It has most of the nutritional value it had before it was canned but some vitamins degrade pretty rapidly.
One of the factors in food preservation and nutrition is the stability of different vitamins. Specifically, there are water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.
Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. They are less stable and more affected by processing and include folate, thiamine, and vitamin C. Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in fat. They’re more stable and include water, vitamin A, D, E, and K. Fat-soluble vitamins are less effected by cooking and preserving.
Basically it depends on what the food is and how it is preserved
If I’m honest with you though there is no harm in eating canned food and no such thing as “empty calories” all of your daily nutrients are important and you should get them but not meeting you daily quota isn’t such a huge deal as long as it isn’t especially consistent. Calories are your fuel but you can think of vitamins and micro nutrients as your oil that keeps things running smoothly.
If your diet is primarily canned goods I would recommend taking a multivitamin or altering your diet to include fresh produce containing those water soluble vitamins.
I would argue that anything with more carbs, sugar, etc than fat and protein is by definition empty calories and in the case of soda and juice (yes even fruit juice) it’s even worse because of the complete lack of nutrients and what sugar does to your insulin response, hunger response, etc.
You can and people do make breads that are heavier and packed with more nutrients. I don’t remember the specifics but simply letting dough rise for longer than you usually would does add some nutrients but it’s still not outweighed by the negative effects of a carb heavy diet.
Picture 18 y/o me in the 90’s with my new Marin Bear Valley SE and trick wellgo clipless pedals. No YouTube at the time, so had to figure stuff out intuitively… so I started to practice doing wheelies (while clipped in), and before you know it, I overshoot it a bit and my inexperience getting loose from the pedals had me land hard on my back.
Now doing tricks with the bike is second nature, but it did take some bruises. Just remember to cover the rear brake ;)
Elevated blood pressure is a common alcohol withdrawal symptom, but it looks like 9 days may be a long time for this symptom to last. As you’ve already seen from others, talking to a dr is probably a good idea at this point (if you have the means to do so).
The decision to let anyone in is typically a move a country makes because it’s going through population decline. Think Iceland, South Africa, Sicily, Pitcairn… the last of these would be the most rewarding.
Very seldomly does a good country just let anyone in, not just because it doesn’t want to be so generous but also because it doesn’t want to be exploited by people who realize that a good country is letting anyone pass.
Just wanted to mention that Piped has SponsorBlock and DeArrow built in. It’s also better for your privacy since you don’t connect to Google servers directly.
Just wanted to mention that Piped has SponsorBlock and DeArrow built in. It’s also better for your privacy since you don’t connect to Google servers directly.
I use nextcloud news for rss feeds, and ground news for regular summaries and breaking news, as if I’m important enough to need to know everything right away.
Besides the fear of death that many mentioned already, its also a need to find an answer to how the world works and the need to find purpose in life.
Without these we suffer: Without understanding our environment, we feel our circumstances are out of our control and become anxious. Without purpose we become depressed (there is an excellent book called “from death camp to existentialism” about this subject).
Our brains are asking us for an urgent answer and the best quick answer most people can come with is religion. This is why it exists in every culture in history.
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