to sit and chat with her fans. And some celebrities, like Mark Hamill or Patrick Stewart, are fucking pros at this. I never worked with them, but I have seen Mark, sleep deprived and exhausted, be as kind to the first person in line as the last. I feel like despite it all, he’s GRATEFUL of the opportunity. I can’t imagine the crazy either of them has to put up with. I saw a video where Patrick hugged an abuse survivor, and while that is amazing and kind, I bet con security just cringed in anticipation.
So whatever you pick, I guess my point is, be kind to them. They work hard, and they put up with a lot. It’s such a weird and surreal experience for a human to endure as a job.
No debt since we’re only now looking for houses (yes yes, great timing, I know…) and I frankly wouldn’t know what else I would need to spend so much money on that I would have to go into debt.
My ex was a chill stoner who got radicalized on the internet and became an abusive alcoholic raging racist, then got sober but is still an angry right wing asshole.
I was selfish/self-centered as fuck as a teenager and gained patience and perspective over time, I think most people do change in that way, become more aware of others, nicer. Not everyone, obviously. But most.
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