I don’t know why people are so insistent it’s not a job rather than arguing that it’s a bad job, etc. Small landlords almost certainly put a lot of time into maintaining the property, handling occupancy, reporting income, etc. How is it any less a job than renting out bouncy houses. Sure some landlords might outsource all this, in which case it’s more akin to holding interest bearing assets, but for a small landlord it almost certainly is a job under any definition of the word.
Is a job a job only if it takes a certain amount of hours a week? dumb comment tbh
But to answer the question my friend who owns 2 properties spends probably anywhere from 10-30 hours a week. He mows the grass, takes trash to the dump, makes repairs himself, etc.
If a landlord is providing services like mowing the lawn and taking rubbish out etc, you can damn well guarantee that they’re charging extra for those services.
You honestly believe a landlord spends 15 hours per week maintaining a property? At that point, you’d be exceeding by far your tenants right to a reasonable expectation of privacy, so are you really that gullible or are you just on some really good shit? You’ve clearly never rented a property yourself.
He does not charge extra for those services. Idk what you are on about, I know for a fact maintaining his property takes a decent amount of work. I don’t respect some internet nobody telling me that isn’t true lol. 15 hours is not that much time.
I dunno. There’s an inclusion officer at my kids school who’s sole role is to make sure kids get the help that they need to not get left behind academically. They don’t have “Diversity” in their title, so it may not be demographic driven which I’m guessing is the distinction.
Very controversial statement but really couldn’t be more true. Of course there might be exceptions but most of the time it’s a cushy job where you are paid exorbitant amounts to do practically nothing of value.
This is an interesting one that I hadn’t thought of before. I think the same could probably be said for any sort of corporate job where you’re coming up with stupid corporate nonsense speak. Like whoever’s job it is that’s seems to come.up with a million pointless acronyms for a company that they share with new employees at orientation for some reason.
Diversity and etc. is no doubt important, but should be strived for as a group.
Oh yes, i saw the uh, that one uh, …erotic… film they shot on the fishing boat! That certainly was an …interesting choice of bait. And a highly unusual catch as well 😳
Like £25k for a photography degree from 15 years ago. I moved to the US and paid bits of it back (it’s means tested so you just tell them what you earn and they base it on that). I’ve been ignoring their letters because idk, I don’t really want to pay it back? I remember the mandatory classes where we applied for ucas, so I feel like it’s on them for shoving 18 year olds through the loan system for profit.
We have only recently (in terms of the length of history) entered an era where we can produce weapons capable of eliminating our own entire species. Wouldn’t it be weird if we weren’t thinking about that?
The problem with “what to buy to get started” is that that question is tantalizingly juicy to advertisers. Therefore, when a place is found it is usually captured by low quality high dollar cost advertisers (like reddit or amazon or essentially all the other sites that carry and recommend hobbiest products).
I think your best bet is to get to know a few people who actually are doing the hobby (not a advertising influencer) and see the cost points for real hobbiests.
I’m sorry human nature? As in humans’ tendency to stop existing? To all just die out and not proliferate everywhere and master new levels of reality at an accelerating rate?
What about human nature indicates a lack of survival?
Historically, we’ve always been pretty awful to each other. A lot of our cutting edge science has revolved around ways to hurt and kill each other since the first human realised it was easier to kill the person pissing him off with a rock than their hands.
In the last 100 years or so however, those weapons have become powerful enough to end us as a species and I think you’d be hard pressed to find a type of weaponry that, once invented, hasn’t been used and I’m not sure we’ve evolved enough empathy to prioritise not killing all of us over not killing the country/group who are currently annoying us.
It’s pretty understandable therefore to have a realistic fear that there’s a very good chance we’ll bring about our own end.
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