First, determine the state of the planet 50 years from now. This will largely dictate my next set of questions.
Is the earth on fire? Is there rampant suffering? What was the biggest catastrophe to mankind in that time?
Did humanity actually do something to help the earth? Once I learn this, I can invest in that thing to simultaneously push that technology forward and benefit from it myself.
Is any single person held responsible for bad things that have happened? Unlikely, but if so, I would work on assassinating that person.
You’re absolutely correct that “(anything)phobic” is not an appropriate term for bigotry. Being phobic is as much a choice people make as being gay is, and of all the various groups, classes, etc. the gay community ought to understand.
The issue you’ll run into is common sense, and it’s lack of being common ;). Good luck trying to get people to understand, accept, acknowledge, etc.
Anything over $100k is plenty to live, travel, and invest with if you don’t plan on having kids. There’s a point where it’s time and experiences that are more valuable than the money, so I’d prefer fewer working hours or more engaging work than simply just salary increases. I’m certainly happy to receive bonuses and raises, but as an engineer who has never made under $100k/yr the money doesn’t change anything about the way I live and enjoy life (note that I don’t have expensive tastes and carefully watch for lifestyle creep).
There’s a point where it’s time and experiences that are more valuable than the money
I think what you mean is there’s a point where free time and experiences are more valuable than food and shelter.
Money isn’t balancing against these things. Money is the thing the brings you things of value. It’s not Money vs Y. It’s money spent on X vs money spent on Y.
fuckerism — prejudice against people on the basis of who they fuck (or would like to fuck).
In general, morphology doesn’t dictate meaning; the fact that “homophobia” and “arachnophobia” are similarly constructed words doesn’t mean they have to have analogous meanings.
Pornography is not played on a pornograph turntable.
Racism is not the same sort of thing as communism, cubism, masochism, autism, or Buddhism. The fact that those words all end in “-ism” doesn’t mean they are close analogies to one another. The words “sexism”, “ageism” and “ableism”, though, were coined as deliberate analogies to “racism”.
We also have a related concept of gender binarism (or in some uses, genderism (such as here, here) (though genderism can also apparently mean the opposite thing, to negatively describe gender-non-binarism(?), or what is referred to as “gender ideology” by people with “anti-gender” prejudice)) to describe specifically discrimination of “gender nonconfirming” (or non-binary-gendered) individuals (rather than transphobia or LGBTphobia for the same lexical confusion theoretically). Anti-genderism also makes sense as a term for this, I suppose. Anti-LGBTism ([Anti-LGBT rhetoric](Anti-LGBTism [ could also work as a term for discrimination against LGBT people in general (horrific paper).
I also found a term, HOCD, which can mean excessive fear of becoming or being homosexual, though it can also literally means a form of OCD relating to homosexuality, but it’s the closest thing to “fear of homosexuality” (“FOHO”?) that I found, albeit a form that only applies to a fear around one’s own possible homosexuality rather than a fear of homosexuality in general regardless of one’s own sexuality.
which I’m guessing you coined since I can’t easily find mentions of it online
Yes, that was an attempt at humor. My point was that we don’t need a word fitting a specific morphology in order to talk about a topic. And when we need to be so specific as to refer to “prejudice on the basis of sexual or romantic orientation” or “violent hostility towards people perceived as gender nonconformists” we can spell those things out.
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