If you’re replying to a community on your home server, all actions should be similar levels of responsiveness, I think replying to another servers community may involve “some” active communication with the instance? Simple way to test this, if you are replying a lot on to another servers community, since you are browsing anyway, would be to just open the server/community directly and click around, if it’s feels a bit slow, then that server is overloaded by a bit and that’s probably the source of your issue. Otherwise we need someone with deeper knowledge in this thread.
Everything you do on your own instance is against a cached version of the original post that is saved on your instance. Your instance sends updates in the background, the other instance can be entirely down and you can still browse, comment, and vote as normal on your own. The updates will just stay local though.
I stayed at a community college instead of going to the shit 4 year universities that accepted me. Saved me time and gave me more opportunities to grow and meet new friends
My old factory job was a 24h operation. Going 5-5 makes more sense than going 8-8 because managers that want to talk to both teams would rather stay until 6 than come in at 7.
Not necessarily making them easier, but making it so that one shift worth of management and office/engineering staff can effectively support 2 manufacturing shifts.
The managers could come in at 5, but then they only have a couple hours at best to interface with 2nd shift
8-8 also makes doing anything outside of work nearly impossible on work days. You can generally find doctors, dentists, mechanics, etc. Open after 5, but finding them open before 8 is generally harder.
Often factories want to get the maximum use out of their equipment since it’s very expensive and only lasts some finite number of years. Many factories run 24 hours a day in rotating shifts to minimize the downtime of their machinery.
I used to work EMS 12 hour shifts 6-6. At one point management decided to stagger base start times. Some 6-6, others 7-7 & 8-8. So when someone flips their car and flies out at 5:45 they don’t have to wait for all the available service to finish their shift change, when the 8-8 team has 2 hours left they can get to the patient and back to base without extending their duty day too far.
Many of the workers who went 8-8 hated it. They complained nonstop about how it ruined their whole day since day shift they are headed out the door before the fam eats breakfast and get home after dinner. Same for night shift, rush through dinner or miss dinner and breakfast with the family.
Personally I enjoyed the 7-7/8-8 shifts more but enough people bitched enough they changed all but 1 base back to 6-6.
Huh. So it seems to me that when the job requires 12 hour shifts, the employees require at least one meal with their family, and the most common solution is to start early enough to let the employees make it home for dinner.
Yeah, not sure if I answered your question in regards to what you were thinking about but this specific scenario the 6am start time worked better for many of those with families.
It’s like that for the most medical communities. Some nurses and docs spend a full week at the hospital. We were an air ambulance so the FAA limited us to 12 hour shifts but many ambulance, fire fighters etc. are 24-72 hour shifts.
In my opinion, it’s the other way around. The busses run at 4 because thats when they’re in demand, and they’re in demand because of the time the factory expects the workers to show up.
I know most people here knock the always on display, but my Samsung has the option to only show if I tap the screen or a notification comes through. I also use the option that blinks a certain color light around the perimeter of the screen and/or the in screen camera so it effectively simulates that old led.
My uninformed guess would be related to shipping and business hours. If they ship to businesses, then they gotta be up and running before their customers, right? I guess it depends on the industry but maybe the common practice where it is needed can carry over to where it’s optional.
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